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[Livingontheland] Sick of Corporate Control Over Your Food?
- From: "Tradingpost" <>
- To:
- Subject: [Livingontheland] Sick of Corporate Control Over Your Food?
- Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2009 11:25:36 -0700
Sick of Corporate Control Over Your Food?
by Jill Richardson
Published on Monday, December 28, 2009 by Firedoglake
Have you ever played Monopoly? You know how it goes. Its pretty fun for a
while, until one player puts hotels and Boardwalk and Park Place and then
amasses crazy amounts of money while the other play goes broke. Often in our
house this would end with one player walking away from the game (or worse,
turning the game board upside down in anger). This is no coincidence.
When a market is competitive, everyone wins. Businesses that can innovate or
grow more efficient rise to the top while consumers get the best products for
the best price. However, when one (or a few) corporations gain too much power
over the market, those benefits go away. Think about it if there was only
one company out there selling something essential for life (for example,
seeds for all of our major food crops) they could charge whatever they
wanted and wed have to pay it. Especially if they figured out a clever way
to keep new companies from emerging and gaining any share of the market.
This post is first about that exact example and the company, Monsanto, who is
under investigation by the Obama DOJ (Dept of Justice) for anticompetitive
behavior. But this post is even more about the larger picture how corporate
consolidation affects MANY areas of our food supply, what that means for us,
and how you can send in your comments to the Obama administration in the next
few days (they are due by December 31).
Id like to make clear first that Monsanto is NOT a bogeyman responsible for
all evils in our food supply. They are responsible for an awful lot, its
true, but often I hear people cursing Monsanto over problems that should be
blamed on other companies. For example, if you hate all of the high fructose
corn syrup in our food, then you should be mad at Archer Daniels Midland, not
Monsanto. That said, Monsantos been highly effective at exploiting just
about every possible legal method of growing their companys influence,
expanding their market share, and making money. For example, they spend big
bucks on lobbying and they get their people into top jobs in the government.
But perhaps theyve engaged in some illegal ways of doing this too that
remains to be seen.
With the seed industry, it isnt just about what size market share you have
(even though Monsanto IS the Coca-Cola of the seed industry). Even more
important are what traits you control. If another company wants to engineer
Roundup Readiness (a trait controlled by Monsanto) into their seeds, they
need to come to Monsanto begging in order to do so. As Monsantos spent the
past decade or so gobbling up smaller seed companies (see a diagram of it
here) and the traits they own Monsanto controls an awful lot of traits,
and thus an awful lot of the seed industry.
A recent AP article explains their control over the seed industry, saying:
With Monsantos patented genes being inserted into roughly 95 percent of
all soybeans and 80 percent of all corn grown in the U.S., the company also
is using its wide reach to control the ability of new biotech firms to get
wide distribution for their products, according to a review of several
Monsanto licensing agreements and dozens of interviews with seed industry
participants, agriculture and legal experts.
Declining competition in the seed business could lead to price hikes that
ripple out to every familys dinner table. Thats because the corn flakes you
had for breakfast, soda you drank at lunch and beef stew you ate for dinner
likely were produced from crops grown with Monsantos patented genes.
Note that they say that Monsantos traits are in 80 percent of corn. Monsanto
doesnt actually sell all of that corn. I would assume that much of it is
Pioneer corn (owned by DuPont), with Monsantos traits engineered into it.
The AP explains how that works:
Monsantos methods are spelled out in a series of confidential commercial
licensing agreements obtained by the AP
The company has used the agreements to spread its technology giving
some 200 smaller companies the right to insert Monsantos genes in their
separate strains of corn and soybean plants. But, the AP found, access to
Monsantos genes comes at a cost, and with plenty of strings attached.
While Monsanto does not sell 90% of all seeds, the article quotes an
agricultural economist who believes Monsanto has control over as much as 90
percent of all seed genetics. He continues, saying that with so much control
Monsanto can increase their prices in the long term because they have no
competition. Then the AP reports on seed price increases over the past few
The price of seeds is already rising. Monsanto increased some corn seed
prices last year by 25 percent, with an additional 7 percent hike planned for
corn seeds in 2010. Monsanto brand soybean seeds climbed 28 percent last year
and will be flat or up 6 percent in 2010, said company spokeswoman Kelli
They go on to explain the specific methods Monsanto used and uses to get
control of the market. For example:
One contract gave an independent seed company deep discounts if the
company ensured that Monsantos products would make up 70 percent of its
total corn seed inventory
Quarles said the discounts were used to entice seed companies to carry
Monsanto products when the technology was new and farmers hadnt yet used it.
Now that the products are widespread, Monsanto has discontinued the
discounts, he said.
And how about this?
