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msar-riders - Re: [MSAR] Knowing the law, does not mean knowing an officer..! Though shalt not harass the livestock of others!

Subject: Mounted search and rescue

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  • From: Karen Nesbitt <>
  • To: MSAR <>
  • Subject: Re: [MSAR] Knowing the law, does not mean knowing an officer..! Though shalt not harass the livestock of others!
  • Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 13:53:10 -0700 (PDT)

Deb, I had  one crazy idiot that used to get a thrill out of sicking his collie after me while I was on day his dog ended up dead.  He tried to sue mind you, he was the crazy that started it.  All I was doing was riding my horse on a public road and minding my own...turned out someone else shot his dog.  Thank God for that someone else having that gun!   Illinois law, and I beleive still on the books...from  around the 1800's. no owner shall allow for his dog to run at large or harass, harm or kill others livestock.  Owner of said livestock, has legal power to shoot to kill said animal running at large if it is found to be harassing, maming, killing, worrying his livestock, not exactly word for word, but close.... But ya know, its not the dogs fault.. its a stupid owner.   Turned out said idiots dog was killing my geese too.    Hmmmmm... glad to know another good neighbor with brains and glad he got that damned ol dog!  I was getting tired of trying to let the mare romp and stomp on it in defense  everytime it would come onto her.  She found great pleasure in attacking back though. She was attacked and bite once by a dog that we owned that went bad on us.  Nothing worse than having to shoot one of your own, but the dog was no good and we HAD to do it.  Did not like too, but there was no choice but to.  Face it, the dog was beyond reform, enjoyed the pursuit and had already gotten a taste of was a responsible shoot.  The dog had got a kick in the head and was going crazy.
I turn a lot of dogs into animal control.  Never knowing if they bite before, and some, nasty as all hell too, but there again, tags lead to bad owners and then bad dogs don't always go home.  Animal Control around here knows that when I make a call to them, their work is done.  All they have to do is come pick up the four legged trash.  I have turned in  dogs to animal control in the face of there owners.  Teed them off, but I will not tolerate any stray here.  It is a dump zone here.  People think oh, there is a ranch or farm and out the dog goes, right onto the highway.  Some people think their animkals, livestock included can roam anywhere.  Then you got idiots opening your gates or cutting fences tryign to steal them or make them escape...grrr.! 
And nowadays there are a lot of pet and horse owners in trouble trying hard to feed their pets and at a loss at what to do.  I wish that they would just make a smart call set their so called pride aside and go to the departments that can help.  It would sure beat the heck out of their pets going hungry chasing someone elses money and livestock.
Today I get a message from the ASPCA and now they too are whining they don't have the space, nor the funds to support all the horses, dogs and cats that are coming into them because of homeonwers in  trouble and the so called hay shortages.  Urban sprawl is fastly becomeing a horseowners nightmare.
K. Nesbitt
Iroqouis County - Illinois
--- On Wed, 8/20/08, Deb Cranford <> wrote:
From: Deb Cranford <>
Subject: Re: [MSAR] Knowing the law, does not mean knowing an officer..! And when the rabbit dies, it does not mean a pregnancy test!
Date: Wednesday, August 20, 2008, 2:53 PM

Yep... I had animal control come get some dogs chasing my horses after several events. The officer got out of his vehicle and one tried to bite him....needless to say they put him in the dog paddy wagon and took all three of them away. Animal Control originally told me to shoot them!!! So...that is the law in VA.
Now I have two dogs....they stay in my yard w/o fences when I am home. When not, one at least goes with me or if not they are both kenneled. Most dogs are not as well trained. ( one is my personal service dog ).
I lived on another person's farm yrs ago. A stray dog we took in started killing my chickens and then on to running his sheep. That dog was immediately put down!!
Guns?? I used to carry one on my side. I was doing research near the New River and also collecting fossils for my class on a back mountain road. After I started the heckling of passerby guys stopped!! Yes, I would have used it if it had made the difference between my personal safety. Thankfully I never even had to draw it.

--- On Wed, 8/20/08, Karen Nesbitt <> wrote:
From: Karen Nesbitt <>
Subject: [MSAR] Knowing the law, does not mean knowing an officer..! And when the rabbit dies, it does not mean a pregnancy test!
To: "MSAR" <>
Date: Wednesday, August 20, 2008, 3:07 PM

As animal owners or potential new animal owners it is a good idea for your own sake to KNOW the law regarding owning an animal  (AND WEAPON)  in your state and locality.  ............................

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