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  • From: "Tradingpost" <>
  • To:
  • Subject: [Livingontheland] Ice cream crisis as bees buzz off
  • Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 07:37:29 -0700

Ice cream crisis as bees buzz off

The collapse of US honeybee colonies this year is set to devastate
America's multibillion dollar agriculture and food industries.

Last year about 750,000 of the 2.5m hives in the US were wiped out in
mysterious circumstances, and already this year the American Beekeeping
Federation says there is evidence from its members that losses will be even
greater this year.

For the first time individual businesses have stepped forward to give money
to try to speed up the process of finding out, first of all, what causes
colony collapse disease (CCD) and then eradicating it.

Häagen-Dazs, the ice cream making subsidiary of General Mills, gave a
total of $250,000 (£127,000) to two university research teams and Burt's
Bees, the personal care products maker, made a undisclosed grant to create
the Honeybee Health Improvement Project, a research task force.

Burt's Bees also launched a public service announcement to run in cinemas
showing Bee Movie. In the announcement co-founder Burt Shavitz talked about
the important role bees play in agriculture.

He then urged audiences to visit the company's website ( )
to sign up to receive a free packet of wildflower seeds to help create a
bee-friendly environment.

Honeybees are said to be critical to the production of $15bn worth of crops
in the US and Häagen-Dazs says around 25 of its 60 flavours depend on
fruits and nuts pollinated by bees.

The ice cream maker is also aiming to raise consumer awareness about CCD by
launching a new flavour this spring called Vanilla Honey Bee.

Flying off

Diana Cox-Foster, professor of entomology at Pennsylvania State University
College of Agricultural Sciences, which received $150,000 from
Häagen-Dazs, believes researchers have identified a major cause of CCD.

Her team has recently given the mite-transmitted Israeli Acute Paralysis
Virus (IAPV) to healthy bee colonies and has seen rapid die-off??. As it is
winter those tests took place in greenhouses so the researchers are waiting
for the weather to improve to verify the results with bees in their normal

The mysterious and unique aspect of CCD is that the bees are not being
found dead near their colonies. They are flying off; just abandoning their
life's work, leaving behind the queen and a few younger bees.

Professor Cox-Foster believes that there are other factors together with
IAPV are the cause of CCD, such as other viruses, the use of chemicals near
colonies and whether the bees are receiving enough nutrition.

To beekeepers pesticides are definitely part of the problem, says Troy
Fore, executive director of the American Beekeeping Federation. "A lot of
beekeepers blame neonicotinoid insecticides. These are safer for humans and
other mammals but they affect the neurological systems of bees. They don't
kill the bees outright but they cause to act in ways different to the

The beekeepers believe these insecticides, which in fact have been
partially banned in France, weaken the immune system of the bees thereby
allowing viruses such as IAPV to strike.

Beekeepers that have their hives in the forest or grasslands and not near
cultivated crops are doing well, so there is anecdotal evidence that the
pesticides and insecticides are part of the problem, said Fore.

Australia on the attack

But not everyone agrees that IAPV is a cause of CCD. Australian government
scientists miffed that the Penn State team suggested in a paper published
in Science that IAPV arrived in the US in imports of live bees from
Australia pointed out in a follow-up letter that there were several CCD
colonies free of IAPV and the "shivering phenotype", and the death of bees
close to the hive associated with IAPV in Israel.

The assertion that IAPV came from Australian bees was also refuted by the
US Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service, which said
that IAPV was found in the country back in 2002, two years before the
importation of Australian bees was instituted to replenish colonies.

The Australians, which see their $5m a year live bee exporting industry
endangered by such allegations, have demanded that Penn State withdraw its
conclusions. They also point out that neither CCD nor large-scale,
unexplained mortality events have occurred in the Australian bee industry.

The first description of IAPV came from Israel in 2002 and since then there
have been die-outs of bees across the globe, some definitely attributable
to the virus.

British beekeepers too are worried that CCD may come to these shores and
they have called on the government to back a five-year, £8m research
programme designed to save the insect.

Back in America all eyes are nowadays on California's almond trees, which
represent a $2.5bn industry. The pink and white blossoms have started to
appear and the concern is whether there are the tens of thousands bees
needed to pollinate the crop.

"The almonds are in bloom right now in California and we are hearing there
are some significant die-offs. It's worrisome," said professor Cox-Foster.

  • [Livingontheland] Ice cream crisis as bees buzz off, Tradingpost, 02/27/2008

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