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market-farming - Agriculture bibliography part 2

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  • From: "Lawrence F. London, Jr." <lflondon AT>
  • To: market-farming
  • Subject: Agriculture bibliography part 2
  • Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000 23:13:34 -0500

Here's a great one:

"Secrets of Plant Propagation"
- Start your own flowers, vegetabls, fruits, berries, shrubs,trees and
houseplants -
By Lewis Hill
- American Horticultural Society - Voted one of America's 75 best
garden books -
Storey Publishing
Pownal, Vermont 05261
$16.95 US
ISBN 0-88266-370-4

Permaculture Bibliography
Jude Hobbs 1999

The Permaculture Design A practical Guide to a Sustainable Future
Bill Mollison Island
Press Wa. DC 1990 The indepth Permaculture manual by the
co-founder of permaculture.
Excellent examples, illustrations, and enjoyable reading.
An Introduction to Permaculture Bill Mollison and Reny Slay New
South Wales 1991
Simple, straight forward explanation of permaculture.
Travel In Dream Bill Mollisons Tagari '96 An 'autobiography' with
stories, stories,
stories. This is the man behind the permaculture movement.
The Permaculture Way Graham Bell Thorsons, London 1992
Simple explanation of permaculture in action.
A Western Permaculture Manual David Browned. Cornucopia Subiaco,
Wa. '89
Yet another look at permaculture from an American.
Earth User's Guide to PC Robin Morrow
Easy to understand 'how-to' book.
A Pattern Language Christopher Alexander, Oxford, NY '77
The interrelationships between the design of buildings and
settlements. At the core of this
book is that people should design for themselves their own houses,
streets, and communities.
Guide to ways of seeing space, relative location, and permaculture
design. Highly
Ecological Design Sim Van der Ryn and Stuart Cowan Island Press 1996
One Straw Revolution Masanobu Fukuoka Rodale
First book by the Zen high priest on sustainable agriculture
The Natural Way of Farming Masanobu Fukuoka Rodale Press 1

Earthworms for Ecology and Profit Vol. I Scientific Earthworm Farming
Ronald E. Gaddie and Donald Douglas Bookworm Publishing PO Box 655
Ontario, Ca. 91761
A 'complete' book on the study of earthworms- lifecycle, production
and marketing. I found
this in a used bookstore, may be out of print.
Raising Rabbits the Modern Way Bob Bennet Garden Way Publishing '80
Contains all the basics
for raising rabbits
Pastured Poultry Profits Joel Salatin Chelsea Green Publishing Co.
1996 ISBN: 0963810901
Salad Bar Beef Joel Salatin Chelsea Green Publishing Co. 1996
ISBN: 096381091
Keepers of the Game Calvin Luther

The Natural House Book David Pearson Fireside Books Simon
and Schuster,1989
Build It With Bales Myhrman & Mac Donald Out on Bale,1997
The Passive Solar Book James Kachadorian Chelsea Green 1997
The Cob Builders Handbook Becky Bee Groundworks PO Box 14194,
Portland, Or. 97293 $25
Earth Building &The Cob Revival and The Cobbler's Companion PO Box
123 Cottage Grove, Or
Bioshelters, Ocean Arks, and City Farming by Jack and Nancy Todd
Handbook: Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Building John

Children and Nature
The Usborne Complete First Book of Nature
Michael Chinery Ltd. Belgium Publishing Ltd. 1990
Beautifully detailed illustrations of plants and animals. A serious
nature study for the
young and old.
I had to special order this but found it one of the best childrenÕs
nature books available.
Kids Nature Susan Milord Williams Publishing Charlette,Vt.
365 Indoor and outdoor nature experiences for kids.
Springo Tyron Creek State Park 11321 SW Terwilliger Blvd. Portland,
Or 97219 (503)636-4550
Life Lab, Growing Adventure Life Lab Science Program 1156 High St.
Santa Cruz, Ca. 95064
Common Ground Garden Program 2615 S. Grand Ave.#400 L.A. Ca. 90007
(213) 744-4341
If you or some one you know has the inclination to organize a school
garden, Fred Meyer
Foundation and the National Gardening Association often provide grant
monies for these
projects. Communities will often donate supplies needed.

Intentional Communities
Communities Publication Cooperative 105 Sun Street Steele
Illinois, 60919
This book explains what communities are, how to choose a community,
social action, personal
growth through community, ideas for decision making, community
economics, land trusts, and
Living Communities Ben Haggard 4018 Old Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe, NM
Center for the Study of Community, Writing from experience this book
is inspiring.

