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Subject: Healthy soil and sustainable growing

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  • From: "Tradingpost" <>
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  • Subject: [Livingontheland] Growing Your Own Grains
  • Date: Tue, 03 Nov 2009 21:58:33 -0700

Growing Your Own Grains
by Peter Goodchild
01 November 2009

Most of what are called grains are members of the grass family, which has the
scientific name of Gramineae or Poaceae. Grains are the most important plants
in human diet, contributing most of the carbohydrates as well as a certain
amount of protein, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Generally speaking, grains
are quite undemanding in terms of soil or weather.

Unfortunately most of our knowledge of raising grain in small quantities with
simple tools has been lost, or at least it is hard to find. Nearly all of the
present-day research is geared to modern agribusiness — hybridization,
genetic engineering, and very expensive machinery and chemicals. The
information gained from such research would be of no use if anything went
wrong with the technical or economic infrastructure. Grains are all that
stand between the human race and starvation, but the human race has made very
little effort to record the fundamental information.

For the purposes of survival and small-scale gardening, never get involved
with hybrids or with genetically engineered grains; this is most commonly a
question with corn. Hybrid grain cannot reproduce properly, so if you wanted
more of the same you would have to buy again from the supplier. Genetically
engineered grains pose a number of dangers, but the biggest problem is again
that of reproduction, because such grains are often given a “terminator gene”
that prevents you from regrowing such seeds. The excuse for creating such a
gene is that the manufacturers need to recover the cost of research and
development — sounds like science fiction, but it isn’t.


Wheat, barley, rye, and oats are grown in roughly the same way. The main
difference is the hardiness of the grain. Wheat requires fairly good soil,
and it cannot tolerate far-northern climates, whereas barley is less
demanding, and rye will grow on almost any kind of land and in a great range
of climates. Corn (maize) is a much larger plant, grown widely spaced, but
producing abundantly. Buckwheat (which is not a true grain, although it is
used in the same way) is worth considering, especially for cold climates or
poor soil, although a crop is easily destroyed by a heavy rain. Proso millet
(Panicum miliaceum) or sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) would be worth growing,
especially on very dry land. Only a few types of grain are described below,
but actually there are dozens of cultivated species. The world’s most
important grain, of course, is rice, but it’s not a very practical crop for
most of North America.


Many grains have “spring” and “winter” varieties. Spring varieties are sown
in the spring and harvested in the summer. Winter varieties are planted in
the fall and left to grow a little, until they are partly killed by the
winter. It’s good to have a lot of snow in the winter, because the snow acts
as insulation, protecting that grain from the cold and the wind. When spring
arrives, those winter varieties will start growing again, long before spring
varieties have a chance to get going.

The planting of winter grain involves a few risks. An unusually cold but
snowless winter could destroy the crop. A heavy fall rain just after sowing
could also destroy the crop. For that reason, it is best to sow winter grains
a little more thickly, in the hope that part of the crop will survive the
vicissitudes. Nevertheless, winter grains usually have a higher yield than
spring varieties. Spring wheat might produce about 35 bushels per acre, while
a winter variety in the same area might produce 40.

Another problem with winter grains is “stooling” — producing stalks. After
the grain is sown, you expect it to grow a few inches before winter puts an
end to growth. However, if you plant too early, or if winter arrives late,
you might find that the plants have grown too much and have started to
produce real stalks. Grain plants at that stage of their growth are more
susceptible to winter-kill.

In any case, even if your winter grain does not do well, you will know soon
enough in the spring that you can make other preparations for a crop. You
could, for example, plant a spring variety of the same grain, or you could
use the land for some other type of crop, perhaps beans or potatoes. But
don’t try planting winter varieties of grain in the spring, because you’ll
only end up with a lot of long grass, not with grain.


Grains generally don’t need rich soil to grow in. Corn, however, uses up
nitrogen, so it is best to plant some kind of legume in the following year
and allow the nodules in the roots to draw more nitrogen out of the
atmosphere and down into the soil. Wheat also does better in rich soil, but
it will produce a reasonable crop even in poor soil. In fact, in the
nineteenth century wheat was grown in the United States for decades on the
same piece of land without adding fertilizers and without crop rotations. Rye
will put up with almost any sort of land. Oats prefer cool weather and a fair
amount of moisture but are otherwise undemanding.

Most grains actually do best on land that is not high in nitrogen. Too much
nitrogen (perhaps from chemical fertilizer) can cause “lodging” — the stalks
grow too high, and as a result the plants fall over. The problem of lodging
is intensified if there is a hard rain or hail, or a strong wind, or if
people or animals have been walking in the field. (Grain at the “grass” stage
is safe from feet, but not grain that has started to produce stalks.) The
element that grains need for developing strong stalks is not nitrogen but
potassium. The problem of lodging has also been lessened by the scientific
development of more-resistant varieties.

For the most part, grain-raising is done without irrigation, i.e., without
water of any sort except whatever falls from the sky. Since grain on a small
farm is generally sown by broadcasting (scattering the grain randomly over
the soil) rather than in rows, there would be no way of getting into the
field to add water even if you wanted to. Grains are adapted to a fairly
waterless environment, and adding water usually does no good. On the
contrary, too much water might cause a crop to rot and die.

