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  • From: david liezen <>
  • To: North American Fruit Explorers <>
  • Subject: Re: [nafex] Fedco scion wood
  • Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2012 18:56:58 +0000

Good to know you provide yet another source for scion wood. When this year's
grafts get up to size in a few more years, I want to graft Rolfe, Nutting
Bumpus and Black Oxford. Perhaps your website will be easily navigated by

Dave Liezen

&#62; From&#58; john.p.bunker&#64;;&#10;&#62; To&#58;
nafex&#64;;&#10;&#62; Date&#58; Sat, 31 Mar 2012
10&#58;06&#58;08 -0400&#13;&#10;&#62; Subject&#58; Re&#58; &#91;nafex&#93;
Fedco scion wood&#13;&#10;&#62;&#13;&#10;&#62; Hello all,&#13;&#10;&#62;
Sorry about the sometimes convoluted nature of the Fedco web
site.&#13;&#10;&#62; Suggestions are welcome&#33; We are done with scion
orders for 2012. We&#13;&#10;&#62; will do it again next winter. We are
considering expanding the scion&#13;&#10;&#62; list and putting it in the
catalog itself. More info to come in the&#13;&#10;&#62; fall. You can also
always contact us via our facebook page.&#13;&#10;&#62; Best
regards,&#13;&#10;&#62; John Bunker&#13;&#10;&#62; Fedco&#13;&#10;&#62;
john&#64;;&#10;&#62;;&#10;&#62; PO
Box 520&#13;&#10;&#62; Waterville ME 04903&#13;&#10;&#62;
207-873-7333&#13;&#10;&#62;&#13;&#10;&#62; Visit Fedco Trees on
On Mar 31, 2012, at 8&#58;21 AM, Scott Smith
wrote&#58;&#13;&#10;&#62;&#13;&#10;&#62; &#62; Steve I have also successfully
found their list and order form. The&#13;&#10;&#62; &#62; link doesn&#39;t
just pop out however, I find I often need to read the&#13;&#10;&#62; &#62;
whole webpage to find out where the link is hiding.&#13;&#10;&#62;
&#62;&#13;&#10;&#62; &#62; Scott&#13;&#10;&#62; &#62;&#13;&#10;&#62; &#62; On
Mar 31, 2012, at 6&#58;56 AM, hwpark&#64;
wrote&#58;&#13;&#10;&#62; &#62;&#13;&#10;&#62; &#62;&#62; I have ordered and
received scionwood from them each year for a&#13;&#10;&#62; &#62;&#62; number
of years and had no problem. Their list goes up when they&#13;&#10;&#62;
&#62;&#62; determine what they have to offer that year and it comes down
when&#13;&#10;&#62; &#62;&#62; their date to order ends.&#13;&#10;&#62;
&#62;&#62;&#13;&#10;&#62; &#62;&#62; Hank Parker&#13;&#10;&#62; &#62;&#62;
hwpark&#64;;&#10;&#62; &#62;&#62;&#13;&#10;&#62;
&#62;&#62;&#13;&#10;&#62; &#62;&#62;&#13;&#10;&#62; &#62;&#62;&#13;&#10;&#62;
&#62;&#62; On Mar 31, 2012, at 1&#58;54 AM, Steve wrote&#58;&#13;&#10;&#62;
&#62;&#62;&#13;&#10;&#62; &#62;&#62;&#62; I get frustrated with the Fedco web
site. Sometimes I think about&#13;&#10;&#62; &#62;&#62;&#62; getting their
scion wood list. &#40;Yes, I realize it&#39;s far to late for&#13;&#10;&#62;
&#62;&#62;&#62; ordering this year.&#41; I was looking over their site
tonight and I&#13;&#10;&#62; &#62;&#62;&#62; came&#13;&#10;&#62;
&#62;&#62;&#62; across this in their catalog&#58;&#13;&#10;&#62;
&#62;&#62;&#62; &#34;To order scionwood or rootstock for&#13;&#10;&#62;
&#62;&#62;&#62; early shipment, send us a SASE requesting a&#13;&#10;&#62;
&#62;&#62;&#62; scionwood order form or download it from the
Fedco&#13;&#10;&#62; &#62;&#62;&#62; Trees website.&#34;&#13;&#10;&#62;
&#62;&#62;&#62; I&#39;ve seen this mentioned before but I can never find the
scionwood&#13;&#10;&#62; &#62;&#62;&#62; order&#13;&#10;&#62; &#62;&#62;&#62;
form on their site. Am I not seeing something that is right in&#13;&#10;&#62;
&#62;&#62;&#62; front of&#13;&#10;&#62; &#62;&#62;&#62; my face&#63; Do they
take it off their web site after the order date has&#13;&#10;&#62;
&#62;&#62;&#62; passed&#63; I&#39;ve looked at different times, but never see
it.&#13;&#10;&#62; &#62;&#62;&#62;&#13;&#10;&#62; &#62;&#62;&#62;
Steve&#13;&#10;&#62; &#62;&#62;&#62; __________________&#13;&#10;&#62;
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