by City Farmer
Canada's Office of Urban Agriculture
Established 1978 Vancouver, BC, Canada
Prepared by Michael Levenston, Executive Director
(C) Copyright City Farmer 1994-1996
On-line on the World Wide Web since October
15, 1994
Welcome to City Farmer's home on the World Wide Web. After 19 years
digging in the fields of Urban Agriculture, we want to share with you
what we have learned. The Web makes it possible for us to reach a much
larger audience than we were reaching before the arrival of on-line
Our non-profit society promotes urban food production and environmental
conservation from a small office in downtown Vancouver, British Columbia
and from our demonstration food garden in nearby Kitsilano, a
residential neighbourhood. Urban Agriculture is a new and growing
field that is not completely defined yet even by those closest to it. It
concerns itself with all manner of subjects from rooftop gardens, to
composting toilets, to air pollution and community development. It
encompasses mental and physical health, entertainment, building codes,
rats, fruit trees, herbs, recipes and much more.
Please note our new web address
Our Office wants you to know about some of the issues we deal with from
day to day. There are very few offices in the world that have our
experience serving city farmers all year round or have done so for as
many years as we have.
These pages will grow as we select the latest breaking information that
comes to us, as we review our large library of resources for useful
documents to put on-line, and as we hook you up with other Urban
Agriculture Web sites that most certainly will emerge.
Urban Agriculture Notes is written for those who want to start up
their own "Office of Urban Agriculture", for those who have already done
so, and for gardeners who are curious about what we refer to as
political horticulture.
So sit up, bear with us as we add to this site week by week and listen
to the birds singing in our garden.
- More
About City Farmer's Work - Update December, 1996
- Our Compost Hotline has received 17,000 calls since 1992.
- 3000 visitors a year come to our Demonstration Garden.
- Since 1992, City Farmer has taught 431 children's wormshops for a
total of 9771 "contacts".
- Diary of a Compost
Hotline Operator
![[new]]( - "There was a foaming, brilliant yellow, mass oozing
across our big worm bins in the worm corner. What could it be?"
- Food Crops We
Grew In 1996
- City Farmer's head gardener, Wes Barrett,
demonstrates 12 month gardening at our Food Garden in Vancouver.
- City Farmer Donates
Garden Produce To Vancouver Hospice
The Easiest
To Predict The Future
Is To Invent It
- Article about Cuba's Urban
Gardens by the World Sustainable Agriculture
- "In 1995, there were an estimated 26,600 popular garden parcels
(parcelas) throughout the 43 urban districts that make up Havana's 15
- Urban Agriculture
in Zimbabwe
- "...recommended to the serious student of either urban food security
and urban poverty, or urban planning and urban management in Africa."
International Planning Studies
- Yaounde, Cameroon:
Capital Becomes Garden City
- "In the past, urban agriculture had been discouraged by officials of
the ministries of health and environment, who saw farms in towns as
breeding grounds for mosquitoes, snakes and rodents."
- Urban Agriculture in
Nairobi, Kenya
- "The case of Mama S., a single mother with six adult children serves
to illustrate the role food production can have in the education of
children from low-income households. Mama S. states that revenues from
food sales allowed her to put all her children through school."
City Farmer
Included in 1997 Web Calendar
- "Urban Agriculture Notes" has been included as one of 365 sites in
the world's first Web Calendar. The 1997 Daily Webpage Desk
Calendar by (R)evolutionary systems includes our web site as the
July 10th site for 1997. Why that day? Vanity. It is the date of this
webmaster's birthday.
Buy a calendar by following the link and our non-profit society receives
a $2 commission!
- International Group Supports Urban Agriculture:
New Web
- Urban agriculture group forms a Global Facility: to reduce food
insecurity, create jobs and improve the environment in cities. A new WWW
site introduces the work of the international Support Group for Urban
Agriculture (SGUA).
- Urban Agriculture:
Food, Jobs and Sustainable Cities
- Landmark publication just released (February 1996) by the United
Nations Development Programme. Written by Jac Smit and his team at the
Washington based Urban Agriculture Network, this book marks the
beginning of a new age in the development of Urban Agriculture.
- Urban Farms: How Green Is My Barrio
"A nationwide inner-city
revival brings jobs, fresh produce, and soon, goats?" reports Dec/96
Christian Science Monitor article. "Some 750 cities have community
garden programs, up from 23 in 1976."
- 21st Century
What Would the World be Like in the 21st
Century if Cities Were Nutritionally Self-Reliant? Paper delivered by
Jac Smit in Marmaris, Turkey on April 20, 1996
- City Farmer's Net
Bulletin Board
- As announcements of upcoming events cross my desk, I'll thumbtack
them up here.
- Jerry Seinfeld's Worm
- "What's The Deal With Worm Composting?"
