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Subject: Market Farming
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- From: "Lawrence F. London, Jr." <lflondon AT>
- To: market-farming
- Subject: Agriculture bibliography Part 32
- Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 01:34:39 -0500
From: cf603 AT cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Dave Sill)
Newsgroups: misc.rural
Subject: Rural Sources: Books (1/6)
Date: 24 Feb 1994 12:40:14 GMT
Organization: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH (USA)
Lines: 759
Message-ID: <2ki77e$lje AT usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu>
Reply-To: cf603 AT cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Dave Sill)
[I've got lot's of updates to these, but I've been too busy to add
them for
months, so I figured I'd better just repost them as-is. -Dave]
150 Years of IHC
C. H. Wendel
(Available from Kings Books, P.O. Box 86, Radner, OH 43066)
A history of International Harvester and the companies that made
up IHC. Also has serial number lists to date IHC
ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture, The
A.I. Root
"First published in 1877 and updated as needed. This book is
arranged as an encyclopedia. I have a 1923 edition and a 1979
edition. It is fun to look at the differences. Very important
reference to have on the beekeeper bookshelf." Donald Bowen
America's Neighborhood Bats
Merlin Tuttle
University of Texas Press
PO box 7819
Austin TX 78713
The [WER (Winter 89)] review lists excerpts about making bat
houses and explaining what appears to be a bat attack.
American Cider Book
Vrest Orton
Farrar, Straus, & Giroux NY 1973
He was a sexist bombast, but it's an informative, traditionalist
Amphibians and Reptiles of the Carolinas and Virginia
B.S. Martof et al
UNC Press, Chapel Hill, NC
Angora Goat Book and Guard Dogs
Jean Ebeling
Eakin Pulications, Inc.
Austin, TX, 1983
Written by Ranch Magazine columnist, somewhat oriented toward
conditions in Texas.
Angora Goats the Northern Way
Susan Black Drummond
Freeport MI:
Stony Lonesome Farm, 1985.
Good overall info. especially on conditions in MI.
Art of Blacksmithing, The
Alex Bealer
Harper & Row 1984
My constant reference for both tricks, designs, and history.
Back To Basics
Reader's Digest 1986
It's amazing how much is covered in the book, from livestock to
barn building to blacksmithing &c. It has enough to get you
started on many rural pursuits.
A pretty good general, but superficial, reference.
Another must-have. A series of how-to articles on things
traditional from surveying and log-cabin-building (adobe too for
you southwesterners) to sheep shearing and blacksmithing. Good
recipes. Good pointers for additional information. This is the
book to have around whenever you start thinking, ``Wonder if I
ought to get a few geese for this place?''
Barns, Sheds, and Outbuildings
Byron D. Halstead (Ed.)
Stephen Green Press, MA 1981
(Reprint of 1881) Includes good drawings of late 19th C barns,
emphasizing efficient layout.
Beard on Bread
"Seems pretty good to me, with the whole first chapter dedicated
to getting that first loaf out. It has a long troubleshooting
section listing symptoms of what can go wrong and how you probably
screwed up (uh.. I mean what you should do differently) to cause
it. The only fault I find is that it is sometimes hard to find
the recipe you want." Donald Perley
Beginning Shepherd's Manual
Barbara Smith
Iowa State University, 1983
"Useful information for both a small farm flock and a larger ranch
flock. Spiral bound so it stays open on the table. The
information on breeds and budgets betrays a midwest bias. The
drawings of good sheep and bad sheep are useful when you look for
those first few grade ewes." Ron Florence
Blue Book: The Guide to Home Canning and Freezing
Edition 32, copyright 1989
Ball Corporation
Consumer Products Division
Consumer Affairs
345 South High Street
Muncie, Indiana 47305-2326
"...A very good guide not only to canning and freezing, but to
pickling, making jams, jellies, preserves, and drying foods. The
price is very reasonable. Ball Corporation makes its money selling
jars, lids, etc. and publishes the book to promote that business."
Bill Mayne
Blue Mountain Buckskin
Jim Riggs
Processing animal hides.
Brown's Alcohol Motor Fuel Cookbook
Desert Publications: Cornville, Arizona
ISBN 0-87947-300-2
Builders of the Dawn
Siris Publishing
"This book has lots of useful info on [Cooperative/Intentional
Communities] plus lists of groups and people to contact and such.
I've also heard there is a video out now based on the book, but I
don't have any details on it." Ken Wood
Chickens in your Backyard -- A Beginner's Guide
Rick & Gail Luttmann
Rodale Press, Inc.
Emmaus, Pa. 18049, 1976
ISBN 0-87857-125-6
Well organized, up to date how-to/reference.
