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Subject: Percy-L: Literary, Religious, Scientific, and Philosophical Discussion of Walker Percy
List archive
[percy-l] Summer Reading Group Discussion Completed
- From: Percy-L Listserv Manager <percy.listserv.manager AT>
- To: Percy-L Submission <percy-l AT>
- Subject: [percy-l] Summer Reading Group Discussion Completed
- Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2024 09:58:51 -0400
Dear Slow Reading Group/ Percy-L:
With summer at its end, The Moviegoer discussion group has now finished up its discussion. All six weeks of discussion posts submitted through the Listserv are permanently located in the online Archives for future readers.
Regular Percy-L discussion remains ongoing.
Thank you to all who participated in this exciting opportunity for a collaborative, close reading of this most important of Percy's novels.
Best regards,
Henry Mills
Reading Group Coordinator
Director, The Walker Percy Project
Percy-L Submissions: percy-l AT
Archives (July and August):

- [percy-l] Summer Reading Group Discussion Completed, Percy-L Listserv Manager, 08/19/2024
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