However, the weather is full of surprises. Even with the hardiest of grains,
try to grow more than a year’s supply. A severe drought can destroy a crop. A
bad storm just before a harvest can do at least as much damage. Always have a
surplus of grain from 1 year to the next, so that if you lose a crop you will
still have enough to eat and enough to plant.


In North America, most grains are grown in roughly the same manner. Corn,
sorghum, and rice are exceptions. But for wheat, rye, barley, oats, millet,
and buckwheat, the process begins by digging or plowing the land. Then you
broadcast the seed and rake the soil to cover it.

Grain grows best on loose, well-tilled soil. However, you need the grain to
be about an inch or 2 (2.5-5 cm) deep, and the easiest way to achieve this
with hand tools is to leave the ground fairly rough and lumpy when you’re
spading it. If you were to rake and smooth the soil before sowing the grain,
you’d be faced with the problem of burying it. So broadcast the grain on
rough ground, and then use the rake to get the grain properly covered.

The oldest and simplest way of sowing grain is broadcasting, although it
involves more losses than fancier techniques. Put the grain in a bag that
hangs to your stomach or waist and has a broad strap that goes down across
your chest from one shoulder. Walk in a straight line from 1 end of the field
to the other. Every couple of steps, throw out a handful of grain, either to
the left or to the right. What is important is to get the grain to fall onto
the ground at about 1 grain per square inch. If you’re not good at estimating
measurements, just remember that an inch is about from the tip of your thumb
to the first joint. Don’t worry too much about precision. Some of the grain
will go too deep, some of it will be too shallow. You can also be certain
that birds and other creatures will come along later to get their percentage
— just accept it as “Nature’s tax.” When broadcasting, you should be able to
cover a strip about 6 feet (2 m) on each side of you, so to cover the whole
field you’ll be walking parallel strips about 12 feet (4 m) apart. When
you’ve sown all the grain, go over it with a rake to cover it.

If you’re growing on clay soil, try to get the soil broken up a little more
finely, and don’t let the grain get so deeply buried. With sandy soil, the
opposite is true: you might want to get it down at least 2 inches (5 cm).

An ideal day on which to do your broadcasting would be just before a rain.
You should still use a rake to cover the grain, but the rain will do the
final smoothing for you and preserve more of the grain from depredation by


After you’ve sown a grain, it’s often difficult to do any weeding, so weeds
can be a serious problem, especially when you’re working with a piece of
ground that you have only recently converted from a wild or semi-wild state.
Wild land may have many species of weeds that will try to compete with your
grain crop. Weeds are a nuisance for several reasons: they will reduce the
yield of your grain crop, they will add their own seeds to your harvest, and
they could even ruin your stored grain if their leaves start to ferment and
heat up. There are basically 3 solutions to the problem of weeds: intense
pre-cultivation, row planting, and planting of another species.

Pre-cultivation involves digging or otherwise tilling the land several times.
In early spring, dig the land once and turn up all the weeds so that they die
from exposure. About 2 weeks after you’ve tilled the field, it will start to
look green again, as a new crop of weeds comes up. Till the soil again, so
that the new weeds are killed. If you have the time and energy, do the same
thing again after another 2 weeks. By then, you should have a field
sufficiently free of weeds for you to grow a successful crop of grain.

If you know that your land is still going to be producing lots of weed, you
could try growing the grain in rows, so that you can walk around the growing
plants and use a hoe to get at the weeds. F.H. King (239-41) mentions such a
method of growing wheat in China about a century ago. The wheat was planted
in “hills” (groups or patches) 6 inches (15 cm) wide, of about 50 kernels,
with 2 feet (60 cm) from the center of 1 hill to the center of the next. The
patches were arranged in long rows, or actually pairs of rows, with 16 inches
(40 cm) between the rows. (The hills formed a zigzag pattern.) Each pair of
rows was in turn separated from the next pair by a space of 30 inches (75
cm), thereby leaving plenty of room for cultivation of the crop as it was
growing. The yield was about 700 pounds per acre (800 kg/ha) — not a great
deal of wheat, but better than harvesting weeds along with the grain.

A third method of dealing with weeds is to start with another crop and crowd
out the weeds before they get a chance. You could, for example, plant clover
or alfalfa and dig it back into the field before it flowered. By doing so,
you’d be adding a lot of nitrogen to the soil (because these plants are
legumes), increasing the organic component of the soil (as the plants decay
to provide humus), and loosening the soil (as the roots dig deeper), as well
as smothering the weeds. Or you could plant buckwheat, which would not add
nitrogen but would certainly create organic matter and provide you with
excellent grain itself, before your principal grain crop.


A stalk of wheat is known as a tiller, but the term is more often applied to
extra stalks that grow from the same grain. All grains produce tillers,
although the tillers on corn are called suckers. Generally speaking, each
tiller will produce 1 head of grain, with several dozen kernels per head.
Tillering is always good, because more tillers per plant means a greater
total yield of grain. Tillering tends to create a balance between how much
you sow and how much you reap, because grain that is sown at low density will
probably produce more tillers. By taking advantage of tillering, therefore,
you can keep to a minimum the amount of grain you have to sow in order to get
a good crop in return. Figuring out that balance requires a good deal of
experimentation, but it will depend on such matters as soil and climate, as
well as on the type of grain you’re growing.