Ecology of Economics Paul Hawken Harper Collins '93 Ecological
analysis of Business.
Practical suggestions
Small Is Beautiful
Nine Steps to Financial Freedom
Your Money or Your Life

Edibles and General Gardening
Designing and Maintaining Your Edible Landscape Naturally Robert
Kourik Metamorphic Press
Santa Rosa,Ca. 1986 This is a must for those serious gardeners.
Chock full of information
on design, gardening, soil preparation, pruning, biological controls,
combing fruits,
flowers, lawns, herbs, Vines, and Vegies.
The Self-Sufficient Gardener John Seymour Dolphin Books Doubleday
and Company, Garden City
N.Y. 1980 One of my favorite general garden book. Excellent
colored line drawings,
explanations of soil care, propagation, controlling insects and
diseases, Harvesting and
Storage, greenhouse growing and more.
Master Garden Handbook Oregon State Extension Service 1993 EM 8442
Covers: Botany Basics, Soil and Fertilizers, Plant Propagation,
Pruning, Vegie Gardening,
Ornamental Herbaceous plants, Ornamental woody plants, Home Orchards,
small fruit Culture and
care, lawns, House plants, Insects, Plant diseases, Diagnostic key to
urban plant problems,
understanding pesticides, landscapes design, information about master
gardeners. Available at
he Country Extension Service for nominal price.
The Beautiful Food Garden Kate Rodgers Gessert N.Y. 1983
An Encyclopedia of food plants specifically for the Willamette Valley.
Winter Gardening in the Maritime Northwest Binda Colebrook
A guide to growing vegetables between October and May. Site
selection, variety choices, when
to plant and harvest. Explanation of common winter crop pests and
The Complete Herbal Handbook for Farm and Stable Juliette de Bairacli
Levy Faber and Faber,
Boston '90 Interesting and fun read on herbal remedies and folklore
of many cultures
How to Grow More Vegetables Than You Ever Thought Possible John
Ten Speed Press, Berkeley '79 French Intensive method of gardening,
good lists of companions
Seed to Seed Suzanne Ashworth, Seed Saver's Exchange
307 N. Winn Road Decorah, Iowa 52101 Seed saving guide.
Herbs of the Pacific Northwest Ross H Penhallen OSU Extension
Bulletin #LC406
65 page comprehensive guide to the production of herbs
Complete Book of Herbs and Spices Sarah Garland 1979 A Studio Book
Viking Press N.Y.
A definitive guide to herbs and spices with great illustrations,
stories, and recipes
Pruning: Roses, Deciduous Shrubs, Evergreens, hedges, wall shrubs,
fruit bushes and trees,
deciduous trees Christopher Brickell The best guide I know of for
providing pruning
The Orchard Almanac Steve Page and Joe Smillie
A seasonal guide to healthy fruit trees. Excellent reference
planting, pruning,
fertilization, organic control of pests, restoring old fruit trees,
IPM, resistant varieties,
harvest and storage.
Western Fruit, Berries and Nuts by Lance Walheim & Robert Stebbins

Forestry/Forest Farming
Restoration Forestry Michael Pilarski,ed. An International Guide to
Sustainable Forestry
Wildwood A forest Farm for the Future--Ruth Loomis
Pacific Certified Ecological Forest Products Institute for
Sustainable forestry PO Box
1580 Redway, Ca. 95560
Forest Farming J. Sholto Douglas and R. Hart
Forest Farming Robert de J Hart Green Books, Bideford, Devon '91
Mostly reviews
tropical settings but has one chapter from his experience in England
Forest Primeval Chris Maser Introduction to the forest particularly
pertaining to our
The Forest Farmer's Handbook: A Guide to Natural Selection Forestry,
Orville Camp Sky River
Press, Ashland, Oregon 1984

Rodale's Color Handbook of Garden Insects
Anna Carr Rodale Press Emmaus, Pa 1979 Readily available used.
Photographs illustrating insect (beneficial and 'pest') life cycles
Then Bug Book Olkowski
Easy to understand book on bugs- lifecysles, beneficials
The Orchard Mason Bee Brian Griffin Knox Cellars 1607 Knox Ave.
Bellingham, WA 98225 (306)
733-3283 Good little book on Mason Bees. Also, provider of Adult
blue orchard bees (Osmia
lignaria) along with nesting material and educational products.
Least Toxic Pest Control Dan Stein
Hulogosi PO Box 1188 Eugene, Or. 97440 A practical and humorous look
at how to ÔcontrolÕ
pests without pesticides.
Handbook for Butterfly Watchers Robert Michael Pyle, Houghton
Mifflin, Boston '84
Butterflies as indicator species
Biological Control of Insects and Mites N.C.R.481
University of Wisconsin Coop./ Ext. Publication.
30 Murray St. Rm. 345
Madison, WI. 53715-2609 $9.00
An Introduction to beneficial natural enemies

Suppliers of Beneficial Organisms in North America
Ca. Environmental Protection Agency Dept. of Pesticide Regulation
Environmental Monitoring and Pest Mangement Branch
1020 N. Street Rm 161 Sacramento, Ca. 95814-5604 FREE
Insects Con't:

Keys to Damaging Stages of Insects
Commonly Attacking Field Crops in PNW
University of Idaho
Ag. Publication Building
Build J40, Idaho Street
Moscow, Idaho 83843 $17.

Lawrence F. London, Jr. Venaura Farm InterGarden InterGarden PermaSphere AGINFO
lflondon AT london AT

  • Agriculture bibliography part 2, Lawrence F. London, Jr., 03/03/2000

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