The Monsanto contracts reviewed by the AP prohibit seed companies from
discussing terms, and Monsanto has the right to cancel deals and wipe out the
inventory of a business if the confidentiality clauses are violated.
Thomas Terral, chief executive officer of Terral Seed in Louisiana, said
he recently rejected a Monsanto contract because it put too many restrictions
on his business. But Terral refused to provide the unsigned contract to AP or
even discuss its contents because he was afraid Monsanto would retaliate and
cancel the rest of his agreements.
And then theres the deal they make with smaller seed companies: You can use
our traits but if you are bought by another seed company, you must destroy
all of the seeds you have with our traits in them. As a result, Monsantos
had a cheap and easy time buying up smaller seed companies:
Monsantos provision requiring companies to destroy seeds containing
Monsantos traits if a competitor buys them prohibited DuPont or other big
firms from bidding against Monsanto when it snapped up two dozen smaller seed
companies over the last five years, said David Boies, a lawyer representing
DuPont who previously was a prosecutor on the federal antitrust case against
Microsoft Corp.
Competitive bids from companies like DuPont could have made it far more
expensive for Monsanto to bring the smaller companies into its fold. But that
contract provision prevented bidding wars, according to DuPont.
So when people talk about "anticompetitive" behavior, now you have a taste of
what they mean. Its not just that a company is really big and successful.
Its that their practices make it impossible for other companies to compete
Food and Ag Corporate Consolidation in General
An awful lot of problems are traceable to consolidation in agriculture/food.
High prices, lack of availability of local food (particularly meat), and food
safety problems are just three of them. Fortunately, the U.S. government is
actually DOING SOMETHING about this. They will first take public comments on
the subject, and then hold a number of workshops around the country.
In addition to the Monsanto investigation, the DOJ is also doing a number of
workshops ("to explore competition issues affecting the agricultural sector
in the 21st century and the appropriate role for antitrust and regulatory
enforcement in that industry") and taking public comments on the subject.
(Email your comments to BY DECEMBER 31.
Details on this are below.)
>From a sustainable food & food justice perspective, the problems in our food
>system are a bit like a chicken and egg dilemma. Huge, powerful corporations
>are producing unhealthy, unsustainable food (which is distributed in an
>unjust way) often treating the workers who make the food very unfairly as
>well and yet its all legal. Or their practices are illegal but the law is
>not adequately enforced. So the solution is to change the laws or have the
>laws enforced except the same powerful interests control quite a bit of
>government via lobbying and campaign donations, etc. So where do you start?
Well, one answer is to reduce the power of these corporations. And
fortunately, we DO have laws on the books saying that companies cannot engage
in anti-competitive practices. And we have an Obama DOJ that is interested in
looking into this. Better yet, Congress need not be involved.
There are two types of consolidation horizontal and vertical. Horizontal
consolidation means you have tons and tons of market share selling the same
product. For example, Monsanto buys up many smaller seed companies to expand
horizontally. Vertical consolidation means you expand into different stages
of a products development. For example, Tyson breeds baby chicks and owns
them all the way until they go to the grocery store. From the breeder, the
chicks go to farmers who have contracts with Tyson (the farmers never
officially own the chicks, even while raising them). Tyson picks up the
chickens from farmers when they are full grown, slaughters them, and sells
them. I believe they also provide the farmers with the feed and medications
for the chickens.
Each type of consolidation horizontal and vertical reduces the amount of
competition in an industry. While it is a GOOD thing for innovative companies
to prosper, once a company because so powerful, it no longer needs to
innovate to stay in charge. Furthermore, without much competition (or even
the possibility of future competition), the corporation can jack up the
Sometimes large, powerful corporations use their size to unfairly oust
competition from smaller companies. A great example is when Wal-Mart comes
into a town and builds three SuperCenters even though the town really only
can support two. Then, after all of the Mom n Pop businesses close because
they cant compete with Wal-Mart, Wal-Mart shuts down one of the
SuperCenters. Another example (and this IS illegal) is when a company sells
their products below the cost of production. A large company may have deep
pockets and the ability to do this long enough to put their smaller
competition out of business.
Obviously, a monopoly has the ability to jack up prices because there are no
other companies around to compete with lower prices. However, when a market
is consolidated (the largest 4 companies control over 40% of the market),
they can raise prices without officially colluding. You can find out how
consolidated various U.S. agricultural industries are from the Heffernan
report. Note that the most recent report is quite out of date because weve
had some very significant mergers in the past 2 years (JBS Swift merged with
Smithfield, and then went after Pilgrims Pride).
Here are some ways that you might be noticing the effects of consolidation in
your life:
Its harder and harder to find healthy, locally produced foods in your
community especially if you live in a low-income area, there might not be a
supermarket for miles.
Prices are rising at the supermarket, but youve heard that farmers are
struggling and big food companies have made record profits this year.
