Subject: permaculture
List archive
- From: "Lawrence F. London, Jr." <>
- To:
- Subject: Plants for a future
- Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 21:38:52 -0500
Lawrence F. London, Jr. - Venaura Farm - Chapel Hill, NC, USA Venaura Farm
Title: Plants for a future
PLANTS FOR A FUTUREA Resource and Information Centre for Edible and other useful plantsREGISTERED CHARITY NUMBER 1057719The Field, Penpol, Lostwithiel, Cornwall, PL22 0NG, England Telephone Bodmin (+44 1208) 873554 or 872963 Plants for a Future is a project based in Cornwall which seeks to gather together and disseminate information on the many useful properties of plants, partularly those plants which are less common in todays society. They also have a beutiful patch of land which they are tending according to vegan-organic-permaculture principles. and concentrating on Perennial plants. They have produced many leaflets (show below) as well as a catalogue of plants available from them. One major project has been the construction of a database of useful plants which contains over 7000 species, which is now avaliable online. The project has reciently been granted charity status reg. no. 1057719. The next exciting phase of the PFAF project will be the creation of an Eco-Village. This will enable a truely sustainable community to develope where all the needs are catered for by using plants grown on site.
Leaflets on plant use![]()
Other leafletsLinksYou can find some online and off-line links to other organic and permaculture resources here.
FTPFor those of you who can't use the web, these files are avaliable via ftp in both Word 6.0 and plain text formats email me and I'll tell you where to get them from.
TranslationWe'ed like to break down the anglo-centric domination of the world in any way possible. Hence if you would like to help in translateing these pages into other languages please contact Krayg at
ContactIf you liked this page, want to keep informed, have any useful info, or just want to say hi please send me a mail I'd also be interested to find out how you came across these pages. I should point out that I (Rich Morris) am just a friend of the project who though that the information was worth putting out, my knowleage of Permaculture etc isn't that great. If you do have specific questions about plants you should write direct to the project at the address at the top of the page (they don't have an electronic address, in fact they don't even have electricity).
Nice one to School of Computer Science at Leeds Uni for the web space. Plants for a Future is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Company Reg No. 3204567, Reg. office 24 Lerryn View, Lerryn, Lostwithiel, Cornwall, PL22 0QL.
All the information contained in these files is
Copyright (C)
Plants for a Future, 1995. Pictures Copyright PFAF,
background originals found in
, modified by rjm (guess the
- Plants for a future, Lawrence F. London, Jr., 02/14/1997
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