A few months after it starts growing, your grain is ready to harvest.
Hand-harvesting tends to shake up the plants more than harvesting by machine,
so some of the grain might fall to the ground and be lost. To avoid the
problem, the grain should be collected when it is still somewhat chewy, not
completely hard. Pick out a few grains from time to time and test them to see
what stage they’re at. When they’re at the correct stage, you’ll notice that
the entire plant has become a different color: about half green, half yellow.
Another indicator may be the suddenly greater interest taken by the birds.

The yield on home-grown grain can vary anywhere from 600 to 6,000 pounds per
acre (700-7,000 kg/ha), depending on the type of grain, the weather, and many
other factors. At the low end would be rye, buckwheat, and millet, although
these should produce roughly 1,800 pounds per acre (2,000 kg/ha). Wheat
should produce about 2,400 pounds per acre (2,700 kg/ha), oats and barley
perhaps 3,600 pounds per acre (4,000 kg/ha), although the hull-less types
produce less. Field corn, however, might result in as much as 6,000 pounds
per acre (7,000 kg/ha). The maximum figures here, of course, are rather

When the grain is ready to cut, you’ll need a good stretch of dry weather.
Since it’s summertime, you’re pretty likely to get good weather, but you can
never be certain. Do whatever you can to get the grain harvested on dry days.

Hand-harvesting generally means using a sickle. What you have to do is to
bend down, grab a handful of grain, and then cut it off by reaching around it
with the sickle and cutting it off. There’s a lot of bodily movement
involved, so go slowly and take lots of breaks, at least until you get used
to it.

A sickle is a one-handed tool, whereas a scythe is for two hands and allows
you to stand up. You can go much faster with a scythe than with a sickle,
since you don’t have to move around so much. There are 2 general types of
scythe, one with a curved handle and one with a straight one. The type with
the curved handle (actually double-reflexed, like an archery bow) is
sometimes called “American style,” although it appears in several other
countries, and the straight-handled type is called “Austrian style,” although
it’s not just Austrian. The Austrian style is not well known in North
America, but it’s far superior to the American style, since you don’t have to
bend your back constantly to use it. A lot of modern Austrian-type scythes
have aluminum handles, which work quite well.

At this point, however, I should dispel a popular myth. Throughout world
history, the scythe alone was almost never used to harvest grain. It was
commonly used for cutting hay, but not grain. The problem with a scythe is
that, by itself, it cannot lay the stalks straight enough for them to be
gathered and bound. The solution, invented mainly in the nineteenth century,
was to attach to the scythe a set of long, finger-like projections known as a
cradle. It’s possible to harvest grain with a scythe that has no cradle, but
it certainly does a messy and wasteful job.

But the scythe with a grain cradle is not necessarily superior to the sickle,
and the latter is still used in many countries. Scythes with cradles are
heavy, they are dangerous (people sometimes cut their legs while flipping the
stalks off the cradle and onto the ground), and they still do a less neat job
than sickles, so grain tends to be wasted. A final advantage of a sickle is
that you can leave a longer stubble if you wish to do so, leaving most of the
stalk in the field; that longer stubble can later be dug in to replace the
organic matter in the soil.

Cutting the grain is just one part of the harvesting process. After that
comes gathering and banding. The sheaf (bundle) can be any size, although
some people like to have it as big as can be held in 2 arms. In the old days,
the sheaf was held between the legs and tied with a few stalks of the same
grain; the stalks were wrapped around the sheaf to act as a band, the 2 ends
of the band were put together and twisted 3 or 4 times, and then the twisted
part was tucked back under the main part of the band to keep everything
together. Nowadays baling twine or something similar does the job more easily
but less cheaply; to keep the stalks parallel in the sheaf, cut the twine
long enough so that it can go around the sheaf several times before being

Set the sheaves upright in groups of about ½ dozen, called shocks or stooks.
Leave them outside for at least a month to finish ripening. Then put them
together in a rick (stack): lay about 30 sheaves together on the ground with
their heads inward, so that you’re forming a tight circle with no space in
the middle; lay more sheaves around this to form a wider circle; and then
start another layer on top of the first circle. Continue until you’ve got
about a dozen layers, forming a sort of cylindrical tower. Cover it with a
tarpaulin. The rest of the work can be done whenever there’s time available.
Unthreshed grain will remain in good condition almost indefinitely, as long
as it stays dry.

When you’re ready to thresh, put the bundles on a clean floor (but not bare
cement, since you’ll never get rid of the grit) and beat them with a flail,
which is a tool somewhat like a broomstick to which a shorter stick is
attached with a leather thong. Or you just can pick up the sheaves and beat
them over a horizontal pole, or even over the back of a chair. Actually
almost anything can be used to beat the grain, and human or animal feet might
do as good a job. All that matters is to get the grain free from the stalks.

