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nafex - RE: [NAFEX] Rubus Tayberry

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  • From: "Brungardt, Sam" <>
  • To: "North American Fruit Explorers" <>
  • Subject: RE: [NAFEX] Rubus Tayberry
  • Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2004 17:01:05 -0500

Title: Message
Suzie, I don't have access to it, but there was a fairly long article in Pomona about growing tayberries: Triolo, V., "Tayberry Culture." North American Pomona, Quarterly of the North American Fruit Explorers 23:2 (April 1990): 3-13.

Also, I believe this is one caneberry that has only met with limited success in the USA.  One of the reasons for this is presented in the ATTRA document, Organic Culture of Bramble Fruits (  "Tayberries were bred by crossing a blackberry with a raspberry.  The flavor of the fruit reflects this parentage, and many people feel that a ripe tayberry is the most flavorful bramble of all.  Unfortunately, tayberries are very soft when fully ripe, so they don't lend themselves to commercial production.  Although they are quite thorny, they grow in a manner similar to trailing blackberries and require similar planting, training, and pruning techniques."

Sam Brungardt, Saint Paul, MN (USDA Zone 4b)

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Teghtmeyer, Suzanne R
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 3:46 PM
Subject: [NAFEX] Rubus Tayberry

Hi all,

While poking around on the ‘net for information on the fruits of Mexico, I came across a New Mexico horticulture guide* that mentions the cultivation of tayberries. I’m just wondering, are there a lot of tayberry growers out there?

Has anyone tried the thornless variety ‘Buckingham’?

I guess I’m more curious than anything (although tayberry culture would make a good article....)


----Suzi Teghtmeyer

Paul Evans Library of Fruit Science

Missouri State Fruit Experiment Station and Mid-America Viticulture and Enology Center,

Southwest Missouri State University, Mountain Grove Campus

Evans Library Homepage:

AgNIC Viticulture site:




* Minor Small Fruit Crops for New Mexico Gardens Guide H-326 []


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