Subject: permaculture
List archive
- From: "Lawrence F. London, Jr." <>
- To:
- Subject: Online Resources for Sustainability Domain
- Date: Wed, 26 Feb 1997 10:03:13 -0500
Lawrence F. London, Jr.
Title: Online Resources for Sustainability Domain

- Online Resources
- Review of A Guide to Agriculture on the Internet
- Review of Walden, and on the Duty of Civil Disobedience - both are available on the internet.
- Recycling Exhibit put together by Northwestern University
- Environmental Recycling Hotline - enter you zipcode to get information about local recyling programs
- Resource Renewal Institute
- The Yellow Mountain Institute for Sustainable Living facilitates the widespread introduction of building techniques that will increase the supply of affordable, energy-efficient housing regionally and throughout the country.
- LinkageS is provided by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), publishers of the Earth Negotiations Bulletin. It is designed to be an electronic clearing-house for information on past and upcoming international meetings related to environment and development.
- Communications for a Sustainable Future - a collection of mailing lists on sustainability issues
- Greenpeace
- SEAC - the Student Environmental Action Coalition maintains a number of mailing lists
- Wilderness Society fact sheets
- League of Conservation Voters
- Ecotrust is a private, nonprofit organization established in 1991 to promote conservation-based development, beginning in the temperate rain forests of North America.
- Yahoo list of environmental organizations
- Killing Our Own: The Disaster of America's Experience with Atomic Radiation, 1945-1982 by Norman Solomon and Harvey Wasserman - this is a very large file
- Tibetan Studies: The WWW Virtual Library a comprehensive listing of academic resources on Tibet.
- The Milarepa Fund informs the public about Tibetan civilization and what they can do politically.
- Virtual Garden resources from Time Life books, Southern Living, Sunset and info on Botanical Garders.
- Online Resources for Sustainability Domain, Lawrence F. London, Jr., 02/26/1997
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