The next stage is winnowing, to separate the grain from the chaff — the thin
husks or scales that enclose each grain. One way is to wait for a windy day
and then pour the grain from 1 container into a second which is placed
several feet lower. As the grain falls, the chaff is caught by the wind and
whisked away. A somewhat more laborious method is to use a fan as a
substitute for the wind.

With oats and barley, the process is more complicated, because those husks
enclose the grain completely to form a hull. You must first remove the hulls,
and there is no really practical way to do this on a small scale. Hull-less
(naked) varieties of oats and barley are available, and they may be suitable
crops for certain regions.

Store the grain in any rodent-proof container, but be sure that your crop is
quite dry before you do so. If you have any doubts about the dryness, keep it
in a shallow pile and stir it frequently to keep the temperature to a minimum.

The grain is then ready to be ground into flour. If you wanted to be really
old-fashioned, you would use one stone-shaped somewhat like a pastry-rolling
pin, and another much larger, flatter, and perhaps concave stone. Nowadays it
might be more practical to use a good hand-turned grain mill, which you could
buy for about $100 or $200.

Part of your harvest must be put aside for the next year’s planting. Grain
that’s saved for seed must be kept alive. That means that it should be really
dry before it’s stored. It’s best to keep it outdoors, in the rick, for at
least a month before you bring it in, thresh it, and store it. If you thresh
and store the grain too early, it will heat up, which means that it will not
germinate later when you need it to.


Bread can be made from yeast, sugar, salt, oil, water, and the flour of any
grain, although the gluten in wheat produces a lighter loaf. Yeast-raised
bread, however, has 3 disadvantages. In the first place, making such bread is
a time-consuming process. Secondly, yeast-raised bread requires an oven;
electric ovens are expensive to operate, while wood-burning ovens can be both
hot and unpredictable.

Flat bread (tortillas, chapatis, etc.) is a lot easier to prepare, and it is
always fresh because it is made just before a meal. My own recipe is very
simple: take 3 cups (750 ml) of flour, 1 cup (250 ml) of cold water; stir and
knead only until the flour and water form a thick dough; break off pieces the
size of a golf ball; use a roller or your hands to make them flat and very
thin; and drop each one onto a greased — or even ungreased — cast-iron
skillet at medium temperature until cooked.

Bannock bread takes very little time to prepare. Mix 2 cups (500 ml) of
flour, 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of baking powder, 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of salt, and
2 tablespoons (30 ml) of oil. (Dried fruit or nuts may be added.) Then add 1
cup (250 ml) of water and mix just long enough to get a uniform dough; if you
play with it too long, the baking powder will stop working. Put the bannock
into a heated oiled frying pan and pat the dough down to flatten it. Cook for
4 minutes on each side.

Perhaps the easiest way to eat grain is by boiling it. For each person, add ½
cup (75 ml) of cracked (roughly ground) grain and perhaps a pinch of salt to
1 cup of water. (This 1:2 ratio works for any grain, contrary to what you may
have heard or read elsewhere.) Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Then
put the lid on the pot and set it at low heat for about ½ hour; if you have a
wood stove, the pot can be set on a rack on a cooler part of the stove. Serve
it with sugar and milk as a breakfast food, or eat it like rice.

The kernels of grain can also be left whole and then roasted or boiled, or
they can be sprouted slightly before cooking. Sprouted grains, when roasted,
crushed, added to water, and left to ferment, form the basis for various
alcoholic beverages.

WHEAT (Triticum aestivum and T. turgidum)

Wheat is easy to grow, since it doesn’t need rich soil or much water. It’s
easy to process, because the grain falls away from the chaff. It’s popular as
a food because it’s high in gluten, which is what makes bread both chewy and
light. Overall, wheat is the most nutritious of grains, since it has a fair
amount of protein and vitamins.

For wheat to grow well, the soil should not be acidic, wet, or sandy. Wheat
requires a long growing period, generally about 150 days, with not too much
heat but a good deal of sunlight. The annual rainfall should be between 15
and 35 inches (40-90 cm), and there should be a nice dry period during the

Wheat is subject to a disease called rust; agribusiness solves the problem by
constantly creating new cultivars. As a small-scale grower, you are probably
hoping to produce your own seed grain perpetually, so rust can be serious,
especially in humid southern regions.

Some varieties of wheat are “spring” wheat, planted in spring and harvested
in the same summer. Other varieties are “winter” wheat, planted in the fall,
left to die down in winter, then harvested in the summer. Winter wheats
usually produce higher yields but can sometimes be killed by severe winters.

Both spring and winter wheats can be divided into “soft” wheats and “hard”
wheats, and also into “red” and “white” varieties. All kinds of wheat are
interchangeable in cooking, but some kinds are preferred for certain
purposes. Hard red winter wheat, used for making bread, is resistant to cold
winters. It is commonly grown in the central United States. Hard red spring
wheat, used for both bread and pasta, is grown in areas that are too cold
even for hard red winter wheat: the north-central United States and the
Canadian prairies. Soft red winter wheat, used for pastry, requires more
moisture and cannot tolerate great cold. It is grown in the southeastern
United States and in the Pacific Northwest. White wheat is not quite so
common, but it is found in the Pacific Northwest, in the northeastern United
States, and in parts of Canada.

