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[Livingontheland] HR 2749 - The Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009
- From: "Tradingpost" <>
- To:
- Subject: [Livingontheland] HR 2749 - The Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009
- Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 10:22:23 -0600
This seems to be a fairly credible report on HR 2749, in comparison to
other sites' hype about other bills. Comments welcome!
The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund
For Farmers and Consumers Defending the Right to Buy and Protecting the
Right to Sell Nutritious Food Directly from the Farm
HR 2749 - The Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009
On May 26, leading members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee
released a discussion draft of the Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009
(FSEA). Committee members supporting FSEA include Chair Henry Waxman
(D-CA), Chair Emeritus John Dingell (D-MI), Frank Pallone (D-NJ, Chair of
the Health Subcommittee), and Bart Stupak (D-MI, Chair of the Oversight and
Investigation Subcommittee).
Even before the FSEA was formally introduced, the Health Subcommittee held
a hearing on the discussion draft on June 3. (Six other food safety bills
have been introduced, but none have gotten a hearing yet.) The discussion
draft, with some changes, was introduced as HR 2749 on June 8 by Rep.
Dingell. Rep. Pallone introduced an amendment in the nature of a
substitute to HR 2749? on June 10. This version of HR 2749 has been voted
out of the Health Subcommittee and is now headed to the full Energy and
Commerce Committee for mark-up on June 17. The bill is on the fast track.
Passage of the FSEA into law would amend the Federal Food, Drug and
Cosmetic Act (FFDCA). The bill proposes a substantial increase in power
and resources for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and would
significantly diminish existing judicial restraints on actions taken by the
agency. Although the bill includes some provisions that could improve the
mainstream food system, many of these are vaguely worded and do not
clearly define the scope of the agencys power, creating the potential
for inappropriate application and enforcement. Small farms and local
artisanal producers are part of the solution to the food safety problem in
this country; the bill would impose on them a one-size-fits-all regulatory
scheme and would disproportionately impact their operations for the worse.
A detailed analysis of some of the key provisions is below [the citations
are to the relevant section and page number of the June 10 version of the
The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund is opposed to HR 2749 because it
would adversely impact small farms and food producers, without providing
significant reforms in the industrial food system. HR 2749 does not
address the underlying causes of food safety problems, including industrial
agriculture practices and the consolidation of our food supply.
Under current law, all food facilities are required to register with
the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) [21 USC
§ 350d]. The registration requirement is for one time only and no fee
is charged. The FSEA would amend the current law to add significant
The FSEA would require facilities to register annually [section
101(b)(1)p. 3], rather than a one-time registration. Registrants would
also be required to pay an annual fee of $500, to be adjusted for inflation
[section 101, Part6, sec 743(b)(1)(A)p. 10].
The term facility does not include farms for purposes of
registration in either the current law or under the bill [21 USC §
350d(b)(1)]. But what exactly is a farm? The FDAs current
regulations take a very narrow view of what qualifies as a farm:
a facility in one general physical location devoted to the
growing and harvesting of crops, the raising of animals (including
seafood), or both. Washing, trimming of outer leaves of, and cooling
produce are considered part of harvesting. The term farm includes:
(i) Facilities that pack or hold food, provided that all food used
in such activities is grown, raised, or consumed on that farm or another
farm under the same ownership; and
(ii) Facilities that manufacture/process food, provided that all
food used in such activities is consumed on that farm or another farm under
the same ownership. [21 CFR § 1.227(3)] (emphasis added)
Manufacturing/processing is defined as making food from one or
more ingredients, or synthesizing, preparing, treating, modifying or
manipulating food, including food crops or ingredients. Examples of
manufacturing/processing activities are cutting, peeling, trimming,
washing, waxing, eviscerating, rendering, cooking, baking, freezing,
cooling, pasteurizing, homogenizing, mixing, formulating, bottling,
milling, grinding, extracting juice, distilling, labeling, or packaging.
