percy-l AT
Subject: Percy-L: Literary, Religious, Scientific, and Philosophical Discussion of Walker Percy
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- From: Nikkibar AT
- To: percy-l AT
- Subject: Re: [percy-l] U.S. : Terrorist SuperPower?
- Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 14:53:19 EDT
That's more like it.
It is curious that in all of these exchanges nobody has picked up on Marcus Smith's apt observation that far from being off topic, Walker dealt with very much the same sort of conflict in his (as usual) prescient manner in Love in the Ruins. This is perhaps not one of his more pupular books but in light of the present discussion certainly would bear a deep read for anyone who is interested in the debate but who may have overlooked the book.
Re: [percy-l] U.S. : Terrorist SuperPower?
, (continued)
Re: [percy-l] U.S. : Terrorist SuperPower?,
Karey, 08/24/2005
Re: [percy-l] U.S. : Terrorist SuperPower?,
J Rivas-Pita, 08/27/2005
Re: [percy-l] Pretense for Diarhoea,
hghwy6, 08/28/2005
- Re: [percy-l] Pretense for Diarhoea, J Rivas-Pita, 08/28/2005
Re: [percy-l] Pretense for Diarhoea,
hghwy6, 08/28/2005
Re: [percy-l] U.S. : Terrorist SuperPower?,
J Rivas-Pita, 08/27/2005
- Re: [percy-l] U.S. : Terrorist SuperPower?, Karey, 08/24/2005
- Re: [percy-l] U.S. : Terrorist SuperPower?, Robert_Pauley, 08/24/2005
- Re: [percy-l] U.S. : Terrorist SuperPower?, chaslow53, 08/24/2005
- Re: [percy-l] U.S. : Terrorist SuperPower?, Robert_Pauley, 08/25/2005
Re: [percy-l] U.S. : Terrorist SuperPower?,
Nikkibar, 08/25/2005
- Re: [percy-l] U.S. : Terrorist SuperPower?, Tommy Armstrong, 08/25/2005
- Re: [percy-l] U.S. : Terrorist SuperPower?, Nikkibar, 08/25/2005
- Re: [percy-l] U.S. : Terrorist SuperPower?, Dye, Steve, 08/29/2005
Re: [percy-l] U.S. : Terrorist SuperPower?,
Karey, 08/24/2005
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