Durum wheat, used for pasta, is a separate species, T. turgidum. Because it
is the most drought-resistant of all wheats, it is grown in the north-central
United States and parts of the Canadian prairies.

The best time to plant winter wheat is at the time of the first frost. The
planting time is critical, because wheat that has begun stooling (producing
stalks) is less resistant to cold weather. In addition, winter wheat should
be planted after the danger from an insect pest called Hessian fly. Learn the
“fly date” for your area, the date after which the insect is not active; this
date will be roughly September 15. Spring wheat should be planted fairly
early, perhaps 3 or 4 weeks before the average date of the last spring frost.

If you are broadcasting wheat, use about 3 pounds for every 1,000 square feet
(1.5 kg/100 m2) of land, or about 100 pounds per acre (110 kg/ha).

RYE (Secale cereale)

Rye seems originally to have been a weed growing among wheat and barley, but
around 3,000 B.C. it was being grown as a crop. Rye looks a lot like wheat,
but the head is more slender, it tends to “nod” (bend), and it always has
bristles, whereas some kinds of wheat have no bristles. Rye grains are longer
than those of wheat. There is both “winter” and “spring” rye. Rye also
appears as light, medium, or dark.

As a “survival” food, rye is an excellent choice. It does very well in cold
areas, and it is highly tolerant of poor soil, doing well even on very sandy
soil. It is also less bothered by birds than other grains.

Ergot sometimes infects rye. This fungus is easy to identify because it makes
the grain black and swollen. Keeping your stored grain dry can help prevent
this problem. Sowing seed that’s more than a year old may help, since the
fungus doesn’t stay viable after that length of time. If you get ergot
anyway, dump your grain into a mixture of 1 cup (250 ml) of salt to 4 cups (1
L) of water, stir until the infected grain floats to the top, and then dry
out the good grain.

Rye should be planted in the same manner as wheat, but it will be ready to
harvest about a week earlier. The yield will be slightly less than with
wheat, barley, or oats, but the fact that it is so hardy means that you are
less likely to lose your crop.

BARLEY (Hordeum vulgare)

The domestication of barley has a long history: farmers in the Near East were
growing it 10,000 years ago. Barley looks like wheat or rye, except that
barley always has 3 flowers in a cluster, whereas the flowers of wheat and
rye are attached singly. Modern barley has either 6 rows of kernels on each
head, or 2 rows, although an older form had 4 rows. Like wheat, barley comes
in both “winter” and “spring” varieties, but winter types are grown only in
the southern United States. If you have trouble with deer, you can get a
bearded, rough-awned barley that the deer won’t touch. Alkaline soil is fine
for barley, but not acidic soil, and it does better in clay soil than in
sandy soil.

Barley may not be the most practical crop for small-scale gardening, because
most modern forms have husks that adhere to the grain, and removing such
husks really requires a pearling machine or a roller mill. It’s possible to
put the entire grain through an ordinary hand-mill, but only if you like a
highly fibrous product. There are hull-less (naked) forms of barley, however,
and although their yield is not as great they might be suitable for the small

The growing of barley has a number of advantages, however. The yield of
barley is often better than that of wheat. Barley can stand much colder
climates than wheat, and it has a great ability to withstand drought. Barley
bread will not rise like wheat bread, but sprouted barley is the main source
of malt, used in beer-making.

Winter barley should be planted at about the same rate as wheat, 3 pounds for
1,000 square feet (1.5 kg/100 m2), 100 pounds for an acre (110 kg/ha). Barley
ripens a little earlier than wheat.

OATS (Avena sativa and A. nuda)

Like rye, oats probably used to be a weed growing among other crops. They
were the last major grain to be domesticated, not appearing until about 1000
B.C. Oats have wide-spreading branches and flowers that hang down, very much
unlike wheat, rye, or barley. There are both “winter” oats and “spring” oats,
but winter oats can be grown only in very mild climates. Most modern forms of
oats have hulls. Hull-less varieties (A. nuda) are available, but they yield
less, are more subject to deprivations from birds, and do not resist cold
weather as well.

Oats are predominantly a grain of cool moist regions such as Scotland. Oats
do very well in cool weather, and should be planted as soon as the ground can
be worked. The longer you wait, the less the yield will be. The crop will
grow on most types of soil but does best on clay loam. The planting rate for
broadcasting oats is about 120 pounds per acre (130 kg/ha), higher than for
most other grains.

PROSO MILLET (Panicum miliaceum)

The word “millet” is applied to quite a number of grains, most of which have
nothing in common other than being members of the grass family. One “millet”
that is worthy of attention is usually called proso millet or broomcorn
millet — the latter a misleading term, since brooms are made from sorghum,
not millet. The plant is about 3 feet (1 m) tall, with somewhat thick and
hairy stems and leaves. The head of grain is a large, many-branched cluster,
drooping considerably when ripe. The grains are red or yellow, quite small
and shiny.