Appears to touch on a lot of aspects of raising chickens like
feed, illnesses, predators, coops, clean-up, etc. It's a
paperback, and was less than 10 bucks including postage, I think.
Commercial Goat Farming
Katie Thear
Complete Book of Raising Livestock and Poultry, The
Thear & Fraser
Pan Books Ltd., Pan, Cavaye Place, London, SW10 9PG, UK.
The how-to book of beasties for a small-holding.
Complete Book of Prefabs, Kits, and Manufactured Houses, The
Fawcett Columbine (C) 1981
ISBN 0-449-90051-7
Complete Book of Self-Sufficiency, The
John Seymour
Transworld Publishers, 61 Uxbridge Road, Ealing, London, W5 5SA,
Excellent. A must for any small farm or homestead.
Complete Herbal Handbook for Farm and Stable, The
(See: Ten Acres Enough)
Continuing the Good Life
Schocken 1979
(See: Maple Sugar Book, The)
Country Living: A Source Book of Projects and Friendly Advice
Lewis & Nancy Hill
Rodale Press.
Encyclopedia of American Farm Tractors
C. H. Wendel
(Available from Kings Books, P.O. Box 86, Radner, OH 43066)
Encyclopedia of American Gasoline Engines Since 1872
C. H. Wendel
(Available from Kings Books, P.O. Box 86, Radner, OH 43066)
THE reference on old engines. This book has over 21000
illustrations showing almost every company to manufacture internal
combustion engines in the US.
Endless Tracks In The Woods
James Young and Jerry Budy
(Available from Kings Books, P.O. Box 86, Radner, OH 43066)
A history of the development of the crawler. Has serial number
lists so you can date that old crawler.
Economic Feasibility of Raising Angora Goats in the Northeastern US,
Stephen Dahm
Penn State Library
Master's thesis. You can get the thesis via interlibrary loan.
It's not too econ-techy, mostly pretty understandable. Good
overview of issues, lots of references.
Enchanted Brocolli Forestm
Mollie Katzan
"Has a breadmaking comic strip in it, which shows all the steps
involved in the method she employs." Katy Kislitzin
FARM, A Year in the Life of an American Farm
Richard Rhodes
"Its a great book." Tom McNeal
Farm Animal Coloring Book
(See: Ten Acres Enough)
Farm Fever: How to Buy Country Land and Farm It--Part Time or Full
Jerry Baker and Dan Kibbie
Funk & Wagnalls, 1977,
ISBN 0-308-10299-1
Full of excellent information about how to buy land and get
started in farming, including addresses of various organizations
and contacts. Unfortunately, it's written in an dated and
somewhat obnoxious style--lot's of exclamation marks! and hokey
`my grandma Foobar always used to say...'s.
Farmer's Tax Guide
IRS Publication 225
Farmstead Book 1
Paul Harmond (Ed.)
Cloudburst, Seattle 1978
Useful treatment of soil management and forage crops. Also the
farm shop and the woodlot. There is no Farmstead Book 2!
First Person Rural
Noel Perrin
Penguin Books 1978
(also the sequels _Second Person Rural_, 1980, and _Third Person
Rural_, 1983)
Brief, thoughtful essays about manure, sheep, maple sugaring,
firewood, and such by a Vermont farmer who also happens to be a
Dartmouth professor. Often _Yankee Magazine_-type stuff aimed
toward rural-wannabes and confused urbanites, but a good
introduction to what one can expect to encounter as part of
escaping the cities and 'burbs.
Five Acres and Independence
M. G. Kains
Greenberg Publishers 1935
How to make a very small farm pay for itself. Amazingly un-dated
advice, even after fifty-five years. Get one, if you can.
Forest Management
U of Oregon/Corvalis
"...A binder full of 'application notes' about 'Forest Management'
including health, thinning, harvest, planning, measurement, road
building, insect control, felling technique, and just about
everything you could want to know." Jim Gurley
Foxfire series
They are available at the B. Dalton's bookstore chain. As a
series of interviews and how-to demonstrations by hillfolk, they
are a valuable source for persons rediscovering problems of rural
Freshwater Aquaculture Book - A Handbook for Small Scale Fish Culture
in North America
William McLarney
ISBN 0-88179-018-4
"This is still in print - and if you just want to look at this,
your library can probably get it through a interlibrary loan."
Bob Kyweriga
Garden Way Publishing Bulletins
Storey/Garden Way
Schoolhouse Road
Pownal, VT 05261
Roughly 100 32-page booklets on various gardening, DIY/crafts,
livestock, cooking/preserving, energy, etc. List for $2 each. I
have _Eggs and Chickens_, by John Vivian (see Practical Guide) and
_Baking with Sourdough_, don't remember author. Both are very
good. The sourdough book has dozens of recipes, I particularly
liked the pretzels.
