(Received from a newsletter I get...Re-printed from PFHA)
Florida Governor Charlie Crist signed House Bill 169, “Nicole’s Law,” on June 8, 2009. The legislation creates safety standards to minimize the number of serious or fatal head injuries to Florida youth sustained during equestrian activities and recreation. “Nicole’s Law” is named for Nicole Hornstein, a 12-year-old girl from Loxahatchee, Florida who died after being thrown from a horse in June 2006. “Nicole’s Law” applies to children age 16 and younger who are: - Riding on a public roadway or right-of-way. - Riding on a public equestrian trail, public recreation trail, public park, public preserve or public school site. - Riding on any other publicly owned or controlled property. “Nicole’s Law” does not apply to children under age 16 who are riding while: - Practicing for,
riding to or from, or competing or performing in, shows or events such as rodeos and parades where helmets are not historically a part of the show or event. - Riding on privately owned land even if the land is occasionally separated by a public road or right-of-way that must be crossed. - Engaged in an agricultural practice or pursuit. |
For more information, see Florida's Sun Sentinel |
--- On Tue, 6/16/09, Paso Fino Horse Association <enews@pfha.org> wrote:
From: Paso Fino Horse Association <enews@pfha.org> Subject: FL Helmet Law, Stallion Deadline and more To: spanishequines@yahoo.com Date: Tuesday, June 16, 2009, 11:50 PM
The week of June 15-19, 2009 | |
June 25-28, 2009 AP/USEF • Piedmont PFHA Piedmont Classic Asheville, NC JUDGES: Dr. Jose Laracuente, Mike Cumming, Sharon Londoño, Don Schanche STEWARD: Lynne Ridgeway CONTACT: Rita Magaha (864) 457-2254 ritamagaha1@windstream.net
July 3 & 4, 2009 AB • California PFHA Santa Barbara National Santa Barbara, CA JUDGES: Rex Bradley STEWARD: Fred Moretti CONTACT: Rae Deane Stone (805) 969-9812 raedeane@cox.net
July 3-5, 2009 PFAE • Fiesta Sternberghof JUDGE: Alvaro Iriarte USA info@sternberghof.de
July 10- 12, 2009 AP/USEF • Kentucky PFHA Kentucky Classic 2009 Shelbyville, KY JUDGES: Mike Cumming, Robbyn Young, Dr. Miguel Pastrana STEWARD: Lynne Ridgeway CONTACT: Millie Cunningham (502) 773-9548 millie.cunningham@kctcs.edu
July 10-12, 2009 AB/USEF • Northeast PFHA Schoharie Valley Paso Serenade Cobleskill, NY JUDGES: Carmen Cepero Dr. Jose Laracuente Carmen Micheletti STEWARD: Roger Cabic CONTACT: Lisa Lee (518) 922-9077 1crpff@yahoo.com
July 11 & 12, 2009 AP/USEF • Florida PFHA Miami Summer Festival Miami,
FL JUDGES: Cindy Griffeth, Luis Laguna-Mimoso, Ernie Sanz, Guillermo Iglesias CONTACT: Francheska Castro (786) 712-5455 frenchiecastro@aol.com
July 24-26, 2009 AP/USEF • N Florida PFHA Pasolympics Conyers, GA JUDGES: Dr. Jose Laracuente, Helen Frost, Willman Rodriguez, Mike Cumming STEWARD: Lynne Ridgeway CONTACT: Robin Ratliff (850) 570-8645 sinpar@nettally.com
July 31 – Aug 1, 2009 Local • Great Lakes PFHA Corunna, Michigan JUDGES: Jesi Hurni STEWARD: Dick Lockhart CONTACT: Kathy Pfister (586) 413-4231 kathyfvpaso@aol.com
August 7 & 8, 2009 AP/USEF • Great Lakes PFHA Heritage 2009 Springfield, OH JUDGES: Dr. Jose Laracuente, Eduardo Figueroa, Nicanor Miranda, German Higuera CONTACT: Ed Mong (330) 620-9962 eddiemong@juno.com
