Subject: permaculture
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- From:
- To:,
- Subject: Notice of Meeting
- Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 01:19:02 -0400
PLACE: Stouffer Renaissance Airport Hotel, St. Louis, Missouri
DATES: Thursday, Nov. 30 through Saturday, Dec. 2, 1995
COST: Before Thanksgiving, Nov. 23: $80 single; $130 married couples; $40
student. At conference: $100 single; $160 married couples; $50 student.
CEU CREDIT: University outreach and academic program credit for attending
the Acres U.S.A. Conference is available through Michigan State University
and is currently pending with the national CEU committee of the Certified
Crop Advisor program.
OVERVIEW: Leading consultants and practitioners of eco-agriculture will
present 5 in-depth workshops and 20 seminars. Trade show with 50
eco-suppliers, video screening room, Acres U.S.A. 25th anniversary party. The
three-day event will focus on practical techniques for commercial-scale
growers desiring to build their soil's health while diminishing or
eliminating the use of toxic chemicals. Featured subjects include
organiculture, soil fertility, soil & water management, crop production, pest
management, human & animal health concerns.
WORKSHOPS: Three-hour workshops will provide practical, hands-on advice on
specific facets of eco-agriculture.
Market Gardening Short Course -- Andrew Lee. Author of the definitive book on
the subject, Backyard Market Gardening, and a market gardener himself, Andy
Lee will instruct on production methods, tools and equipment and marketing
The Certified Organic Option -- Bob Shaffer. Wearing hats as a consultant,
organic inspector, and organic association officer, Shaffer explains the
certified organic option -- what it means in terms of practices, fees,
inspections, marketing options, etc.
Salad Bar Beef -- Joel Salatin. An in-depth presentation teaching farmers how
to profitably produce natural beef using rotational grazing techniques by
this inspiring farmer, lecturer, author.
On-Farm Soil Testing -- Bob Pike. The owner of Pike Lab Supplies, a leading
resource for farmers scientifically applying sustainable agriculture
principles, will demonstrate the proper use of the many affordable, in-field
testing devices available including pH meters, calcium meters,
refractometers, penetranometers, the CGS meter and more.
Working with Soil & Crop Consultants -- Bob Shaffer. This California soils
advisor will lead a panel discussion with consultants and farmers about the
all-important consultant/farmer relationship. Beyond good advice, what makes
for a winning relationship that benefits the farmer and the consultant.
SEMINARS: The nation's leading consultants and growers inspire and inform
with these lectures.
Arden Anderson, Ph.D. -- Technology Working with Nature. Consultant,
scientist, author, explains how various eco-ag technologies outperform
conventional agriculture.
D. Bagchi, Ph.D. -- Natural Antibiotics & Beyond. This leading authority on
antibiotics discusses natural compounds of application in human and
veterinary health and the weakened immune systems found in farmers exposed to
toxic chemistry.
Don Bixby, D.V.M. -- Using Heritage Breeds as Elements of Sustainable
Agriculture. The director of the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy
demonstrates the value of livestock in agriculture, illustrates the need for
genetic diversity, and introduces specific breeds with traits ideal for
sustainable agriculture.
Philip S. Callahan, Ph.D. -- Natural Low-Level Energies in Agriculture.
Researcher, author & scientist, Callahan will detail the role of low-level
natural forces such as ELF radio waves and paramagnetic forces in nature and
will demonstrate how to harness these forces for soil & crop benefit.
Amigo Cantisano -- Composting and Compost Teas. Organic grower and
consultant, will explain his method for composting and the use of compost
teas for insect and disease control.
Jan Dietrick -- An Introduction to Beneficial Insects. The general manager of
Rincon-Vitova Insectaries, the world's first beneficial insectary, will
introduce growers to the use of beneficials for biological insect control
with particular focus on organisms of value to large-scale row-crop farmers.
Dr. Michael Fox -- American Agriculture at the Crossroads: A Time to Choose.
Veterinarian, author, and vice-president of the Humane Society of the United
States, Fox will detail how the industrialization of agriculture has emerged
as a threat to the nation's future and how producers and consumers are truly
at a crossroads and can still choose the right path.
Dr. George Freibott -- Oxidation & Oxygen Therapies, Their Utilization in
Agriculture. Explains the use of oxygen-carrying compounds in agriculture --
soil amendments, foliar feeds, and veterinary applications.