- Urban Home
- If all our urban organic waste was turned
back into crop nourishing humus, think how fertile the ground would
- America's
First Composter
"As evidence of George Washington's devotion to
composting, he erected a highly unusual building specifically designed
to compost "manure" and to facilitate its "curing" into usable
- Composting
With Red Wiggler Worms
- The great advantage of worm
composting is that this can be done indoors and outdoors, thus allowing
year round composting. It also provides apartment dwellers with a means
of composting.
- City of Vancouver
Distributes Worm Bins!
Newsweek magazine,
Feb. 12, 1996, reports "Entire cities are getting into the act.
Vancouver sells worm bins, wrigglers included at half price." (Kitchen
Help: Wrigglers Under the Sink, page 76)
- Dealing With a Rat
in a Compost Bin
- An individual who calls the Compost
Hotline is usually quite shocked that he has a rat on his property.
- Community
- By far the largest collection of information
on this subject can be found amongst the membership of the American
Community Garden Association (ACGA)
- Northwest
Territories' Community Garden
"Our greatest
advantage is the long day length: June 21 has 21 hours of daylight and
we only start to get a true night by mid-August."
- Garden Policy
Vancouver Park Board approves a unique
community garden policy. Spring, 1996
- Politics of Community
Gardening in Germany
Lecture given by Professor Gert Gröning at the 1996
ACGA conference in Montreal. [8500 word document (56K) published on one
- International Urban Agriculture.
- A number of
excellent publications have come out which show International Urban
Agriculture being treated very seriously by development professionals.
- City Farming in
"The pigs ate the family's kitchen waste: bread, leftover food,
vegetable parings, etc. If their neighbours minded the smell or noise,
they said nothing; most people are in the same situation and understand
that people do what they have to in order to survive."
- Combating Hunger in
Using Urban Agriculture In 1990/1991, 850 families grew vegetables in
the city. This year (1996) the number has increased over 20 times
reaching 21,000. More and more families have begun to realize that home
gardening might be a way to improve their standard of living.
- City Farms in
United Kingdom
- Things you can do here include: daily
feeding and mucking out, milking and cheese making, beekeeping and
general animal care.
- Report Highlights and Promotes
the Benefits of Urban Agriculture in the UK
"In the UK, many poor urban
neighbourhoods have become food retailing deserts, where access to good
food shops and markets is rare. Parts of the countryside too are
becoming desertified - economically - with farming employing only 2.2%
of the population."
- Bangkok Food
- Short-life vegetables are lettuce, phak
khana, khuenchai, phak bung (morning glory), tang-o,
scallions, cucumber, and cauliflower.
- Urban Agriculture
in Philadelphia
- The hundreds of garbage strewn vacant
lots have stimulated citizens to create what has been called "the
largest comprehensive urban greening program in North America."
- Montreal
Community Gardens
- Pierre Bourque, community garden
champion and a 30 year veteran of Montreal's civil service, was recently
elected Mayor of Montreal.
- Food Gardens in
South Africa
- The Foundation sells a wide variety of
resources in a number of different languages including English,
Afrikaans, Zulu, Xhosa, Tswana, and S. Sotho.
- Australian City
- For the first time, a booklet has been produced
to document the activities, focus and set-up of Australian city farms,
community gardens and creative living/enterprise centres.
- City Farm in Perth,
- "We all wanted to move out of the city and
find some greenery. Then we thought, 'Why not bring the greenery to the
- School
- "The food garden increases their sense of
wonder. It's pretty magical, but at the same time, it demystifies the
concept of food production."
- Setting Up These
Pages On The World Wide Web
- City Farmer doesn't need
a mailing list, a layout artist, a printer or publisher, a distributor,
tons of paper or postage to produce this new publication. (This article
was written in the early days of web publishing, May 1995, just a year
or so ago. Much has changed. See following article.).
- UPDATE: Setting
Up Pages On The World Wide Web - A Case Study
revised piece was originally published in the May 13, 1996 edition of
Canada Internet Daily.
- Cities Feeding
People Homepage
- This site provides information about the program
initiative on urban agriculture (UA) at Canada's International
Development Research Centre. UA projects in Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Uganda,
Morocco, India, Cambodia, Kenya, Ghana, are described. The site also
describes a Latin American UA organization named AGUILA
currently grouping nearly 40 institutions from Argentina, Bolivia,
Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador,
Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay and Peru.
- Canada's
IDRC Produces 'Cities Feeding People' Series
- Copies
can be obtained free of charge.
- Urban Food
Production: Evolution, Official Support and Significance by Luc J.A.
- A major paper (16,479 words) by the Senior
Program Officer, Environment and Natural Resources Division at Canada's
- Victory
Gardens: The Garden Warriors of 1942
- In 1943, there
were 209,200 Victory Gardens in Canada, and on the average they produced
550 lbs. of vegetables each. One gardener in seven was a city dweller.