August 7-9, 2009 AP/USEF • Deep South PFHA Magnolia Classic Hattiesburg, MS JUDGES: Carmen Micheletti, Donald Schanche, Angelo Usategui, Rogelio Moreno }CONTACT: Ed Lafferty (601) 795-0757 edlafferty@aol.com
August 7-9, 2009 AP/USEF • Southern PFHA Extravaganza Ocala, FL JUDGES: Pending Approval CONTACT: Dr. Jorge Barquet (352) 873-8085 jbarquet.implants@gmail.com
August 8 & 9, 2009 PFAE • Paso Fino Show Swiss Paso Fino Farm JUDGE: Carlos Tobon
August 8 & 9, 2009 AB/USEF • Northeast PFHA Fandango at Oneco Oneco, CT JUDGES: Karen Cabic, Kay Chiappetta, Dr. Margaret Fahringer STEWARD: Fred Moretti CONTACT: Debbie Ramsey (978) 869-0932 paso5@comcast.net
August 14-16, 2009 AP/USEF • Tenn Valley PFHA Festival del Voluntario Espiritu Murfreesboro, TN JUDGES: Pending Approval CONTACT: Norman Timbs (901) 377-1430 dtimbs@aol.com
August 21-23, 2009 AP/USEF • Virginia Presidential PFHA VP Congressional PFHA Event Lexington, VA JUDGES: Pending Approval CONTACT: Debbie Suder (804) 517-5750 Dksuder@aol.com
August 22, 2009 AP/USEF • Southern PFHA Season Finale Ocala, FL JUDGES: Pending Approval CONTACT: Dr. Jorge Barquet (352) 873-8085 jbarquet.implants@gmail.com
September 20-26, 2009 AP/USEF • PFHA Grand National Championship Show Perry, GA JUDGES: Carmen Cepero, Dr. Jose Laracuente, Nicandor Miranda, Dr. Miguel Pastrana, Dr. Jorge Torres Alternate: Guillermo Iglesias CONTACT: PFHA office (813) 719-7777
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LAST CHANCE TO ENTER YOUR STALLION in the 2009 STALLION SERVICE AUCTION Deadline has been extended to June 30th. June 30th also is the cut-off date to include your stallion in the catalog. | |
Paso Espiritu now has a website! |
It’s still very new, and it’s set to have several new pages added over the next few weeks. Plans are underway for a streamline domain name.
Paso Espiritu Drill Team Web Site | |
June 25-28, 2009 AP/USEF • Piedmont PFHA • Piedmont Classic Asheville, NC JUDGES: Dr. Jose Laracuente, Mike Cumming, Sharon Londoño, Don Schanche STEWARD: Lynne Ridgeway CONTACT: Rita Magaha (864) 457-2254 ritamagaha1@windstream.net Piedmont Web Site |
July 3 & 4, 2009 AB • California • Santa Barbara National Santa Barbara, CA JUDGES: Rex Bradley STEWARD: Fred Moretti CONTACT: Rae Deane Stone (805) 969-9812 raedeane@cox.net California Web Site |
July 3 - 5, 2009 AB • Paso Fino Europe • Paso Fino Fiesta Paso Fino Farm Sternbergh D-Markt Nordheim JUDGE: Judge: Alvaro Iriarte, USA ASSISTANT JUDGE: Cornelia Schneider CONTACT: info@sternberghof.de Paso Fino Europe Web Site
July 10- 12, 2009 AP/USEF • Kentucky PFHA Kentucky Classic 2009 Shelbyville, KY JUDGES: Mike Cumming, Robbyn Young, Dr. Miguel Pastrana STEWARD: Lynne Ridgeway CONTACT: Millie Cunningham (502) 773-9548 millie.cunningham@kctcs.edu Kentucky Web Site |
July 10-12, 2009 AB/USEF • Northeast PFHA Schoharie Valley Paso Serenade Cobleskill, NY JUDGES: Carmen Cepero, Dr. Jose Laracuente Carmen Micheletti STEWARD: Roger Cabic CONTACT: Lisa Lee (518) 922-9077 1crpff@yahoo.com Northeast Web Site |
