>Is there a top
ten of those vegetables for which there is always a good
return? < Rainbows End Farms and Orchards
Good evening. I've been lurking for a
couple of weeks. I am in the Black Hills of South Dakota. I've
been selling soap at a Farmer's Market one hour north of home. Next
year, I hope to sell vegetables and cut flowers. I am very new at this,
so I hope I'm not jumping in when I should be keepin' quiet <G>
I have discussed my next year plans with a
few other vendors at our market. Among other things, they have all
suggested selling what you're passionate about and what grows good in your
area. And suggested I'd be crazy to not have,
1) tomatoes 2) cucumbers 3)
peppers 4) sweet corn one told
me squash just does not do any good. Another said summer squash does
....I can do all that, but <g> I havfta
grow heirloom or weird :-)..just fits my personality better.
I'd be very interested in this thread. Is
there a top 10?
I'm on my way out to pick the last (probably) of
my peppers :-( We have snow forcast for this weekend.
Rosie..Black Hills..South Dakota
Sisters Soaps &