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Subject: Percy-L: Literary, Religious, Scientific, and Philosophical Discussion of Walker Percy

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  • From: "janetcantor37 AT" <janetcantor37 AT>
  • To: percy lists <percy-l AT>
  • Subject: [percy-l] Fw: Percy-L Digest, Vol 176, Issue 8
  • Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2022 17:21:34 +0000 (UTC)

What a fascinating response. Thank you.

I remember one doctor who had been called to give evidence before a congressional committee. And at one point in his responses, he became very emotional and broke down. He choked up and said, "I cannot bear it, knowing what I know. We could have saved 80% of those who have died so far because certain treatments became demonized." 

Imagine that. 80%. If you were a doctor and knew that, what a weight to carry. 

The powers that be would not permit certain treatments known to work. How do you explain that? I'd guess follow the money.

Science isn't about consensus. It is about trial and error and sharing info. 

Janet Cantor

Karl, thanks for the response. Sorry for the slow follow-up. I've been sick.

I think you are right that Percy did not distrust the scientific method as a means of arriving at certain truths but that he did distrust science as the panacea for humanity's ills, as it has sometimes been presented to be. As you say, "a person can still fail" (despite scientific advancements). I do think, though, that Percy found amusing a certain kind of scientist--whether social or natural-- who sees himself and his scientific knowledge as transcendent to the rest of humanity (i.e. the non-scientists).

I'm not sure that election fraud (whether true or not) is a scientific issue, but as far as I can tell, "science deniers" is a media term ascribed not to those who reject uncontested scientific evidence but who reject rather the authoritarian imposition of a particular scientific narrative that actually has considerable dissent, even among the so-called experts. The side of scientific debate that is under the control of those in power gets to call the other side science-deniers even though the opposite might in fact be the case.

We saw this during the COVID scare. The world's governments, on national and local scales, operated in lockstep fashion to define the nature of the virus (novel), its origin (bats), its transmissibility (high), its level of danger (lethal), the precautions to be taken (lockdowns, social distancing, and facemasks), the acceptable treatment protocols (Remdesivir and ventilators), and the ultimate solution to be sought (mRNA vaccines). Dissenting scientific voices all over the world were silenced, ostracized, de-credentialed, or, at the very least, studiously ignored by mainstream media outlets.

Yet who can reproach the impeccable lethality studies of Stanford's Dr. John Ioannidis? Who can question the calm, scientific reasonability of the Great Barrington Declaration (now signed by over 50,000 medical professionals, including the authors of it: epidemiologists from Oxford, Harvard, and Stanford) in opposition to the lockdowns/isolation/facemask guidelines of the CDC? Who can doubt the medical authority of Dr. Peter McCullough, perhaps the most published cardiologist in the world and the editor of multiple prestigious medical journals, regarding his warnings against the mRNA vaccines? Ditto for pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole, flight surgeon Dr. Theresa Long, immunologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, mRNA co-inventor Dr. Robert Malone, and countless others. Who can argue with the track records of family doctors Kory or Zelenko (again, among countless others) and their protocols of inexpensive successful treatment of thousands of COVID patients?

The most vocal of these scientists have suffered great smears and chastisements for their dissent, and any non-scientists who had the fortitude to ferret out these subverted voices and found them to be more scientifically convincing than the mainstream narrative are now called science deniers.

What would Percy think of all this? I suspect he would find the whole affair fascinating. I think he would be less interested in which side of the scientific debate was corrent--the official one or the suppressed one--and more interested in what ordinary people did with the things that were thrown at them. And maybe even more than what they did, he would find intriguing their motives and what message(s) they wished to send, consciously or unconsciously, to those around them by the actions they took. Percy was great at profiling "types" of persons and at sensing where the dividing lines are among a population. The COVID extravaganza would have given him endless material to ponder in that regard.

Though it may not have been his primary point in Thanatos, the abuse of science is certainly a theme in that novel. Or maybe, more accurately, a backdrop in front of which one can study human nature and the possibility of redemption despite the chaos created by the great planners of society.

Mike Larson

On Sun, Nov 6, 2022 at 2:03 PM <percy-l-request AT> wrote:
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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Percy-L Digest, Vol 176, Issue 3 (Karl M. Terrell)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 6 Nov 2022 19:54:15 +0000
From: "Karl M. Terrell" <kterrell AT>
To: "Percy-L: Literary, Religious, Scientific, and Philosophical
        Discussion" <percy-l AT>
Subject: Re: [percy-l] Percy-L Digest, Vol 176, Issue 3
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Hi Mike. Thank you for your questions, but just so you know up front: I am not a scholar of Percy, like quite a few on this list; I?m just a layman lover of his prose and insights.

It has, also, been many years since I last read Thanatos ?. and so I shall lay low in answering your question about his intentions when writing that particular story.

Your first question is interesting to me: Was Percy enamored of scientism? I had to look that word up, to be certain on the import of your question. Webster gives two definitions:

1.  methods and attitudes typical of or attributed to the natural scientist<>

2.  an exaggerated trust in the efficacy of the methods of natural science applied to all areas of investigation (as in philosophy, the social sciences<>, and the humanities)

Percy studied medicine, and was therefore schooled in science. I think it?s more than safe to say, however, that he didn?t place an ?exaggerated trust? in science. His thinking was quite to the contrary, as reflected in this well-known quote from Lost in the Cosmos:

?You live in a deranged age - more deranged than usual, because despite great scientific and technological advances, man has not the faintest idea of who he is or what he is doing.?