In North America, this grain is used almost entirely as bird food, but it is
actually an excellent food for humans. Millet is quite easy to grow,
broadcast in the same manner as wheat, but the yield may be less. It is ready
for harvesting three months after planting, much more quickly than wheat.
During a long drought, millet just stops growing and waits until the rain
returns. The grain is quite undemanding in terms of soil, moisture, or
weather. The shiny hulls are hard to detach from the grain, but there is
little need to do so, because the entire grain can be ground to produce a
mild-tasting flour.

SORGHUM (Sorghum bicolor)

Sorghum can withstand considerable drought, although it can’t handle cold
weather, and it is easy to harvest and process. It will grow in most
temperate regions, including here in Ontario.

Sorghum grains are light to dark brown, round like peppercorns but about half
the size of wheat grains. For planting, you need to wait until about 10 days
after the last spring frost date. Sorghum will grow in the same kind of land
that will support corn. Plant the grains about 4 inches (10 cm) apart, in
rows about 30 inches (75 cm) apart, although in dry regions you’ll need to
use wider spacing. Then you’ll need 100 frost-free days after that for the
grain to ripen properly, so it isn’t a particularly early crop.

A small amount of seed grain goes a long way: you need only about 8 pounds of
sorghum to plant an entire acre (9 kg/ha) , as opposed to about 100 pounds of
wheat per acre (100 kg/ha). The yield is also impressive: about 6,000 pounds
per acre (6,700 kg/ha), as opposed to 3,600 pounds per acre (4,000 kg/ha) for

The mature stalk might be any length, depending on the variety, but again it
will look slightly like corn, except that the grains are in a tight cluster
at the very top. When the plants turn yellow-brown, cut off the seed heads
and about a foot of the stem, and bring them inside, away from birds. You can
tie them in bunches and hang them up, or you can spread the heads on a clean
floor, but don’t pile them deeply. Down south, the harvested grain might be
dry enough for immediate threshing; in a northern area you might need to
harvest the crop before it is fully ripe, so you’ll have to leave it to dry
for a few weeks. When the grain has been sufficiently dried, rub the heads to
loosen the grain, and winnow to get rid of the bits of hull and stalk. The
grain is then ready to grind.

Besides grain sorghum, there is also sweet sorghum, used to produce syrup,
but sweet sorghum cannot be grown very far north. A type of sorghum that does
do well in a northern climate is broomcorn, used for broom-making. Sweet
sorghum and broomcorn are both planted a little more widely than grain
sorghum: the grain should be about 6 inches (15 cm) apart, the rows about 40
inches (100 cm) apart.

CORN (Zea mays)

The word “corn” is somewhat confusing, because in England “corn” refers to
any type of grain, while “maize” is the name for the plant that Americans and
Canadians call “corn.” In any case, the scientific name of the latter is Zea

Most of the native people of North America grew their own food, and by far
the most important crop was corn, which was first developed around 7000 B.C.
Corn needs warm weather, but the natives nevertheless grew corn quite far
north. Even the Huron Indians of southern Ontario had large corn fields, and
there were large corn fields around what is now Montreal. All of the modern
kinds of corn, which give us popcorn, cornmeal, “corn on the cob,” and so on,
are descended from Indian varieties of corn, although in those days there
were far more varieties than we have today.

Nowadays there are 2 main types of corn, sweet corn and field corn, although
these are not botanical distinctions. The former is the type that we usually
eat as “corn on the cob,” while the latter is the type that is either ground
into cornmeal or fed to animals. In general, the sweet varieties of corn are
less suitable for drying, and they have more problems with diseases and
insects. Field corn, on the other hand, is definitely worth growing. It has a
higher yield per acre than any other temperate-climate grain, and (unlike
some other grains) there is no complicated threshing or winnowing involved.
In Canada, the United States, and Europe today, by far the most common type
of corn is a field corn called “yellow dent.” Less common is “flint” corn, a
harder type (hence the name) that lacks the “dent” at the top of the dried
kernel. Popcorn, the most ancient of all the surviving types of corn, is
actually a sort of flint corn.

In modern times, however, you’re unlikely to find varieties of corn that
qualify as both “field corn” and “open-pollinated,” with the exception of
those that are generally known as “Indian” or “ornamental” corn. As long as
you don’t choose a variety that has too long a growing season for your area,
you should do fine. Indian corn can be ground for cornmeal, or at an earlier
stage it can be cooked in the same manner as sweet corn, although the colors
don’t look so pretty if the ears are boiled. The types of Indian corn listed
as “flour” corn are easier to grind and therefore more practical than the
harder types.

Corn is technically the simplest of grains to grow. It has multiple uses as
food, since the kernels can be turned into everything from soup to bread. The
silk can be steeped to make a pleasant tea. But other parts of the plant are
useful. The cobs, after the kernels are removed, can provide fuel for a
campfire or stove. The husks can be made into rope, baskets, or dolls, and
they make a good stuffing for a mattress.

There are, however, several drawbacks to growing corn. A common fungal
problem is smut, which appears as large grayish lumps on the ears; be sure to
burn these right away, since the spores can last for years — or eat them when
they’re young, since they taste like ordinary mushrooms.

Insects are often the biggest worry. Corn earworms can devastate a crop. The
most troublesome insect is the European corn borer; the larva is pale gray,
brown, or pink, with a dark brown or black head.