[21 CFR § 1.227(6)] In other words, any farm that makes jam, cans
vegetables, or packages cut fruit would not be considered a farm
under the regulation unless the food is consumed only on the farm!
In a subsequent guidance document, FDA expanded the definition of
farm: The term farm also includes facilities that
manufacture/process, pack, or hold food, provided that all food used in
those activities is grown, raised, or consumed on that farm or another farm
under the same ownership. (emphasis added). Under the guidance
document, a farm can process food if the raw ingredients are grown or
raised on that farm. In other words, a farmer could make lacto-fermented
foods from his own produce; but a farmer who obtains produce from a
neighbor to make such foods (unless consumed there) would no longer be
considered a farm and would be subject to FDA registration.
Even under the guidance document, many small farms and artisanal producers
could be required to register. FDA has not enforced this requirement
strictly so far, but that is no guarantee about future actions by the
agency. And if the agency were to revoke the guidance document and enforce
the registration requirement in accordance with the definition of
farm contained in the regulations, many farms would be required to
register and, under the FSEA, pay an annual fee.
The FSEA would also mandate that registrations be submitted in electronic
format only [section 101(b)(1)(C)p. 4]. Amish and Mennonite food
producers having to register would thus be faced with a choice of violating
either their religious faith or the law, while other food producers could
face added expense and problems if they do not have the necessary
technology. Failure to properly register would constitute misbranding and
would be a violation of the law [section 101ap. 3].
All food facilities required to register would also be required to have a
unique facility identifier [section 101(b)(2)(G)p. 6]. The
Secretary may, by guidance, specify the unique numerical identifier system
to be used . . . . [section 206, sec. 911 (c)p. 101]
Under FSEA, the owner, operator or agent of a facility that must register
must also undertake extensive paperwork requirements including the
1. Conduct a hazard analysis (or more than one if appropriate);
2. Identify, implement, and validate effective preventive controls;
3. Monitor preventive controls;
4. Institute corrective actions when monitoring shows that preventive
controls have not been properly implemented or were ineffective;
5. Conduct verification activities;
6. Maintain records of monitoring, corrective action, and
verification; and
7. Reanalyze for hazards. [section 102(b), sec 418A(a)p. 18]
Failure to comply with any of these requirements would constitute
adulteration under section 102(a) [p. 17]. These requirements apply even
if a facility engages solely in intrastate commerce, such as a local baker
selling at a farmers market.
Before a facility can ship any food in interstate commerce, a written food
safety plan must be developed and implemented. The plan must include the
hazard analysis and any reanalysis as well as a description of each of the
following elements:
1. preventive controls being implemented;
2. procedure for monitoring preventive controls;
3. procedures for taking corrective action;
4. verification activities for the preventive controls, including
validation, review of monitoring and corrective action records, and
procedures for determining whether the preventive controls are effectively
preventing, eliminating, or reducing to an acceptable level the occurrence
of identified hazards or conditions;
5. recordkeeping procedures;
6. procedures for the recall of articles of food, whether voluntarily or
when required;
7. procedures for the trace back of articles of food, whether
voluntarily or when required;
8. procedures to ensure a safe and secure supply chain for the
ingredients or components used in making the food manufactured, processed,
packed, transported or held by such facility; and
9. procedures to implement the science-based performance standards
issued. [section 102, sec 418A (a)(2)pp. 24-26]
The requirements for the hazard analysis, preventive controls and the food
safety plan will strain the time and resources of small producers, putting
many of them out of business. As a result, consumers will lose local food
sources and be forced to obtain more of the foods from the industrial
systemthe system responsible for the food safety problems in the first
Finally, all registered facilities will be subject to federal inspection
even if they engage only in intrastate commerce. In contrast, under
current law, inspection can be made only of a factory, warehouse or
establishment of a firm engaged in interstate commerce [21 USC
374(a)(1)] Note that the massive recalls during the last several years
have all involved facilities that shipped interstate.