You feel like you dont have much choice about the food you eat maybe
the produce selection is bad, or you dont like that everything seems to be
made with corn products.
Its hard for small food producers and processors to find markets for
their products and its hard for consumers to find products made by small
Food seems less safe. Youve read that the outbreak and spread of
bacteria like E. coli happens much faster when meat and vegetables are
processed in big centralized locations.
Local farms are going out of business, because small farmers cant
compete with prices set by industrial farms and consolidated buyers.
There arent many decent jobs in food and farming anymore theres a
real lack of opportunities for both urban and rural youth who are interested
in growing and preparing food.
Whats in your food, anyway? And why arent there decent labels telling
you where it grew, what chemicals are on it, and if its genetically modified?
There is a "revolving door" of personnel between corporate lobbyists
and government regulators. No wonder corporations arent held to strict
Many rural communities have become ghost towns. The farmers that have
survived often find themselves entirely at the mercy of corporations who own
all parts of the supply chain (called "vertical integration") and can set
prices in such a way to drive competitors out of business.
Just one company controls the majority of seeds in the US, and
regularly threatens farmers who dont buy its seeds.
Cows, chickens, and pigs are being raised in squalid conditions on huge
industrial feedlots and pumped full of unnecessary antibiotics, which is
unhealthy for them and potentially unsafe for the people eating them.
The food you can afford is bad for you; healthy food is expensive.
Food is grown and raised in ways that are terrible for the environment,
with methods that pollute the water, poison the soil, and threaten our
long-term food security.
A lot of food from the store just doesnt taste very good, which raises
questions about where its come from and how its been treated.
Taking Action
Slow Food USA just put up an action alert that says:
Maybe youve noticed prices rising at the supermarket even while most big
food companies made record profits this year;
Maybe you are a farmer who has trouble getting your meat to market
because there are no small-scale processing facilities in your region;
Maybe youre concerned about food safety and the spread of bacteria like
E. coliwhich happens much faster when meat and vegetables are processed in
big centralized locations;
Maybe your local farm has gone out of business because it couldnt
compete with the prices set by industrial farms and consolidated buyers.
And you probably know consumers having trouble finding good food at
affordable prices, as well as farmers having trouble getting good food into
mainstream markets. Please reach out to them today: the Department of Justice
needs to hear their stories.
Email your comments to BY DECEMBER 31.
So, what do you say in your comments to the DOJ? You can see sample letters
if youd like, or you can use this template:
State who you are parent, teacher, farmer, cook, gardener, community
leader, eater whatever feels relevant.
State that you are concerned about the consolidation of corporate power
in the food and agriculture sector.
State your primary reasons why. Some examples to get you started (you can
find more food for thought at
* youve noticed prices rising at the supermarket and dont feel like you
can do anything about it (a lot of big food companies have made record
profits this year even as consumers are paying more for food.);
* youre concerned about your familys safety (outbreak and spread of
bacteria like E. coli happens much faster when meat and vegetables are
processed in big centralized locations.);
* local farms are going out of business (many small farmers cant compete
with prices set by industrial farms and consolidated buyers.).
This section can be short and informal; dont worry about spelling out
the connections too precisely. The important thing is to express from your
own experience what most concerns you or how youve been affected by the
effects of corporate consolidation in the food industry. Be honest and speak
from your heart.
Thank them for the opportunity to submit comments.
Sign your name and address
For an absolute plethora of information on the subject of antitrust work and
market consolidation, check out the U.S. Food Crisis Working Groups
antitrust documents.
Heres a list of the Dept of Justices workshops:
Dates, Locations, and Topics
March 12, 2010 Ankeny, Iowa
Issues of Concern to Farmers
Introduction to the workshops series with a focus on the issues facing
crop farmers. Discussion topics may include seed technology, vertical
integration, market transparency and buyer power.
May 21, 2010 Normal, Alabama
Poultry Industry
Discussion topics may include production contracts in the poultry
industry, concentration and buyer power.
June 7, 2010 Madison, Wisconsin
Dairy Industry
Discussion topics may include concentration, marketplace transparency and
vertical integration in the dairy industry.
August 26, 2010 Fort Collins, Colorado
Livestock Industry
This workshop will focus on beef, hog and other animal sectors. Topics
may include enforcement of the Packers and Stockyards Act and concentration.
December 8, 2010 Washington, D.C.
This workshop will look at the discrepancies between the prices received
by farmers and the prices paid by consumers. As a concluding event,
discussions from previous workshops will be incorporated into the analysis of
agriculture markets nationally.
For full details on the workshops, see the DOJs website.
© 2009 Firedoglake
- [Livingontheland] Sick of Corporate Control Over Your Food?, Tradingpost, 12/28/2009
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