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livingontheland - Re: [Livingontheland] Garden Planning

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Subject: Healthy soil and sustainable growing

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  • From: Carrie Shepard <>
  • To: "E. E. Mitchamore Jr" <>, Healthy soil and sustainable growing <>
  • Subject: Re: [Livingontheland] Garden Planning
  • Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2007 10:35:37 -0800 (PST)

OK, maybe this means I'm trying to do too many things at once, but I've been mulling this same question over for a month.  I know that individual breeds of livestock have cool computer softwares now like for rabbits:
but I need like a master planner  that would include lambing dates, kidding dates, worming dates for each animal on the place (chickens, dogs, one cat, etc.), lactation dates/rates for each doe along with the gardening plans.  That reminds me I need to tattoo the rest of the does I'm keeping in the rabbitry before I start breeding them here in another month.  I need something to help keep track of the pigs ages so I don't miss their heats as dd#2 wants to breed them and we don't have a boar so that means a little extra planning.
At one point I started notebooks for each separate enterprise, but that doesn't help you compare info and combine tasks onto ONE calendar.
For succession planting it seems I've seen some forms somewhere (maybe Eliot Coleman has some charts or something), but it sure would be great to have the individual seed info listed on a spreadsheet I guess with a chart of what needs to happen when  and where as the plants mature and be able to overlap or overlay all that info so I'm not just running circles and being a crisis manager instead of planning things well out.  
Hoping someone has some great tips for this question also!


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