- Rooftop
- Toronto's Rooftop Gardens Resource Group
delves into roofing, structural considerations and building codes.
- Masters Thesis: The Potential of Rooftop Gardening
Joseph St. Lawrence has
written eloquently about his work creating a roof garden on a warehouse
in downtown Toronto. We have published 15,000 words of his 22,000 word
- Rooftop Gardening
in St. Petersburg, Russia
"This year we also started a ground level garden in the
Artificial Limb Institute which rehabilitates invalids who lost legs or
arms in the War in Chechnia (mostly boys of age 18-25)."
- Funding an Office
of Urban Agriculture
- Some people assume that City
Farmer is a government department and address their letters to "The
Minister of Urban Agriculture".
- New York Gardens
Threatened With Destruction!
- "Many of the 750 community gardens in New
York City are now under threat of destruction as the City sells off
11,000 lots. Almost all of the 50 gardens on the Lower East Side of New
York City, 25 gardens in Harlem and Coney Island, and 20 gardens in
Brooklyn and the Bronx are slated to be bulldozed."
- Photographs of
Community Gardening in New York
- Operation Green Thumb
celebrates the beauty and joy of New York's community gardens in an
exhibition of 43 photographs. Published in conjunction with the show is
a wonderful booklet titled Tales From The
Field II, Stories By GreenThumb Gardeners
- Tree Mushroom
Cultivation Relieves Poverty
- Su Decheng, a mushroom scientist from China,
reports that in one county he worked in, "the average annual income per
capita reached 1,800 Chinese yan (CN $300) in 1993, and 75% of it came
from mushrooms." Just a few years earlier before mushroom growing
technology had been introduced, the yearly income of the population was
less than 300 Chinese yan (CN $50)
- $$$ From Your
- "Design information for a model garden that
will produce over $10,000 of vegetables from less than 1/3 acre."
- Arable Acres Within
City Limits
- It's amazing to discover that the City of
Vancouver has enough land available so that its inhabitants can grow all
their own vegetables within city limits.
- Julie McCarroll's
Horticultural Delights
- Beautiful posters and cards
created by this Toronto watercolour artist.
- The
- No garden space whatsover? Then garden
through your computer screen! "This tele-robotic installation allows WWW
users to view and interact with a remote garden filled with living
plants. Members can plant, water, and monitor the progress of seedlings
via the tender movements of an industrial robot arm."
- Composting
- In Vancouver, British Columbia, a 30,000 sq.
ft. office complex, utilizes composting toilets and urinals for human
waste disposal. The new building is not connected to the city's sewer
- City of
Vancouver, Compost Capital
- Vancouver is a model city
when it comes to composting. The City's Engineering Department supports
both a yard and worm bin distribution program, a Compost Demonstration
Garden and Hotline, and large-scale yard waste composting.
- Gardening
Questions? Visit one of these sites.
- The Internet is
a treasure chest full of gardening secrets and these excellent sites
will link you to many of them.
- Horticulture
- Strolling along a path in her electric
wheelchair, she paused, and a gleam came to her eye. Glancing
mischieviously over her shoulder, she leaned closer to confide, "I like
getting dirty the best."
- The Spirit of
Healing. This piece was presented at "The Healing
Dimensions of People-Plant Relations Research Symposium" in March 1994.
It follows the course of the presenter's experience with cancer and how
environment, landscape and gardens played a vital role in the recovery
process from her illness.
- World's Urban
- Majority of world's population will live
in urban centres by 2015, UN report says.
- Rain
- The City of Vancouver is providing subsidized
rain barrels for up to 1,000 residents under a pilot program to conserve
- Vancouver
Begins Disconnecting Downspouts
residential roof downspouts from the combined sewer system may be an
important way to reduce water pollution caused by Combined Sewer
- Chickens In
- Some people believe that an egg-producing hen is
of greater value than a barking dog or a noisy lawnmower, but City Hall
doesn't agree.
- Urban "Animal"
Agriculture Comes to Chicago
For 52 years, Heifer Project International
has brought livestock to rural communities throughout the world to
combat hunger and poverty and help restore the environment. Now they are
bringing dairy goats and honeybees to the inner city.
- Condo
- Victoria urban farmers work with developer to
build "edible" three-storey condominium.
- Sprouting at
- Fresh organic vegetables every day from a square
foot of counter space.
- Improving Nutrition
Through Home Gardening
- The U.N.'s Food and
Agriculture Organization publishes Improving Nutrition Through Home
Gardening: A training package for preparing field workers in Southeast
- Dietary, Social
and Economic Evaluation of Philadelphia Urban Gardens
A 1991 report in the
Journal of Nutrition Education found "that gardening is related
to an increased frequency of vegetable consumption and to the reduced
frequency of milk product consumption."