In addition to lots of neat books, they also publish an odd
series, "Country Wisdom Bulletins". They're a dollar each, 32pp
long, and focus on one topie or another: "Building and Using Cold
Frames", "Axes & Chainsaws", "Build a Smokehouse", "Buying country
Land", "The Best Fences", etc, etc, tect [there are over a hundred
of 'em. I have a dozen or so].
Getting Started in Farming on a Small Scale
USDA Agriculture Information Bulletin Number 451.
Gift of Good Land, The
Wendell Berry
North Point Press
San Francisco 1981
Goat Cheese
Mont-Laurier Benedictine Nuns
New England Cheesemaking Supply Company
P.O. Box 85
Ashfield, Mass 01330
ISBN 0-9607404-1-4
"I won it in a raffle at a goat show (where else?) and haven't
used it much, but it looks good. You can also get a list of other
books on cheesemaking and a catalog of cheesemaking supplies from
them." Roberta Taylor
Goat Farming
Alan Mowlem
Goat Husbandry
David Mackenzie
I don't know if it's still in print, but I was fortunate enough to
obtain a copy at a rummage sale.
Grass Farming
M.McG. Cooper & David W. Morris
Farming Press Ltd., 1983
"When you realize that raising sheep really is ``grass farming,''
this is the book for pasture and forage management. The seed
varieties they recommend are British, and the haymaking techniques
went out of style thirty-years ago, but there is some superb
information on developing and improving pastures and hayfields."
Ron Florence
Greener Pastures on Your Side of the Fence
Bill Murphy
Harnessing Water Power for Home Energy
Dermot McGuigan
Garden Way Publishing, Pownal, Vermont 05261
Paperback, 100 pages, 1978
ISBN 0-88266-115-9
The book describes how to determine how much power you have:
measuring flow and head and the mechanics of turning the water
into useful energy. There are chapters on water-wheels, pelton
wheels, turgo wheels, cross-flow turbines, francis turbine and on
lots of other little details (like building a dam). There are
lots of manufacturer's addresses included in the text.
Have-More Plan, The
Ed and Carolyn Robinson
Garden Way/Storey
This book is worth owning just for the comic effect. Leave it on
your coffee table and watch your guests. It's a blast from the
past. As with 5 Acres, though, the information is fairly timeless
if you can suffer the presentation. It contains lots of 1-2 page
entries on beekeeping, rabbit/chicken raising, orcharding, etc.
Hive and the Honey Bee, The
"First published in the late 1800's and updated periodically.
This book is arranged as a series of articles on all aspects of
beekeeping. This is the next book to have after the Root book."
Donald Bowen
Home Aquaculture - A Guide to Backyard Fish Farming
Steven D. VanGorden
Douglas J. Strange
Rodale Press
ISBN 0-87857-472-7
A guide to small tank culture.
Maybe available from Rodale Press; otherwise maybe available from
Steven Van Gorden
PO Box 109
Breinigville PA 18031
How to Design an Independant Power System
(out of print)
Terrance D. Paul
Best Energy Systems for Tomorrow, Inc.
P.O. Box 280
Necedah WI 54646
If you can find someone who has a copy, hound them until you can
borrow it.
"Best book on the subject I have ever seen." Rob Kleinschmidt
Integral Urban House Self Reliant Living In The City, The
Helga Olkowski, Bill Olkowski, Tom Javits and the Farallones
Institute Staff
ISBN: 0-87156-213-8
Sierra Club Books
Available via mail-order from Sierra Club bookstores. It's about
500 pages (8.5 x 11) and has a good bibliography
John Deere Tractors and Equipment
Don Macmillian
(Available from Kings Books, P.O. Box 86, Radner, OH 43066)
General source of JD information.
Laurel's Kitchen Bread Book
"A very good book, but a bit dogmatic and intimidating, IMHO.
Lots of Q & A sections and takes you through all the steps from
the perspective of never having done this before. The method is
at variance with many other cookbooks, though; she explains that
her method has been specifically developed to work with 100% whole
grain flours, which require different treatment than breads that
include white/unbleached flour." Katy Kislitzin
Life after the City
Charles Long
Camden House, 7 Queen Victoria Rd, Camden East, Ontario, K0K 1J0,
Practical book. Covers US as well as Canada
"...It's more about lifestyles and deciding if you want to go or
not and if so how far."
Living on a Few Acres
USDA Yearbook of Agriculture, 1978
Should be available free from your conresscritter. A collection
of short articles on different aspects of "Living on a Few Acres".