The FSEA charges the Secretary with implementing an inspection schedule
with the frequency of inspections dependent on the risk presented by the
facility. Under the FSEA, any facility that manufactures or
processes raw products of animal origin would be a high-risk facility
and could be subject to inspections as frequently as every six months
[section 105(a)p. 36]. Refusing an inspection would constitute
adulteration under the FSEA [section 207(a)p. 101].
Beyond registration, farms would not be exempt from several onerous
requirements under the FSEA.
Under the FSEA, all food producers would have to make their records
available to FDA inspectors. Under current law, FDA can examine the
records of those in the food business (excluding farms and restaurants) if
there is a reasonable belief that an article of food is adulterated and
presents a threat of serious adverse health consequences or death to humans
or animals [21 USC 350c(a)]. Under the FSEA, all those in the food
business, including farms, must turn over to FDA inspectors all records
bearing on whether the food is adulterated, misbranded or otherwise in
violation of this Act . . . [section 106(a)p. 39]. This requirement
applies to all records relating to the production, manufacture,
processing, packing, transporting, distribution, receipt, holding of
[food] that is maintained in any format and at any location.
[section 106(a)pp. 39-40]
In other words, FDA would now be empowered to go on a fishing
expedition and search records without any evidence whatsoever that there
has been a violation. Even farmers selling direct to consumers would have
to provide the federal government with records on where they buy supplies,
how they raise their crops, and a list of customers. Refusing a records
inspection would constitute adulteration [section 207(a)p. 102].
The FSEA charges the HHS Secretary with establishing a tracing system for
Such regulations shall require each person who produces, manufactures,
processes, packs, transports, or holds such food
* to maintain the full pedigree of the origin and previous
distribution history of the food;
* to link that history with the subsequent distribution history of
the food;
* to establish and maintain a system for tracing the food that is
interoperable with the systems established and maintained by other such
persons; and
* to use a unique identifier for each facility for such person for
such purpose. [section 107(c)(2)(A)(i)pp. 43-44]
The tracing system must enable the Secretary to identify each person who
grows, produces, manufactures, processes, packs, transports, holds, or
sells such food in as short a timeframe as practicable but no longer than 2
business days. In issuing related regulations, the Secretary may
(A) the establishment and maintenance of lot numbers;
(B) a standardized format for pedigree information; and
(C) the use of a common nomenclature for food. [section
107(c)(3)p. 45]
Pedigree is not used in reference to food anywhere in the United
States Code (USC) or the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) nor is it
referenced as such in any dictionary. FDA is being given power to invent a
new meaning for this word. How far will the traceback extend to determine
the full pedigree? Will it go back to the animal or harvested crop (or
even seed) from which the food is produced? How will traceback be done on
multi-ingredient foods? Will part of determining the full pedigree require
tracing the inputs used in food? How large a database will be needed to
store this information? What will the cost of it be? How many people will
FDA have to hire in order to enforce traceability?
There is an exemption from the traceability requirements for
direct-marketed food, if such food is
(i) produced on a farm; and
(ii) sold by the owner, operator, or agent in charge of such farm
directly to a consumer or to a restaurant or grocery store. [section
107(c)(4)(A)p. 46].
For example, vegetables grown on a farm and sold at a farmers market would
be exempt. But if that same farmer brought peaches from a neighbors
farm to sell at the market, the peaches would not be exempt.
The FSEA will also directly impact produce farmers by authorizing FDA to
tell them how they can grow their crops. The bill would require the HHS
Secretary to establish by regulation science-based standards for the
safe growing, harvesting, packing, sorting, transporting, and holding of
raw agricultural commodities that(1) are from a plant or a fungus; and
(2) for which the Secretary has determined that such standards minimize the
risk of serious adverse health consequences or death to human or
animals. [section 104(b), sec 419A(a)p. 31]
Any issued regulation may include standards addressing manure use, water
quality, employee hygiene, sanitation and animal control, and temperature
controls, as the Secretary determines to be reasonably necessary.