There are no “organic” methods that will totally prevent insects from
attacking your corn. There are, however, a few tricks that will reduce insect
problems considerably: grow field corn rather than sweet corn; grow
open-pollinated types; plant late; bury or burn all crop residues (the plants
after the ears have been harvested); grow corn with longer and tighter husks
(older varieties are best for this reason); keep your soil in good condition;
and don’t peel back the tips of the husks to see if the ears are ripe (since
that invites insects).

Corn is also a favorite food of many birds and mammals. One defense is to
plant several kernels to a hole, in the hope that the animals will leave 1 to
grow. Plant the kernels deeply, and step on them to keep them hidden. Another
tactic is to post a guard over the field: dogs, children, and elderly people
can be conscripted, and scarecrows might work. Or you could put up a high

As food, corn has the defect that it is low in isoleucine and lysine, 2 of
the essential amino acids that make up protein. To take care of this
deficiency, you should eat corn with beans, which have roughly the opposite
amino-acid composition. Corn is also low in one of the B vitamins, niacin
(nicotinic acid), and again the problem can be remedied by eating beans.

Corn will grow on almost any kind of soil, although it does better on rich
soil, high in nitrogen; it’s best to plant a legume such as beans, alfalfa,
or clover, in the year before you plant corn. In the north, sandy soil is
better, since it heats up more quickly in the spring. It also needs a lot of
light, so don’t plant it where trees or houses are going to cast a shadow.

Plant your corn around the time of the last spring frost, but if you want to
play it safe you might want to wait a few more days because corn is sensitive
to cold weather. Just make sure you give the plants plenty of room: the
kernels should be planted about 1 or 2 inches (2.5-5 cm) deep and about 2
feet (60 cm) apart, in rows that are 3 feet (1 m) apart. In an arid area, you
might want to increase these distance. Many of the native tribes planted the
kernels in clusters separated by perhaps 3 feet (1 m) in every direction;
this method may have conserved water or ensured that a few plants would
survive depredation by animals.

If you’re growing field corn, you probably don’t need to add water, but in an
arid climate you may have to give each plant an occasional cup of water
during the first weeks of growth.

About a week after you’ve planted the kernels, they’ll appear above ground,
and after that they’ll grow at an amazing rate. If you lose any plants, just
replace them. You can also try replanting, if you have some that need
thinning out, although replanted corn doesn’t always grow.

Each corn plant has a male part and a female part. The male part, at the top
of the plant, produces pollen, which is so light that the wind should be able
to blow it onto the female part of another plant. If this happens, the pollen
mysteriously travels along the silk, and the result is germination. If the
entire process is successful, the mature ear of corn will have all its
kernels nicely filled out. If the pollination has not been entirely
successful, you will notice gaps in the rows of kernels on an ear. In order
to maximize the chances of successful pollination, it is important that each
corn plant be surrounded by other corn plants. That is why corn should be
planted in blocks rather than single rows.

Corn plants often have “suckers” (tillers), small stalks that rise up beside
the main stalk. There is no reason to remove suckers from a plant, in spite
of advice to the contrary. Actually, suckers provide more leaf area for the
plant, which means that it can react further with sunlight to provide more
food energy for its growth.

You could try growing corn, beans, and squash together, as the native people
used to do, although the crowding of plants might create a problem with the
consumption of rainwater. On the south side of the corn patch, about 2 weeks
after the corn is sown, plant 1 pole bean beside each corn sprout. The beans
grow up the corn stalk, utilizing the land more fully, and the beans replace
some of the nitrogen that the corn takes out of the soil. You can also plant
squash among some of the corn plants: put about 3 squash seeds in a hole,
about 1 inch deep, a few inches away from the base of each of the corn

Weeding is simple, since you can walk around the plants freely. Give the land
a weeding before you plant the corn, of course. You can give the plants
another good weeding as soon as they come up. Once the corn gets to be about
knee-high, however, don’t put the hoe more than an inch into the ground, or
you’ll damage the roots, which are quite close to the surface and reach out
horizontally for a foot or so.

Unlike most other grains, those of sweet corn will not last long as viable
seed — perhaps 4 years, perhaps only 1. You need to keep replanting it on a
regular basis. But field corn will stay viable for many years.

When a crop has grown, look for the healthiest plants and the best ears, and
save these for your next year’s crop. You might want to be even more
selective: from each ear, choose the best kernels from those ears, those in
the middle rather than the ends of the ear.

Corn has a problem with genetic deterioration, so it should not be grown
indefinitely from its own “progeny.” You can save some of the dried kernels
and replant them to form the next year’s crop, but eventually you may find
your corn plants becoming degenerate. To avoid such a problem, always mix the
kernels from at least 100 plants if you want to use the kernels for the next
year’s crop; 200 plants would be better. Even if you have that many plants to
choose from, it would be best to refresh the gene pool of your corn field by
occasionally introducing new seed from elsewhere. (For the same reason, if
you want to grow “Indian” corn, you should buy a package of seeds, instead of
relying on 1 or 2 ears from a Thanksgiving decoration.)

