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Links I like ...
... in no particular order - Last changed 26Mar97.
Herbal medicine, mostly
- Michael Moore's homepage (with lots of goodies): http://chili.rt66.com/hrbmoore/HOMEPAGE/HomePage.html
- Howie Brounstein's homepage (still more goodies): http://www.teleport.com/~howieb/howie.html
- Michael Tierra's site (yet more goodies): http://www.planetherbs.com/-
address 21Mar97
- Jonathan Treasure's Herbal Bookworm site: http://www.teleport.com/~jonno/
- good in-depth reviews of recent books on herbal medicine, a list of good
books, a list of stinkers, as a whole it's a nice setup, with Reality Check
and all
- Herbal Hall, the one and only: lots of goodies: http://www.herb.com/herbal.htm; I like
the 'Beginners' page, a lot ;)
- Go see what the American Herbalists Guild is doing, at http://www.healthy.com/herbalists/
- Check the Rocky Mountain Herbal Institute -pages (focused on chinese
herbs): http://www.ronan.net:80/~rmhi/index.html
- Or try the Plant Tracker, with it's big plant database: http://www.axis-net.com/pfaf/index.htm
- the original is available in the UK under http://www.scs.leeds.ac.uk/pfaf/index.html
- Ed Greenwood has scanned + OCR:d + HTML:d the full Modern Herbal, by
Maude Grieve. Good Stuff: http://www.botanical.com/botanical/mgmh/mgmh.html
- The Healthy.net site is back, too, with its nifty search engine yielding
articles by David Hoffmann and Christopher Hobbs, among others: http://www.healthy.net/Architext/AT-Completequery.html
- The MediHerb homepage: http://www.peg.apc.org/~mediherb/
(you don't know MediHerb? If you are a practitioner you should
go have a look, and then ask for more information at the address provided.
It's -the- quality text provider in Australia, and, I hear, also -the-
quality herb provider in Australia - but only to practitioners.)
- The Hoptechno site, with info on David Hoffmann's CD-Rom: http://www.hoptechno.com
- The Thorne Research Abstracts page: http://www.thorne.com/thorne_abstracts.html
- The Acupuncture homepage - Good Stuff: http://www.Acupuncture.com/
, also featuring a Real Gem: http://www.Acupuncture.com/Herbology/Fairy.htm
- go have a look
- Tony Torkelson's nice ethnobotany page: http://Walden.MO.NET:80/~tonytork/
- Cyberbotanica, a site with some plant chemistry: http://biotech.chem.indiana.edu/botany/
- A nicely done history of Western Biomedicine: http://www.mic.ki.se/West.html
- A site with free Medline access: http://www.healthgate.com/HealthGate/MEDLINE/search.shtml
- And then there's Medscape, which gives free Medline access and more:
- The Merck Manual, 16th edition, is online at: http://www.merck.com/pubs/mmanual/html/sectoc.htm
- Check the classy Rainforest site: http://rain-tree.com/index.html
- Eine deutsche Seite: http://members.aol.com/feenreich/herbs/index.html
(Tehehe - aol in Germany? What a joke. Let's see how long it takes before
America reaches Finland. I knew the yanks have a problem with expanding
their borders, but this is getting out of hand.)
Herbal link collections
Botanical things
Culinary and gardening stuff, mostly
Not plants at all, but still fun
- Check what Helsinki looks like today (or 10 minutes ago) (if you're
real lucky you get to be the one fiddling the controls) (I live
in the part called Meilahti): http://www.zorro.org/scripts/camera.dll
- Want to save your favorite newsgroup? Here's a neat way to do
it; anyone want to set it up for alt.folklore.herbs?: http://www.boutell.com/boutell/usenet.html
- Ever been to the Oregon Country Fair? If you haven't, you should.
If you have, here's some pics to help you remember the feeling: http://www.efn.org/~ocf/
- thanks for taking me there, Howie.
- A really nice way to show what a proper winter should be like: http://icecube.acf-lab.alaska.edu/~fxjac/winter.htm
(could be Finland... but it's Fairbanks, Alaska)
- A page with links to a great many excerpts from Ambrose Bierce's devil's
dictionary (wiiide grin - now when will I have time to read them all?):
- this page is the 'Forked Tongue' but there's links to the 4 different
devil's dictionary files available on this site (they're all big), as well
as the file on Musical Instruments (this is smaller).
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Herbal Homepage - email any comments to HeK@hetta.pp.fi