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market-farming - Re: [Market-farming] Economics of starting a market garden enterprise

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Subject: Market Farming

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  • From: "Tradingpost" <tradingpost AT>
  • To: market-farming AT
  • Subject: Re: [Market-farming] Economics of starting a market garden enterprise
  • Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2005 10:31:18 -0700

You might describe your methods, varieties, inputs, costs, and marketing.
That'll probably give us a lot to talk about, and some differing advice ;-)

paul tradingpost AT

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On 12/20/2005 at 11:24 AM Andrew R. King wrote:

>Robert Schuler
>I Read your 12/10/04 posting on Market Farming, Economics of stating a
>market Farm and wanted to say thanks. Your posting answered a question I
>have been asking myself.
>I bought 10 acres when I was 25, hopping to make a living on the land.
>Fortunately at that time, I was smart enough to know I needed a real job to
>pay the bills. After 30 yrs running a financial business, my career ended
>shortly after 9/11. I spent the next year trying to restart my business and
>then another looking for a way to make a living. I searched the web looking
>for ways to use my land. I used only information found on college web sites
>thinking it would be more reliable then the how to books people sell. The
>data on market farming looked like it might be the answer. For the past two
>years I have tried to make a go at it, and have modeled my business on
>Coleman's book the NEW ORGANIC GROWER. While I have been moderately
>successful at copying his game plan the numbers never seemed to work out.
>For the past three months I have been reading profiles of successful
>and asking my self, what is it that I am doing wrong.
>Andy King
>Sunflower King's Farm
>Trumbauersville, PA

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