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market-farming - Re: Looking for a farm dog

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  • From: Chris Sawyer <css AT>
  • To: Market Farming <market-farming AT>
  • Subject: Re: Looking for a farm dog
  • Date: Sat, 18 May 2002 07:53:12 -0500

Hi Allan,
The working breeds work best. No pun intended. They do however have a
propensity to chew until about two or so and require lots of time to
train. (Jakes still wants to jump up on cars and people and he is six
now) I have two lab mixes and a red tick hound. One is the spotter, one
digs moles and voles, and the other is a great companion. The two labs
are great about catching rabbits and have pretty much cleaned out our 11
acres. They also serve as our driveway alarm. I have found that Chow
mixes are not particularly good with strangers, visitors, and children.
I suggest working breeds because they all have the instinct to go after
deer. I would prefer the bird dogs for whistle pigs because most of them
will dig, whereas a shepherd or such may not. A jack Russell terrier
would do fine also I think. Terriers will definitely go for the whistle
pigs and will raise the devil at trespassers like deer.

Dogs are great, had them all my life and my ex-wife was a pro handler
for the dog show circuit. Standard Poodles are the smartest of all
breeds, but they require regular haircuts as they never shed but just
keep growing coat, and do not necessarily dig by instinct.

Allan Balliett wrote:

> No, please don't UPS me one of yours!!
> I'm going to have to pick up a good used dog from the county for deer
> and whistle pig control in the fenced garden.
> I'm looking for suggestions on the breed and age to look for.
> Thanks much,
> -Allan Balliett
> Loudoun Co, VA
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  • Looking for a farm dog, Allan Balliett, 05/17/2002
    • <Possible follow-up(s)>
    • Re: Looking for a farm dog, Chris Sawyer, 05/18/2002

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