In saying this, however, Percy was not expressing a distrust of science.

He was focused more on the fact that a person can still fail ? despite the undeniable advances of scientific knowledge ? to see himself (or herself), or to see or understand his (or her) place in the ?cosmos.?  And perhaps he thought the scientific advances are the cause of some of this dislocation ? I?ll leave that question to the scholars here.

In any event, I don?t think Percy would, for example, join the ranks of today?s science deniers on the right. I think, moreover, that he would be quite disturbed by the difficulty so many have today ? due to polarization, and folks living in information silos ? with understanding just basic facts (such as the fact that the 2020 election was not stolen).

Anyway ? my thoughts.

Karl Terrell

On Nov 5, 2022, at 4:45 PM, Michael Larson <larsonovic AT> wrote:

Karl, two questions: 1) Do you think Percy was enamored of scientism? 2) What do you think he was after in Thanatos?

Mike Larson

On Sat, Nov 5, 2022 at 1:07 PM <percy-l-request AT<mailto:percy-l-request AT>> wrote:
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Today's Topics:

   1. Re:  Adaptation of Walker Percy Novel ?The Second Coming? -
      Aaron Magnani (Producer) (Karl M. Terrell)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 5 Nov 2022 18:00:15 +0000
From: "Karl M. Terrell" <kterrell AT<mailto:kterrell AT>>
To: "janetcantor37 AT<mailto:janetcantor37 AT>" <janetcantor37 AT<mailto:janetcantor37 AT>>, "Percy-L:
        Literary, Religious, Scientific, and Philosophical Discussion"
        <percy-l AT<mailto:percy-l AT>>
Subject: Re: [percy-l]  Adaptation of Walker Percy Novel ?The Second
        Coming? - Aaron Magnani (Producer)
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I would hope, though, that any moviemaker of Thanatos would not cheaply politicize it as a critique of liberalism (either in the broad classic sense or under the ?liberal? label in American politics), or as an endorsement of the current right-wing?s fetishistic misunderstanding of expertise based on real science.

Percy was after something altogether different.

Karl Terrell

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 5, 2022, at 11:16 AM, janetcantor37--- via Percy-L <percy-l AT<mailto:percy-l AT>> wrote:

I would like to see any good adaptation of any Percy novel.

I think the easiest for adaptation would be The Thanatos Syndrome.

It is wild enough to illustrate today's choices about how our authorities handled Covid and vaccinations, and about how the ruling class imposes its ideas of what is going on in the planet and casually ruins our lives and our economy as they go about it. Look how the novel matches how do gooders who think they know what is best for everyone else often forget that others' personal freedom and happiness must not be ignored while they are "helping" the world.

There is also that plot about Nazis in the novel that comes from Percy's own pivotal experience of seeing some Nazi Youth when he was a young boy and being viscerally changed by that and never forgetting that scary feeling. There is so much talk about Nazis these days, even that subplot is relevant.

A side comment: Percy hated the Nazis and used that subplot in an attempt to give the reader the same terror he understood about tyranny and how it can become normalcy so easily. He was balancing that against the "good intentions" of those who were wrongheadedly giving the happy juice to everyone to bring peace and calm into the world. Yet someone in my book group, a very intelligent woman read that and hated the book because she didn't like the way Percy was minimizing and mocking the Holocaust. She missed Percy's point completely.

Another woman there made the pithiest comment on the novel. "Just because we are able to do something does not always mean we should do it."

I think The Thanatos Syndrome could be a perfect novel to adapt today.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if movie makers could at last see that these novels were prescient and could entertain us yet give us all food for thought.

I wonder if any adaptation of The Second Coming could be successful. It isa strange story, but if it could be pulled off, it could be magical.

Janet Cantor

On Saturday, November 5, 2022, 10:38:07 AM EDT, Henry P. Mills III <wppdirector AT<mailto:wppdirector AT>> wrote:

Dear Percy-L:

Members may be interested in this news of a future Percy novel film. Is the Second Coming more adaptive to the big screen than the Moviegoer?

I wonder what novel members of the community think would be best suited for a feature-length film? It?d be interesting to hear the community?s responses.  Is Second Coming the most likely one?

Best wishes,
Henry Mills

Aaron Magnani Developing Film Adaptation Of Walker Percy Novel ?The Second Coming?; Peter Arneson Set As Screenwriter

Aaron Magnani has optioned screen rights to Walker Percy?s New York Times bestseller The Second Coming, with plans to develop the novel for film. He?s currently in search of a director for the adaptation and will produce via under his Aaron Magnani Productions banner. Peter Arneson adapted the script and will executive produce.

The story centers on a wealthy, suicidal widower who searches for proof of God but finds much more when he meets a young woman fugitive from a mental hospital. Influenced by the real-life suicides of Percy?s father and grandfather and suspected suicide of his mother, the plot combines comedy, tragedy and romance, with themes of alienation and redemption.

?This story is very relatable to the world we have been living in,? said Magnani. ?And the adaptation is as much a director?s piece as an actor?s piece and incredible character study.?

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