- Waterwise
- Even in rainy Vancouver water-saving,
gardening techniques are recommended for coping with summer droughts.
City Farmer in cooperation with the City of Vancouver has opened a new
public garden which demonstrates conservation methods such as contouring
of the ground, soil conditioning using compost, collection of rain
water, the use of native plants, and passive watering.
Readers in the following countries have accessed our web site since
February 12, 1996. We will be looking at our web stats every day to see
what new additions can be made to this list.
- Average number of files transmitted from our site each month totals
more than 45,000. In the month of January 1997 we reached a new
record... 68,690 files transmitted! In the past 12 months over one half million files have been transmitted from
this site!!
Antigua and Barbuda
Brunei Darussalam
Costa Rica
Croatia (Hrvatska)
Czech Republic
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Hong Kong
New Zealand
Russian Federation
Saudi Arabia
Slovak Republic
South Africa
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
United States
Recognition Of Our Site
February 7, 1997. 'Urban Agriculture Notes' has been
chosen as the "Farm" link for this week's Homesteader's Links
of the Week. (
'Urban Agriculture Notes', has been listed as the Site
of the Day for February 5, 1997 on Ithaca Gardens
December 11, 1996 "Congratulations! Your site has been
chosen for our Best of the Internet Department on Progressive Farmer
Online (!
We choose the best non-commercial sites on the Internet that we feel
will be of interest to our readers. Your site provides services we think
our readers can use and will enjoy."
"Pick of the Crop"
November 13, 1996 "Congratulations! Your gardening website
has been named a "Pick of the Crop" as one of the best gardening sites
on the Internet. The editors of Virtual Garden (
have reviewed more than 500 gardening sites for inclusion in our Dig the
Net link directory, and we've singled out the best for special
World Wide Web Top 1000
"We're delighted to tell you that your site was nominated
as one of the elite 1000 included in this book. The reviews are
modified and expanded versions of our Website entries, and some also
include screen shots." See page 434.
"Your site, full of great reading material and
information, has been named Canuck Site Of The Day for September
30, 1996! It promotes excellence in technology and design in Canada."
Plant Science
"You were one of Planet Science's Sites of the Day on 2
April, 1996. Planet Science is the award-winning online voice of the
world's leading science and technology news weekly, New
August 22, 1996 "MGI Software Corp. will be
launching a new automated Internet Guide Book designed to make it easy
for users to find the best sites on the Web. After evaluating thousands
of candidates we have selected your site for inclusion in our Guide Book
facility. We will be limiting the size of our guide book to about 500
sites this year."
August 9, 1996 Bell Atlantic Internet Solutions
has identified your site to be included within its Internet Access
Service as a best of the net site.
Frank Severa's Useful URLs
Pick of the week for January 28,
GardenNet's Guide to Internet
Resources says:
Urban Agriculture Notes is
"the only urban agriculture site on the Internet."
Agriculture Notes is reviewed in seven new books:
1997 Edition Harley Hahn's
Internet and Web Golden Directory Osbourne
1996-97 Edition Microsoft
Bookshelf Internet Directory With CD-ROM
1997 Canadian Internet
Directory by Jim Carroll and Rick Broadhead Prentice
Hall, Canada
1996 McKinley Internet Yellow
Pages by Christine Maxwell
Que's Mega Web
Directory by Rositano, Rositano and Stafford 1996
1996 Edition New Riders'
Official World Wide Web Directory Over 8,000 Web Sites
The International Internet
Directory by Mitzi Waltz, Ziff-Davis Press, 1995 Over
3000 sites from around the world
rating by The McKinley Internet Directory
Point Survey rates Urban Agriculture Notes in
the top 5% of all WWW sites.
"Uptown hipsters will dig this back-to-nature guide to urban
"Your home page has been rated by Point Survey as one of the 10 best (in
its category/content/presentation/overall) on the Internet. Only the
best 5% of all Web sites are included in Point Survey, and we believe
your site is among the best of the best!"
NetGuide Magazine reviewed Urban Agriculture
Notes in their August, 1995 issue and in their January, 1996
"City Farmer has created a 'demo' garden in the heart of the city that
gives novices hands-on experience and skeptics a flourishing example of
what can be done."
NutForce awards Urban Agriculture Notes
The "Webnut Seal of Approval".
"City Farmer...Coolest way to handle trash and tons of links! "
What would you like us to add to Urban Agriculture Notes ®
Tell us about Urban Agriculture activities in your city. Send
comments here
revised, February 19, 1997
E-mail us at:
Snail-mail at: City Farmer Canada's Office of Urban
Agriculture #801-318 Homer St. Vancouver, B.C. V6B 2V3
Phone: (604) 685-5832
Fax: (604) 685-0431