From how to find a place, to what to do with it, etc [e.g., "Dairy
Goats Require Lots of Care Just to Brak Even"; "think twice about
risks of horse rental business", "land improvements --- what you
need to know", "Ready to face the realities of small-scale
Living on Less
Editors of the Mother Earth News
Mother Earth News Books
Scores of 2-5 pagers on such topics as housing, homesteading,
gardening, canning, foraging, livestock, energy, clothing,
recreation, etc. Lots of good DIY info that doesn't assume you
were born in a log cabin or raised by wolves.
Living the Good Life
Schocken 1970
(See: Maple Sugar Book, The)
Malabar Farm
Harper & Bros. 1948(?)
(See: Pleasant Valley)
Maple Sugar Book, The
H. & S. Nearing
Schocken Books 1950
I think the FBI used to put your name on file if you ordered
these. Maybe they still do. In any case, Scott Nearing (who had
run as a Socialist against Fiorello LaGuardia in the NY mayoral
race) and his wife Helen started the back-to-the-land movement in
the '30s, when they set up a self-sufficient farm in Vermont. They
continued for another half-century, later moving to Maine when the
ski industry started ruining the neighborhood. Good scholarship,
with numerous obscure quotes and references going back hundreds of
years; rather dated politics; lots of blaming meat-eating for most
of mankind's physical and moral infirmities. Probably a more
primitive lifestyle than most of us could stand for long, but true
classics. I especially recommend the first, which combines a
history of maple sugaring with in-depth technical information.
Nebraska Tractor Tests Since 1920
C. H. Wendel
Kings Books
P.O. Box 86
Radner, Ohio 43066
The Nebraska tractor tests are an important tool in comparing
tractors and any farm tractor sold in Nebraska must be put through
these tests. The tests are still being conducted. This book
gives the important data for each test from 1920 through 1984. If
you are concerned about the size, power, weight, economy of a
tractor, it is here. For example the tractors tested in 1978
range from the small 1940 lb. Kubota L-185 to the large 47370 lb.
Stieger ST-450.
New Industry, or Raising the Angora Goat, and Mohair, for Profit, A
William L. Black
Keystone Printing Co.
Fort Worth, TX 1900. (yes, 1900)
An oldie, but goodie. Great perspective on the way things were,
and the way they could be.
New Organic Grower, The
(See: Ten Acres Enough)
North American Dairy Sheep Symposium
University of Minnesota
St. Paul Minnesota
July 25-28, 1989
edited by W.J. Boylan
North American Directory of Exotic Animal & Bird Owners
1990 edition
Skaar Rtc.
Box 4028
Sidney, MT 59270
People's Workbook
Environment and Development Agency
P.O. Box 322
South Africa
"Contains a lot of information useful to people interested in Self
Sufficiency. While much of it is directed towards the Southern
African situation, it may be of use." Henk Coetzee
Pleasant Valley
L. Bromfield
Harper & Bros. 1943
Not sure if these are in print right now, but you should be able
to get them from used book stores. Politically far more
conservative than the Nearings, novelist Louis Bromfield takes all
his book royalties and puts together a huge Ohio farm. The
money's-no-object bit can get tedious at times (not to mention the
thousands of words in praise of Boxers), but these were the first
really-widely-read books against reliance on chemical fertilizers
and toward composting, erosion control, and protecting farmland
from development by selling the rights to conservancy trusts or
Practical Blacksmithing
M.T. Richardson (Ed.)
Weathervane 1978
(reprint of 4 volume 1889-91) compendium of 19thC journal
articles; jumbled, but fun.
Practical Guide to Homesteading, The
John Vivian
I'd consider this a must-read, if not a must-have, for wannabes.
Vivian takes the reader through a typical year on his homestead.
Full of practical (hence the title) advice, the kind of thing you
learn usually by blowing it the first time around.
Practical Guide to Successful Farming
Wallace S. Moreland (Ed.)
Halcyon House 1943
Excellent reference for practical, low-budget farming. From
Rutgers Ag professors, it can be found in used book shops. (I
bought one for $3, then my mom gave me the one she had given her
father in 1943. It's a pleasure to read from the pages thumbed by
the man who got me interested in farming.)