Lee Fryer -- How to Restore Nutritional Values in U.S. Food Crops. Using the
Wisconsin Ginseng Project as a case report, Fryer details a workable model
for producing nutritious, pesticide-free food.
M.R. Fulks -- Organic Soybean Success Story. One of the largest certified
organic growers in Virginia will explain his systems of cultivation and
fertility management as well as how he markets his top-quality crops directly
into Asia.
Gabriel Hegyes -- Sustainable Agriculture Support & Information. This
founding coordinator of the USDA Sust. Ag. Network will explain new
electronic information access methods and will guide the audience toward
available resources.
Neal Kinsey -- Lessons from Nature. Consultant, lecturer, co-author of
Hands-On Agronomy, Kinsey will demonstrate methods to obtain success in
commercial-scale fertility management through soil balancing, listening to
both the lab reports and nature.
David Larson -- Eco-Farming Systems for Corn. This Iowa-based consultant will
explain his successful systems for corn growers illustrating theories with
case reports of success.
Ross Racine -- Agricultural Prosperity in Harmony with Nature and Tribal
Customs. A leader with the Intertribal Agricultural Council and a Blackfeet
Indian, Racine will relay the intentions to move the nearly 47 million acres
of agricultural land under Native American control toward more sustainable
technologies, in harmony with both nature and with their own spiritual
Dick Psolla -- Eco-Turf Management. Trained in the Albrecht system of soil
management, this leading consultant to the golf course/turf industry will
explain how technologies of biological farming are winning over commercial
grounds managers.
Donald L. Schriefer -- Tillage Methods for Transitional Farmers. This master
consultant will explain the successful tillage methods he has developed for
large farms as they transition to biological practices.
C. Edgar Sheaffer, V.M.D. -- Holistic Large-Animal Veterinary Care. This
leading holistic veterinarian will explain his use of homeopathy for primary
veterinary care in commercial dairy herds in Pennsylvania and the resultant
herd health, milk quality, and farm profitability.
Dan Skow, D.V.M. -- Commercial-Scale Eco-Weed Control Methods. Leader in the
use of Reams' biological theory of ionization in agriculture explains his
methods of non-toxic, large-scale weed control.
Roman Stoltzfoos -- A Pennsylvania dairyman recognized as one of the most
innovative graziers in North America will detail his operation: the use of
minor breeds; his 250-ton commercial composting business; organic milk,
chicken, and turkey production; and his rotational grazing system.
Charles Walters -- 25 Years of Eco-Agriculture. The founding publisher and
editor of Acres U.S.A., author of dozens of books and thousands of articles
on eco-agriculture technologies, sums up 25 years of findings on the farm
economy, public policy, and technologies of clean food production and
reflects on a lifetime of reporting on the discoveries, evolution, triumph
and setbacks of the establishment of an environmentally correct form of
25TH ANNIVERSARY PARTY: Join Acres U.S.A. to celebrate 25 years of
publishing. Organic food and drink with entertainment by our talented
VIDEO SCREENING ROOM: All-day-long screening of informative videos on
sustainable farming techniques.
TRADE SHOW: 50 exhibits feature the nation's leading suppliers of
biologically friendly farming technologies -- composting equipment, soil
amendments, animal care, alternative crops and more.
For more information call toll-free 1-800-355-5313 (or 504-889-2100, fax
504-889-2777, e-mail: ).
Pre-registration fees (before Nov. 23): $80.00 single, $130.00 married
couples, $40 students. On-site registration fees: $100.00 single, $160.00
married couples, $50 students.
Name(s) ___________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________
City, State, Zip __________________________________
Phone _____________________________________________
Pay by (circle one) Check Visa MasterCard Discover
Card # ____________________________________________
Expires ________ Signature ________________________
Fax to (504) 889-2777 or mail to Acres U.S.A., P.O. Box 8800, Metairie, LA
For hotel reservations call the Stouffer directly at 1-800-468-3571 (or
314-429-1100). Request the special Acres U.S.A. room rate of $59 per night,
1, 2, 3 or 4 occupancy. Many other hotels are available in the immediate area
in all price brackets.
Not familiar with Acres U.S.A.? Call 1-800-355-5313 for a free sample copy or
e-mail your request to:
- Notice of Meeting, AcresUSA, 10/18/1995
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