July 11 & 12, 2009 AP/USEF • Florida PFHA Miami Summer Festival Miami, FL JUDGES: Cindy Griffeth, Luis Laguna-Mimoso, Ernie Sanz, Guillermo Iglesias CONTACT: Francheska Castro (786) 712-5455 frenchiecastro@aol.com Florida Web Site |
July 24-26, 2009 AP/USEF • N Florida PFHA Pasolympics Conyers, GA JUDGES: Dr. Jose Laracuente, Helen Frost, Willman Rodriguez, Mike Cumming STEWARD: Lynne Ridgeway CONTACT: Robin Ratliff (850) 570-8645 sinpar@nettally.com North Florida Web Site |
July 31 – Aug 1, 2009 Local • Great Lakes PFHA Corunna, Michigan JUDGES: Jesi Hurni STEWARD: Dick Lockhart CONTACT: Kathy Pfister (586) 413-4231 kathyfvpaso@aol.com Great Lakes Web Site | |
Florida Governor Charlie Crist signed House Bill 169, “Nicole’s Law,” on June 8, 2009. The legislation creates safety standards to minimize the number of serious or fatal head injuries to Florida youth sustained during equestrian activities and recreation. “Nicole’s Law” is named for Nicole Hornstein, a 12-year-old girl from Loxahatchee, Florida who died after being thrown from a horse in June 2006. “Nicole’s Law” applies to children age 16 and younger who are: - Riding on a public roadway or right-of-way. - Riding on a public equestrian trail, public recreation trail, public park, public preserve or public school site. - Riding on any other publicly owned or controlled property. “Nicole’s Law” does not apply to children under age 16 who are riding while: - Practicing for,
riding to or from, or competing or performing in, shows or events such as rodeos and parades where helmets are not historically a part of the show or event. - Riding on privately owned land even if the land is occasionally separated by a public road or right-of-way that must be crossed. - Engaged in an agricultural practice or pursuit. |
For more information, see Florida's Sun Sentinel | |
June 19-21, 2009 Northwest PFHA • Wild Mare Horse Camp Oregon Coast Rides all three days plus a potluck. Contact: Patricia McKinney (541) 408-3908 Northwest Web Site |
June 20, 2009 Ozark Empire PFHA • Meramec Conservation Sullivan, MO CONTACT: Janice Kahl (314) 713-5884 or (636) 271-5066 jkahl@sbpis.com Ozark Empire Web Site |
July 11, 2009 Piedmont PFHA • Cone Park Blowing Rock, NC CONTACT: Jill & Brian Smith (828) 268-0608 brian@blowingrock realestatenc.com Piedmont Web Site |
July 18, 2009 Piedmont PFHA • Trail Ride & Youth Swim Party Morrow Mountain State Park Albermarle, NC CONTACT: Dr. Ann Furr (704) 279-7414 drfurr@alltel.net Piedmont Web Site |
July 24-26, 2009 Northwest PFHA • Quinn Meadows Horse Camp Near Bend, Oregon Rides all three days plus a potluck. CONTACT: Patricia McKinney (541) 408-3908 Northwest Web Site
Paso For Pleasure Sponsors Saddle Up Tack & Supplies, Inc. 1-888-Horse24 www.saddleuptack.com Casa Dosa Paso Fino Horses & Tack 1-888-454-DOSA www.casadosa.com Stagecoach West 1-800-648-1121 www.stagecoastwest.com Larry Whitesel 1-931-858-0658 www.whitesellgatiedhorsemanshp.com Ticket to Ride Sponsors Running Bear 1-800-533-BEAR www.runningbear.com Sue Niebling | | |
June 19-21, 2009 Northwest PFHA Wild Mare Horse Camp Oregon Coast Rides all three days plus a potluck. CONTACT: Patricia McKinney (541) 408-3908
June 20, 2009 Ozark Empire PFHA Meramec Conservation Sullivan, MO CONTACT: Janice Kahl (314) 713-5884 or (636) 271-5066 jkahl@sbpis.com
