Subject: Mounted search and rescue
List archive
- From: <>
- To: "Mounted search and rescue" <>
- Subject: Re: [MSAR] current SAR training or activities
- Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 11:55:01 -0700
Yes it is. I get constant up dates all the time.
Andy E. Stewart
Chairman of the
East Texas Mounted Search & Rescue
P.O. Box 24, Centerville, TX 75833
Phone: 281-513-4956
We ride so others might live
Chairman of the
East Texas Mounted Search & Rescue
P.O. Box 24, Centerville, TX 75833
Phone: 281-513-4956
We ride so others might live

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [MSAR] current SAR training or activities
From: Calleen Troyer <>
Date: Mon, August 12, 2013 1:06 pm
To: "" <>
I look at the website but it's doesn't appear to have been updated since 2007? Is this group still operational?
Calleen Troyer
MSAR-Riders mailing list
[MSAR] current SAR training or activities,
Calleen Troyer, 08/12/2013
- Re: [MSAR] current SAR training or activities, Una Smith, 08/12/2013
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: [MSAR] current SAR training or activities, aestewart, 08/12/2013
Re: [MSAR] current SAR training or activities,
pennbo, 08/12/2013
Re: [MSAR] current SAR training or activities,
T'mi Finkle, 08/13/2013
Re: [MSAR] current SAR training or activities,
Una Smith, 08/13/2013
- Re: [MSAR] current SAR training or activities, irvin lichtenstein, 08/13/2013
Re: [MSAR] current SAR training or activities,
Una Smith, 08/13/2013
Re: [MSAR] current SAR training or activities,
T'mi Finkle, 08/13/2013
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