Now I'm in Virginia,
and again having the humidity... but this time we don't have a large enough
walk-in to store garlic. Last summer we kept fans blowing on the garlic all
July and August while it cured out in a big storage shed. The garlic kept in
good shape... but it dried down more than usual, and running the fans all
summer used a lot of electricity. (Less than a walk-in though!)
Any advice muchly appreciated!
Ken Bezilla
Acorn Community Farm
Mineral, VA
Hi Ken
I live in
northeast Ohio
and we always have humidity…for 2 years I dried it in my greenhouse and
then stored in our woodshop which stays pretty cool if we don’t keep the
doors open in there. I did pretty well through March or so. Last year I dried
it the same way….but left it out there too long and I think it dried too
much. Was still fine to use, but shriveled up to nothing too fast over winter
for us to use. I know you are not supposed to dry in the sun…but it sure
worked nice if I could put the 2 years together and make it work. I know that
some farmers lay it in the fields after they harvest for a few days, if there
is no rain in the forecast. Which for us up here…would be very welcome!
We still have had none in I don’t know how many weeks. It’s hit or
miss around here and we have been missed. Feel bad for the folks in Texas. Have a great
Uncle down in Dallas
area…should call and make sure they are not on a house boat right now! Anyway,
but in the past for drying, we have hung in our milk house and then stored in
basement. It’s hard to find the right place when dealing with humidity,
but it does amazingly well considering that factor around here.
Herb Thyme
Middlefield, Oh