Practical Sheep Dairying: The Care and Milking of the Dairy Ewe
Olivia Mills
Wellingborough, Northhamptonshire
Thorsons, 1989
Production and Marketing of Sheep in New England, The
Sheep Bulletin, No. 66, (December 1975)
"Excellent for a thin phamphlet. Information on everything from
feeder design to rations to veterinary questions. You can
probably get a copy from your County Extension Office anywhere in
New England." Ron Florence
Profitable Sheep Farming
M.McG. Cooper & R.J. Thomas
Farming Press Ltd., 1983
"Interesting, if only for the vocabulary lessons, which will teach
you the proper management of your ``tups'' and ``leys.'' With
some modifications, what works in England or New Zealand also
works in New England or Idaho." Ron Florence
Raising Goats for Milk and Meat
Rosalee Sinn
Raising Milk Goats Successfully
Gail Luttmann
Williamson, Charlotte, VT 1986
Well organized, up to date how-to/reference.
Raising Poultry the Modern Way
Lenonard S. Mercia
A Garden Way Publishing Book
Storey Communications, Inc.
Pownal, Vermont 05261, 1983
ISBN 0-88266-058-6
Raising Sheep the Modern Way
Paula Simmons
Garden Way, 1976
Well organized, up to date how-to/reference.
"Raising sheep the old-fashioned way. There are some good hints,
like using lime to harden up a muddy barnyard, but much of the
advice here, especially on pharmaceuticals, is out-of-date." Ron
Recipes for a Small Planet
Frances Moore Lappe
"Gives a detailed description of the bread baking process along
with a basic recipe for a whole-wheat/soy bread. I learned to
bake bread from this book and it worked right the first time."
Cory Morse
Secrets of the Still
Grace Firth
EPM Pub McClean VA 1983
She's a great writer, this is worth reading even if you don't
drink! This plus Foxfire are all you need to know about making
Sheep Book, The
Ron Parker
Scribner, 1983; Ballantine, 1984
"My copy is dog-eared from continuous use. Parker did not grow up
on a farm -- he was a professor of geology at UCLA before starting
a sheep farm in Minnesota -- so he takes the time to write about
subjects that are second-nature to those who grew up around sheep.
This is the place to look for information on fences, feeders,
dogs, and a dozen other topics, as well as a single useful
reference on sheep. Some of the vaccination and worming
information is a little out of date (with Ivomec approved for
sheep, it is no longer necessary to use horse wormers), but Parker
is worth reading from cover to cover." Ron Florence
Sheep Raisers' Manual
Bill Kruesi
"For the medium-sized (in New England, large) flock. Especially
good on pasture management and techniques and equipment for
controlling and confining sheep." Ron Florence
Shepherd's Guidebook, The
Margaret Bradbury
SID Sheep Production Handbook
Sheep Industry Development Program, 1988
"Biblical in its scope and size, but more useful to the large
ranch producer than to a small farm flock. There's a lot of good
information in there, but when you need an answer quickly, you are
more likely to find it elsewhere." Ron Florence
Small Scale Grain Raising
Gene Logsdon
Rodale 1977
This will convince you that you don't need a lot of land to grow
your own wheat, barley or oats. Very practical for small
Small Scale Poultry Keeping
(See: Ten Acres Enough)
Starting Right With Bees
"The best selling beginner's book on the market tells you what you
need and how to get started." Donald Bowen
Symposium sur la traite mecanique des petits ruminants
Millau, France
7-11 mai 1973
Paris: Institut national de la recherche agronomique, 1974
Annales de zootechnie; no. hors serie, 1974
[undoubtedly out of print]
Ten Acres Enough
Small Farmers Journal
P. O. Box 2805, Eugene, Or 97402
A fine source of readable material on how to do many of the things
that we as a culture have forgotten and mislaid in our rush to
Textbook of Fish Culture: Breeding and Cultivation of Fish
Marcel Huet
Eyre & Spottiswoode Ltd at Thanet Press
Margate, UK
ISBN o/85238/020/8
"Best book I have found on aquaculture. Has special sections on
carp, pike, trout, perch, catfish, eels. And sections of building
dams, feeding, and the usual." Arnold Chamove
Three Acres and Liberty
Bolton Hall
MacMillan Co NY 1918
TV Vet Sheep Book, The
Farming Press Ltd., 1972, later editions
"Despite the title, perhaps the best book on recognizing and
treating what goes wrong. The vocabulary is British; the
excellent advice is universal. The photographs and the
organization make the book especially useful when you see that
something is awry with a ewe or a lamb and don't have time to
undertake a research program in badly organized books." Ron
University of Guelph
Division of Independant Studies
Agriculture and Horticulture programs
South House
Ontario, N1G 2W1, CANADA
Extensive video collection for sale as well as ag and hort
Veterinary Guide for Animal Owners
C.E. Spaulding
Rodale Press 1976
Very handy reference for most livestock (except children)
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- Agriculture bibliography Part 32, Lawrence F. London, Jr., 03/04/2000
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