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livingontheland - [Livingontheland] Lester Brown on rising temperatures and rising food prices

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  • From: "Tradingpost" <>
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  • Subject: [Livingontheland] Lester Brown on rising temperatures and rising food prices
  • Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2010 22:20:49 -0600

Lester Brown on rising temperatures and rising food prices
by Joe Romm
Published Aug 10 2010 by Climate Progress, Archived Aug 10 2010

Media Advisory for 11 am: Lester Brown on Rising Temperatures and Rising Food

"If we continue with business as usual on the climate front, it is only a
matter of time before what we are seeing in Russia becomes commonplace.”

ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 2010, at 11 a.m. EDT, in advance of the U.S.
Department of Agriculture’s world grain harvest estimate on Thursday,
environmental analyst Lester Brown will discuss the heat and drought
currently decimating Russia’s grain crops, what Russia’s loss on grain
exports means for world food prices and how this calamity foreshadows future
climate-related crises.

Brown is one of the world’s foremost authorities on the connection between
climate and agriculture (see Ponzi redux: Scientific American asks “Could
Food Shortages Bring Down Civilization? excerpted below).

Details on the press call below. If a tape and transcript become available, I
will post it.

Prices for basic farm commodities – wheat, corn, and soybeans – are
actually somewhat higher in August of this year than they were in August of
2007 at the start of the record-breaking 2007-08 run-up in grain prices that
led to food protests and riots in some 30 countries. Meanwhile, it is
estimated that Russia could lose nearly 30 million tons of grain this summer.

“The global balance between grain supply and demand is fragile and
depends largely on climate, ” Brown says. “With 80 million more mouths to
feed each year and with increasing demand for grain-intensive livestock
products, the rise in temperature only adds to the stress. If we continue
with business as usual on the climate front, it is only a matter of time
before what we are seeing in Russia becomes commonplace.”

Brown will discuss the outlook for the Russian grain crop and how it is
expected to affect food prices worldwide in the months ahead. He will also
discuss the effect of climate change on the global food supply and what can
be done in response.

WHAT: Teleconference on “Rising Temperatures and Rising Food Prices”

WHO: Lester Brown, president and founder of the Earth Policy Institute
and author of Plan B 4.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization.

WHEN: Tuesday, August 10, 2010, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. EDT

If you want to join this call, email Kristina Taylor at

Here are some excerpts from two posts I did on Brown:

We desperately need a new way of thinking, a new mind-set. The thinking
that got us into this bind will not get us out. When Elizabeth Kolbert, a
writer for the New Yorker, asked energy guru Amory Lovins about thinking
outside the box, Lovins responded: “There is no box.”

There is no box. That is the mind-set we need if civilization is to

It’s not news that Lester Brown is warning about our unsustainable approach
to feeding the planet. But it is news that Scientific American has run a
major article by him on how “The biggest threat to global stability is the
potential for food crises in poor countries to cause government collapse.”

Brown’s “Key Concepts”:

* Food scarcity and the resulting higher food prices are pushing poor
countries into chaos.
* Such “failed states” can export disease, terrorism, illicit drugs,
weapons and refugees.
* Water shortages, soil losses and rising temperatures from global
warming are placing severe limits on food production.
* Without massive and rapid intervention to address these three
environmental factors, the author argues, a series of government collapses
could threaten the world order.

Brown’s warnings, ignored for too long, are now being repeated at the highest
levels. For instance, I previously blogged on the UK government’s chief
scientist, Professor John Beddington, who laid out something very close to
this collapse scenario in his speech yesterday to the government’s
Sustainable Development UK conference in Westminster (see “When the global
Ponzi scheme collapses (circa 2030), the only jobs left will be green“):

You can see the catastrophic decline in those [food] reserves, over the
last five years or so, indicates that we actually have a problem; we’re not
growing enough food, we’re not able to put stuff into the reserves….

I am going to look at 2030 because that’s when a whole series of events
come together….

I will leave you with some key questions. Can nine billion people be fed?
Can we cope with the demands in the future on water? Can we provide enough
energy? Can we do it, all that, while mitigating and adapting to climate
change? And can we do all that in 21 years time? That’s when these things are
going to start hitting in a really big way. We need to act now. We need
investment in science and technology, and all the other ways of treating very
seriously these major problems. 2030 is not very far away.

Brown’s whole piece is worth reading. I’ll excerpt the key points, trends and
quotable facts here:

Failing states are of international concern because they are a source of
terrorists, drugs, weapons and refugees, threatening political stability
everywhere. Somalia, number one on the 2008 list of failing states, has
become a base for piracy. Iraq, number five, is a hotbed for terrorist
training. Afghanistan, number seven, is the world’s leading supplier of
heroin. Following the massive genocide of 1994 in Rwanda, refugees from that
troubled state, thousands of armed soldiers among them, helped to destabilize
neighboring Democratic Republic of the Congo (number six).

Brown continues:

… the recent surge in world grain prices is trend-driven, making it
unlikely to reverse without a reversal in the trends themselves. On the
demand side, those trends include the ongoing addition of more than 70
million people a year; a growing number of people wanting to move up the food
chain to consume highly grain-intensive livestock products; and the massive
diversion of U.S. grain to ethanol-fuel distilleries.