In late summer, when the corn begins to ripen, you can pick some of it and
eat it as “corn on the cob,” just as with sweet corn. To remove an ear, grasp
it firmly, then twist it while you bend it downwards. You can leave the husk
on and place the ears in the ashes of a fire. Most of the ears, however,
should be left until the plants have gone brown and dried. The ears can then
be brought inside. Pull the husks back and hang the corn up to dry.

Actually there are several ways of harvesting corn. Some people prefer to cut
the plants close the ground, stack them together, and then tie them, somewhat
in the manner of harvesting wheat, instead of removing the ears immediately.
The plants can be left that way to dry for a few more weeks.

At some point you have to get the roots out of the ground. You might find
that you can just pull up the entire plant, although that can be tiring. Or
you can dig them out with a spade or shovel.

The native people crushed the kernels into flour in a huge wooden mortar and
pestle, or the crushing was done with 2 stones, the bottom one wide and flat,
the top one smaller and rounder. The finished cornmeal was used to make
soups, pudding, or bread. Nowadays a good steel hand-mill does a quicker job.

BUCKWHEAT (Fagopyrum esculentum)

Buckwheat is quite unrelated to any of the other grains. It’s not a member of
the grass family at all, but of the Polygonaceae, which also includes dock,
sorrel, and knotweed. Buckwheat plants are delicate, succulent plants that
grow about 3 feet (1 m) high and have heart-shaped leaves. The plant produces
a cluster of white flowers that eventually become pyramidal black seeds.

Buckwheat can handle the poorest of soils, and is often used as a green
manure, dug into the soil to improve it. Because it grows in such luxuriance,
it is often used to smother weeds before planting other crops. The only
problem that might occur is that the stems are somewhat fragile, so a heavy
rain can do a lot of damage. Buckwheat will grow well in hot weather, but it
needs cool weather later in order to produce seed. On the other hand, frost
can quickly kill buckwheat.

Buckwheat should be planted an inch or 2 (2.5-5 cm) deep, at a rate of about
35 pounds per acre (40 kg/ha), or perhaps double that amount on poor soil.
For 1,000 square feet (100 m2), you’d need about a pound (0.45 kg) of seed.
If you want to use it as a cover crop or a green manure, you’d need to apply
about 3 or 4 times that amount.

You can plant buckwheat for grain up to 12 weeks before a severe frost. But
if you’re growing it for that purpose, you should plant it so that the seed
will form in cool weather. Spring planting can be risky if you want grain,
because warm weather might arrive too quickly; midsummer is a better time. If
you’re growing it merely as a cover crop, you can do so at any time between
spring and midsummer.

Under ideal conditions, you might get a yield of between 1,000 and 3,000
pounds per acre (1,700-3,400 kg/ha). One problem with buckwheat is that the
grain doesn’t all ripen at once. Most of it will ripen in about 90 days after
planting, but some will ripen in 70 days, some in 110. Try to estimate the
point of maximum yield, so that you’re not losing too much. The plants can be
cut, bound, shocked, and dried like other grains.

The black hulls don’t detach easily from the soft white inner portion of the
grain. It’s possible to toast the grain, grind it, and use a flour sifter to
remove the bits of hull. But there’s no real need to remove the hulls, since
they’re fairly soft; you can just grind up the entire grain.

Buckwheat supplies several kinds of food. In North America, the most familiar
is buckwheat pancakes. The whole grain, however, can be cooked like rice. The
leaves can also be eaten, either raw or cooked.


Brengle, K.G. Principles and Practices of Dryland Farming. Boulder, Colorado:
Colorado Associated University Press, 1982.

Brown, Lauren. Grasses. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1979.

Emery, Carla A. The Encyclopedia of Country Living. 9th ed. Seattle,
Washington: Sasquash, 1994.

Guillet, Edwin C. The Pioneer Farmer and Backwoodsman. Toronto: Ontario, 1963.

Jacob, Jeffrey. New Pioneers. University Park, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania
University Press, 1997.

King, F.H. Farmers of Forty Centuries. Emmaus, Pennsylvania: Organic
Gardening, n.d.

Langer, Richard W. Grow It! New York: Saturday Review, 1972.

Lappé, Frances Moore. Diet for a Small Planet. New York: Ballantine, 1971.

Logsdon, Gene. Homesteading. Emmaus, Pennyslvania: Rodale, 1973.

-----. Small-Scale Grain Raising. Emmaus, Pennyslvania: Rodale, 1977.

Seymour, John. The Guide to Self-Sufficiency. New York: Popular Mechanics,

Tresemer, David. The Scythe Book. Brattleboro, Vermont: Hand & Foot, 1981.

Vivian, John. The Manual of Practical Homesteading. Emmaus, Pennsylvania:
Rodale, 1975.

Weatherwax, Paul. Indian Corn in Old America. New York: Macmillan, 1954.

* * * * *

This essay is part of an umpublished book-length manuscript titled "Survival
Gardening." Peter Goodchild owned and operated a one-acre market garden in
central Ontario from 2001 to 2008, where he experimented with many types of
grains and vegetables. He is the author of Survival Skills of the North
American Indians, published by Chicago Review Press.

Peter Goodchild's previous article on Culture Change was The End of

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