Subject: North American Fruit Explorers mailing list at ibiblio
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- From:
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- Subject: Re: [NAFEX] What time to graft fruit?
- Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2009 10:17:10 EDT
In a message dated 4/5/2009 7:41:32 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
I graft here in AL anytime in March but I prefer to wait until about 2 weeks before the last frost as the earliest to avoid too much fresh callus developing and having it
subjected to frost. As for lateness, grafts will take up until the bark stops slipping; however, you need to have time for the new growth to grow and mature before winter.
My experience agrees totally with Topgun. For deciduous fruit trees graft when the bark is in the slip. Of course in Indiana that time differs considerable from Louisiana. Here I don't even think of grafting fruit wood until June when the understock is actively growing. This has also worked well for me with Prunus and Diospyros.
I have also successfully taken actively growing material from one tree and grafted to another the same day and even several days apart, carrying the material home with leaves removed, wrapped in plastic and in the pop cooler. Then wrapped with Parafilm after grafting. Do not let that scion dry out! I've not done this more than a dozen times, but it works and works well! I'd guess my success with this is nearly 90%.
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- Re: [NAFEX] What time to graft fruit?, Jwlehman, 04/05/2009
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