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Re: [NAFEX] Strange flowering on High Bush Cranberry
- From: tanis cuff <>
- To: North American Fruit Explorers <>
- Subject: Re: [NAFEX] Strange flowering on High Bush Cranberry
- Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2008 15:59:09 +0000
I thought the 2 were different, having slightly different leaves and one
having lenticels or other distinction on the petioles, and the trilobum
tending to have better fruit. I don't recall the name of the reference for
this. Does this sound familiar to anyone?
> From: jfruth
> To: nafex
> Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2008 10:23:38 -0600
> Subject: [NAFEX] Strange flowering on High Bush Cranberry
> Marsh called it Viburnum trilobum, Linnaeus called it Viburnum Opulus
> and the pictures of it do not do it justice. The High Bush Cranberry has a
> strange flowering habit that I've not seen on another plant. It produces a
> cluster of tiny perfect flowers surrounded by bracts that closely resemble
> real flowers. The bracts are each about 1/2" in diameter and are brilliant
> enough to attract passing pollinators to the insignificant flowers in the
> center of the cluster.
> If you get a chance to see one in bloom, it is worth the experience just
> for the unusualness of it.
> Oh, and if you should ever have the opportunity to get enough of the
> fruit to make jelly, be sure to stand up-wind when cooking it and be
> prepared for down-wind neighbors to complain of the stench. It makes a
> wonderfully tasting jelly, one of my favorites, but, when you first open the
> jar, it smells of dirty socks. It is not one of our best sellers but we do
> sell alot of it, mostly to folks whose mothers or grandmothers made the
> jelly.
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[NAFEX] Strange flowering on High Bush Cranberry,
Jim Fruth, 02/03/2008
- Re: [NAFEX] Strange flowering on High Bush Cranberry, tanis cuff, 02/04/2008
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