[section 104(b), sec 419A(b)(3)p. 32]
In issuing the regulation, the Secretary shall take into consideration,
consistent with ensuring enforceable public health protection, the impact
on small-scale and diversified farms, and on wildlife habitat, conservation
practices, watershed-protection efforts, and organic production methods
[section 104(b), sec 419A(b)(7)pp. 32-33]
Based on the FDAs track record with good agricultural practices,
the agency is unlikely to adequately address the differences between
industrial operations and sustainable farms. The danger is that FDA will
adopt regulations that treat small farms growing a diversity of crops
organically (whether certified or not) the same as a facility growing
thousands of acres of a single crop conventionally. The regulations could
be expensive and burdensome, or simply not feasible, for small farms. Any
produce that does not meet the established safety standards would be
considered adulterated under the FSEA [section 104(a)p. 30].
Aside from produce, the Secretary is charged with issuing science-based
performance standards . . . applicable to foods or food classes. The
Secretary is to identify the most significant foodborne contaminants and
the most significant resulting hazards . . . and to minimize to an
acceptable level, prevent or eliminate the occurrence of such hazards
[section 103(b), sec 419pp. 29-30]. Food that has been manufactured,
processed, packed, transported, or held under conditions that do not meet
[these] standards is considered as adulterated under the FSEA. FDA
would have the power to make pasteurization of raw milk and irradiation of
meat performance standards.
The FSEA would give FDA considerable enforcement powers. Under current
law, FDA can administratively detain food if there is credible evidence
or information indicating that such article [of food] presents a threat of
serious adverse health consequences or death to human or animals [21 USC
334(h)(1)(A)]. The FSEA would lower the standard for detention, permitting
the government to detain food simply if there is reason to believe that
the article [of food] is adulterated, misbranded or otherwise in violation
of this act [section 132(a)p. 82]. In other words, the agency could
detain food based on a suspicion of a paperwork error.
The FSEA would not only expand the ability of FDA to detain food but would
also significantly increase the agencys recall powers. The agency
already has the power to request a voluntary recall [21 CFR 7.45(a)],
administratively detain food [21 USC 334(h)(1)(A)], or file for a court
order to seize food [21 USC 334(a)(1)] or prohibit the food from being
distributed[21 USC 332(a)].
Under the FSEA, the powers of the HHS Secretary would be expanded.
The HHS Secretary may request a voluntary recall if there is reason
to believe [the food] is adulterated, misbranded or otherwise in violation
of [the FFDCA] [section 111(b), sec 420(b)p. 61].
Under the FSEA, the Secretary also would have the power to order the
distribution of food to cease if there is reason to believe that the use
or consumption of, or exposure to, an article of food may cause adverse
health consequences to humans or animals . . . [section 111(b), sec
420(c)p. 62].
The firm affected would have 24 hours to appeal the order and request
an informal hearing [section 111(b), sec 420(d)pp. 62-63]; after
providing an opportunity for a hearing, the Secretary could either vacate
the order or amend the order to require a recall of the food [section
111(b), sec 420(e)p. 63].
If there is a reasonable belief that a food subject to an order to
cease distribution presents a threat of serious adverse health
consequences to humans or animals, the Secretary may issue an emergency
recall order without having to conduct a hearing beforehand [section
111(b), sec 420(f)pp. 64-65].
Although consumer groups have urged that FDA be granted mandatory recall
authority, the reasonable belief standard provides too much latitude
to the agency and is open to abuse, particularly absent prior judicial
Finally, the bill would give FDA the power to order a quarantine of a
geographic location. The FSEA provides:
If the Secretary determines that there is credible evidence or
information that an article of food presents a threat of serious adverse
health consequences or death to humans or animals, the Secretary may
quarantine any geographic area within the United States where the Secretary
reasonably believes such food is located or from which such food
originated. The authority to quarantine includes prohibiting or
restricting the movement of food or of any vehicle being used or that has
been used to transport or hold such food within the geographic area
[section 133(b)(1)pp. 83-84].
