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permaculture - Ft. Worden is the New Site for PNW Bamboo A-F Workshop

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  • From: (Gib Cooper)
  • To:
  • Cc:,,,,,
  • Subject: Ft. Worden is the New Site for PNW Bamboo A-F Workshop
  • Date: Wed, 18 Dec 1996 18:28:17 +0900

*Press Release* For BAMBOO NET
Historic Fort Worden Chosen as the New Setting for the 1997 PNW Bamboo
Agro-forestry Workshop

Historic Fort Worden State Park Conference Center has it all! Situated in
Port Townsend, the beautiful park setting has meeting facilities, dormitory
rooms, campsites and food services. Within the park's boundaries are
Rhododendron gardens, woods, open space, architecture and miles of beaches.
Next door is Victorian Port Townsend with art galleries, eateries, bed &
breaksfasts, museums and entertainment. Located on the Olympic Peninsula,
Ft. Worden overlooks Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Access
from Seattle is a one hour drive and a ferry ride. People coming from the
south may just drive. Commuter flights are available from Seattle.

The two day workshop will be filled with presentations about bamboo.
Breakfasts, lunches and dinners will be provided. Dormitories and campsites
are reserved for Friday night, if traveling, and for Saturday for everyone
staying over. The brochure will have more information.

The tradeshow and facilities will be coordinated by Marc Hilt
( and the plant sale by Ron Kay. The workshop is being
co-sponsored by Washington State University Agricultural Extension through
co-coordinator, Dr. Carol Miles ( The American Bamboo
Society, the Southern California, Northern California and Pacific Northwest
chapters are all contributing to make this event better than ever.

The schedule, brochure, tradeshow and plant sale flyers will be mailed to
all bamboo lovers addresses in February. Announcements will come out in the
ABS and chapter newsletters. Be looking for the brochure and register
early, the workshop will be capped at 200 participants.

Ft. Worden and Port Townsend are so spectacular that one should revolve
vacation plans around this conference! For information about Port Townsend
call 360/385-2722, email: For information about the
1997 PNW Bamboo Agro-forestry Workshop call 541/247-0835, email:

by Gib Cooper
Workshop Coordinator and
ABS 2nd VP for Public Information

See below for the line up of papers/presentations to date:

To date here is the list of confirmations for papers:


Ned Jaquith - "Flowering of Bamboo" - Bamboo Nurseryman, President PNW-ABS

Darrel DeBoer - "A Survey of Bamboo Architecture" - Architect,
Berkeley, CA

Andy Lee - "laminated bamboo lumber (LBL), oriented strand board
(OSB) made from bamboo, and bamboo-reinforced OSB beams. Technical data
have been collected for the utilization of bamboo resources grown in the
USA during the past three years." - Researcher, Clemson University, SC.

Gary Young - Advanced Bamboo/Epoxy Composites" - Laminate technician &
researcher, HI.

Trevor Dagilis - "Bamboo Particleboard" - Civil Engineering, Queen's
University at Kingston, CANADA

Garold Nelson - "Analysis of Bamboo as Fodder" - Bamboo grower and
stockman, Coquille, OR

Daphne Lewis and Simon Henderson - Building A Bamboo Farm and Marketing
It's Products - Simon Henderson holds a Diploma in Permacultue Design from
the Permaculture Institute of Australia, Daphne Lewis is a bamboo landscape
architect, Seattle, WA

Tim Ogden - Bamboo Shoot Production - Bamboo Agro-forestry Grower, Mrytle
Creek, OR.

Dr. Cao Qungen - "will prepare a paper about the status, growing and
models of bamboo in Agro-forestry of China." - Associate Professor in
bamboo cultivation and forest ecology, Subtropical Forestry Research
Institute, China

Rick Valley-A Polyculture for Rapid Grove Establihment-Bamboo
Grower/Permaculturist, OR.

Stephen Buxbaum - "Developing a Cooperative". former Executive Director
of WA State Rural Development Council and Executive Director of the Farm
and Development Council. WA.

and more forth coming.

  • Ft. Worden is the New Site for PNW Bamboo A-F Workshop, Gib Cooper, 12/18/1996

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