July 11, 2009 Piedmont PFHA Cone
Park Blowing Rock, NC CONTACT: Jill & Brian Smith (828) 268-0608 brian@blowingrock realestatenc.com
July 12, 2009 Ozark Empire PFHA Greensfelder County Park Pacific, MO CONTACT: Janice Kahl (314) 713-5884 or (636) 271-5066 jkahl@sbpis.com
July 18, 2009 Piedmont PFHA Trail Ride & Youth Swim
Party Morrow Mountain State Park Albermarle, NC CONTACT: Dr. Ann Furr (704) 279-7414 drfurr@alltel.net
July 24-26, 2009 Northwest PFHA Quinn Meadows Horse Camp Near Bend, Oregon. Rides all three days plus a potluck. CONTACT: Patricia McKinney (541) 408-3908
August 1, 2009 NWPFHA Annual Fun Day Colton, Oregon Trail competition, barrel racing & pole bending. Camping available, Pot Luck CONTACT: Betty Reed (503) 824-2332 rancho@colton.com
August 1, 2009 CCPFHA Trail Ride Mono Cliffs Park, Ontario CONTACT: Marijean Harris forestgait@yahoo.ca
August 8, 2009 Piedmont PFHA Croft State Park Spartanburg, SC CONTACT: Jeannie Griggs (864) 487-9565 jeanniegriggs@att.net
August 22, 2009 Virginia Presidential PFHA VA Horse Center Lexington, VA CONTACT: Candy Hurd (423) 257-3611 ducktownfarms@aol.com
September 12, 2009 Ozark Empire PFHA Cuiver River State Park Troy, MO CONTACT: Janice Kahl (314) 713-5884 or (636) 271-5066 jkahl@sbpis.com
September 12, 2009 Piedmont PFHA New River Trail Foster Falls, VA CONTACT: Candance Link (336) 940-2936 or (336) 413-5204 pasolink@yadtel.net
October 17, 2009 Virginia Presidential PFHA VA Horse Center Lexington, VA CONTACT: Candy Hurd (423) 257-3611 ducktownfarms@aol.com
October 17, 2009 Piedmont PFHA Staunton River South Boston, VA CONTACT: Sue Yearwood (336) 599-3026 or (336) 592-1618 sypaso@esinc.net
June 13, 2009 Southwestern Clinic,
Exhibition & BBQ Dripping Springs, TX CONTACT: Millie Sirmons (512) 858-1797 mesirmons@yahoo.com
June 20, 2009 CCPFHA Open House and Fiesta Fergus, Ontario CONTACT: Marijean Harris forestgait@yahoo.ca
July 3-12, 2009 NWPFHA Calgary Stampede Calgary,
Alberta, Canada. CONTACT: Linda Holzer dunwrkn2@gmail.com
July 4, 2009 CCPFHA All Paso Seminar and Mini Show Black's Equine Center Hamilton, Ontario Certified Judge CONTACT: Betty Bassett rembab@talkwireless.ca
Jul 31-Aug 1, 2009 NWPFHA Campout Gifford Pinchot National Forest, WA. CONTACT:
Margo Mittge margomittge@hotmail.com
August 16, 2009 Gaited Horse Fun Show Erin, Ontario CONTACT: Camilla Willings finavistafarm@hotmail.com
October 23 & 24, 2009 Fall Board of Directors Meeting Atlanta, GA HOTEL: Crowne Plaza Hotel, 1235 Virginia Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30344;
(404) 768-6660. RATES: $99 per night (single/double) plus tax. CONTACT: (813) 719-7777 opsa@pfha.org
January 15 & 16, 2010 Membership Covention and Board of Directors Meeting Las Vegas, NV HOTEL: SouthPoint Hotel & Casino CONTACT: (813) 719-7777 opsa@pfha.org
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This message was sent from Paso Fino Horse Association to spanishequines@yahoo.com. It was sent from: Paso Fino Horse Association, 101 North Collins Street, Plant City, FL 33563. You can modify/update your subscription via the link below. |
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