In other words, the agency can halt the movement of all food in a
geographic area. Farmers markets and local food sources could be shut
down, even if they are not the source of the dangerous contamination. The
agency could take this drastic action without any court order. The only
requirements are that the HHS Secretary notify an appropriate official
of the State affected and issue a public announcement [section
133(b)(2)p. 84].
The FSEA creates severe criminal and civil penalties. Under current law,
anyone committing a violation of the FFDCA can be imprisoned for up to
three years if the violation was committed with the intent to defraud or
mislead [21USC 333(a)(2)]. Under the FSEA, anyone who knowingly
violates certain prohibitions contained in the FFDCA, such as the
prohibition against introducing adulterated or misbranded food into
interstate commerce [21 USC 331(a)], can be imprisoned for up to ten years
[section 134(a)(3)p. 85]. Note that such actions as failing to
register a facility or not conducting a hazard analysis constitutes
misbranding. So, an Amish farmer who knowingly refuses to register
his facility, or a local baker who knowingly failed to fill out the
extensive required paperwork, could be thrown in jail.
The bill also provides fines of up to $100,000 for each violation for
individuals; and a corporation or other entity can be fined up to $500,000
for each violation. Each day during which a violation continues shall be
considered a separate offense [section 135app. 85-86]. These fines can
be imposed for any prohibited act, which would include violations of the
growing standards or paperwork requirements. In contrast, under current
law, civil fines are half as high and only levied if someone has introduced
or delivered for introduction into interstate commerce adulterated food.
[21 USC 333(f)(2)(A)]
While higher penalties may be necessary to deter industrial food companies
from repeated dangerous violations, the agency has a track record of
pursuing small farmers and producers; these penalties could be imposed to
ruin people for actions that pose no threat to human health.
The FSEA gives the Food and Drug Administration tremendous power while
making the agency less accountable for its actions. It fails to describe
how the resources it provides are to be allocated. The industrial food
system and food imports are badly in need of effective regulation, but the
bill does nothing to prevent FDA from concentrating a disproportionate
amount of its resources on local food producers.
The stated purpose of the FSEA is to improve the safety of food in the
global market. It was disclosed at the June 3rd hearing that, out of
the 378,000 food facilities that have registered with FDA, 220,000 of them
are foreign facilities that export to the United States. Rep. Dingell
commented that the percentage of our food coming from out of the country
will increase in the future. This creates massive food insecurity in our
country, yet the bill continues to push the federal governments policy
of food interdependence.
While information FDA obtains may be exempt from disclosure under the
Freedom of Information Act [5 USC 52(a)], it may still be provided to
any foreign government agency; or any international organization
established by law, treaty or other governmental action and having
responsibilityto facilitate global or regional of harmonization of
standards and requirements in an area of responsibility of the Food and
Drug Administration; or to promote and coordinate public health efforts . .
. [section 112(b)(4)p. 71].
Food security is achieved by becoming as self-sufficient as possible in
food production. Lessening the regulatory burden on small farms and local
artisanal producers will improve both food security and food safety. If
the FSEA is implemented, many small producers will not have the economies
of scale to be able to comply with its onerous requirements.
The Food Safety Enhancement Act needs to be defeated. Any food safety bill
should target industrial food processors and imports while leaving the
local food system alone. Readers need to contact their Representatives to
urge them to oppose the bill. To contact legislators by zip code, use the
finder tool at or call the Capitol Switchboard at
The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund is a 501 (c) (4) non-profit
organization made up of farmers and consumers joining together and pooling
resources to:
Protect the constitutional right of the nations family farms to
provide processed and unprocessed farm foods directly to consumers through
any legal means.
Protect the constitutional right of consumers to obtain unprocessed
and processed farm foods directly from family farms.
Protect the nations family farms from harassment by federal, state,
and local government interference with food production and on-farm food
- [Livingontheland] HR 2749 - The Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009, Tradingpost, 06/18/2009
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