The extra demand for grain associated with rising affluence varies widely
among countries. People in low-income countries where grain supplies 60
percent of calories, such as India, directly consume a bit more than a pound
of grain a day. In affluent countries such as the U.S. and Canada, grain
consumption per person is nearly four times that much, though perhaps 90
percent of it is consumed indirectly as meat, milk and eggs from grain-fed

The potential for further grain consumption as incomes rise among
low-income consumers is huge. But that potential pales beside the insatiable
demand for crop-based automotive fuels. A fourth of this year’s U.S. grain
harvest—enough to feed 125 million Americans or half a billion Indians at
current consumption levels—will go to fuel cars.

And then there’s water:

… the spread of water shortages poses the most immediate threat. The
biggest challenge here is irrigation, which consumes 70 percent of the
world’s freshwater. Millions of irrigation wells in many countries are now
pumping water out of underground sources faster than rainfall can recharge
them. The result is falling water tables in countries populated by half the
world’s people, including the three big grain producers—China, India and the

In China the water table under the North China Plain, an area that
produces more than half of the country’s wheat and a third of its corn, is
falling fast. Overpumping has used up most of the water in a shallow aquifer
there, forcing well drillers to turn to the region’s deep aquifer, which is
not replenishable. A report by the World Bank foresees “catastrophic
consequences for future generations” unless water use and supply can quickly
be brought back into balance.

As water tables have fallen and irrigation wells have gone dry, China’s
wheat crop, the world’s largest, has declined by 8 percent since it peaked at
123 million tons in 1997. In that same period China’s rice production dropped
4 percent. The world’s most populous nation may soon be importing massive
quantities of grain.

But water shortages are even more worrying in India. There the margin
between food consumption and survival is more precarious. Millions of
irrigation wells have dropped water tables in almost every state. As Fred
Pearce reported in New Scientist:

Half of India’s traditional hand-dug wells and millions of shallower tube
wells have already dried up, bringing a spate of suicides among those who
rely on them. Electricity blackouts are reaching epidemic proportions in
states where half of the electricity is used to pump water from depths of up
to a kilometer [3,300 feet].

A World Bank study reports that 15 percent of India’s food supply is
produced by mining groundwater. Stated otherwise, 175 million.

Finally, there’s global warming:

The third and perhaps most pervasive environmental threat to food
security—rising surface temperature—can affect crop yields everywhere. In
many countries crops are grown at or near their thermal optimum, so even a
minor temperature rise during the growing season can shrink the harvest. A
study published by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences has confirmed a rule
of thumb among crop ecologists: for every rise of one degree Celsius (1.8
degrees Fahrenheit) above the norm, wheat, rice and corn yields fall by 10

That’s an especially chilling statistic when you consider that we are facing
warming of 4°C to 5°C or more this century on the business as usual emissions

Is there another techno-fix to the global food problem? Brown says, not

In the past, most famously when the innovations in the use of fertilizer,
irrigation and high-yield varieties of wheat and rice created the “green
revolution” of the 1960s and 1970s, the response to the growing demand for
food was the successful application of scientific agriculture: the
technological fix. This time, regrettably, many of the most productive
advances in agricultural technology have already been put into practice, and
so the long-term rise in land productivity is slowing down. Between 1950 and
1990 the world’s farmers increased the grain yield per acre by more than 2
percent a year, exceeding the growth of population. But since then, the
annual growth in yield has slowed to slightly more than 1 percent. In some
countries the yields appear to be near their practical limits, including rice
yields in Japan and China.

Some commentators point to genetically modified crop strains as a way out
of our predicament. Unfortunately, however, no genetically modified crops
have led to dramatically higher yields, comparable to the doubling or
tripling of wheat and rice yields that took place during the green
revolution. Nor do they seem likely to do so, simply because conventional
plant-breeding techniques have already tapped most of the potential for
raising crop yields.

You can get Brown’s detailed solution, Plan B 3.0: Mobilizing to Save
Civilization, at I’ve discussed at length the
energy and climate strategies in this blog. Here is his short discussion of
some other key measures:

The fourth component, restoring the earth’s natural systems and
resources, incorporates a worldwide initiative to arrest the fall in water
tables by raising water productivity: the useful activity that can be wrung
from each drop. That implies shifting to more efficient irrigation systems
and to more water-efficient crops. In some countries, it implies growing (and
eating) more wheat and less rice, a water-intensive crop. And for industries
and cities, it implies doing what some are doing already, namely,
continuously recycling water.

At the same time, we must launch a worldwide effort to conserve soil,
similar to the U.S. response to the Dust Bowl of the 1930s. Terracing the
ground, planting trees as shelterbelts against windblown soil erosion, and
practicing minimum tillage—in which the soil is not plowed and crop residues
are left on the field—are among the most important soil-conservation measures.

But as always, the first step is to realize that there is no silver bullet
and there is no quick escape from the Ponzi scheme.

Brown ends with a terrific quote about thinking outside the box from my old
boss Amory, which bears repeating, :

Lovins responded: “There is no box.”

There is no box. That is the mind-set we need if civilization is to

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