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livingontheland - [Livingontheland] Soil Biology and Humus Farming

Subject: Healthy soil and sustainable growing

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  • From: "TradingPostPaul" <>
  • To:
  • Subject: [Livingontheland] Soil Biology and Humus Farming
  • Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2006 10:30:31 -0600

Just passing this on -


Soil Biology and Humus Farming
Volume 13 number 5
©2005 Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service

NPK, NPK- how many of us have learned about soil management following the
principle developed in the mid 1800's that the availability of inorganic
nutrients (such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium: NPK) determine if
plants thrive? Following the NPK theory, you seek out the limiting
nutrients by testing soil for basic chemical composition and increase
productivity by making those nutrients available.

In recent years, especially since the interest in organic agriculture has
thrived, a new theory on soil fertility has come to the forefront of
discussion. Known under various names, current soil biology theory does not
focus on only basic minerals in assessing fertility. Instead it highlights
the role of soil organisms and the relationship they have with each other,
minerals and plants in guiding overall fertility. Several methods for
supporting soil life are now being utilized to enhance fertility and
overall crop yields.

"Soil biology is fascinating. You can study soil biology your whole life
and still barely scratch the surface," Steve Diver of NCAT-ATTRA noted at a
recent presentation to organic farmers, titled Soil Biology and Humus
Farming. The way Steve presents information on soil biology, it isn't hard
to stay fascinated. Steve is passionate about the dynamic world of life
found within soil, and the critical role it plays in building plant health.
In his presentation he briefly outlined the basics of soil life and a few
methods used to enhance the health of plant crops by managing and feeding
soil organisms. These include the use of compost, vermi-compost (worm
compost), compost tea, Effective Microorganisms (EM) from Japan and IMO
from Korea.

Managing soil fertility through biology
Researchers have found that when crop yields are high, the number of
microbes found in the soil are also high. Organic farmers are learning that
they will be most successful in managing their systems by maximizing soil
life. A successful organic farmer will not rely solely on NPK management,
but instead learn about the organisms in their soil and how to create
conditions in which they thrive.

Soil Biology theory is not new- researchers such as Siegfried Lubke states
in his "Vitality Theory of Soil Fertility" that the greater the quantity
and variety of soil life growing and feeding in and on the soil, the higher
its fertility will be. Lubke's premise is that the complex diversity of
soil organisms drives the functions of the soil. These functions include
fertility, nutrient availability, soil structure, and disease suppression.
Lubke notes that: "A soil isn't fertile because it contains large amounts
of humus or minerals or nitrogen, but because of the continuous growth of
numerous and varied microbes and soil life, which break down and
reconstruct nutrients from organic matter supplied by plants and animals
into a plant available form. The populations of soil life benefit us by
making minerals plant available, building humus, building slimes and the
crumb structure of soil. A soil teaming with varied forms of life is an
excellent growth environment for plant roots."

Organisms found in soil
Steve Diver outlined four major categories of organisms found in soil. They
include bacteria, fungi, micro fauna (such as protozoa and nematodes, which
feed on fungi and bacteria) and mezo fauna (which include arthropods and
other insects). Steve jokes that organisms are perhaps more easily
categorized as the "stay-putters," the "swimmers," the "crawlers," and the
"burrowers." They range in size from invisible (microscopic) to those that
can be seen by the naked eye.

When you think sometimes that our world is getting to be a crowded place-
just think about these numbers. One TEASPOON of agricultural soil (1 gram
dry) has: 100 million to 1 billion bacteria, several yards of fungal
strands, several thousand protozoa (amoebas, flagellates and cillates) and
10-25 nematodes, which are mainly feeding on bacteria or fungi with a few
predatory individuals wandering through. One square foot of that same soil
will also house up to 100 arthropods and 5-30 earthworms.

Dr. Elaine Ingham, President and lead researcher at Soil Foodweb, Inc. has
labeled the ways these organisms interact with each other, plants and
ultimately, animals "The Soil Food Web." Using a simple diagram, Dr. Ingham
captures the complex interactions of soil organisms. An excellent book
co-written by Dr. Ingham, Soil Biology Primer explains in detail the roles
that different members of the soil food web play. The book begins by
pointing out that "Growing and reproducing are the primary activities of
all living organisms." Simple organisms derive energy from plants and
organic matter, other organisms graze on these primary organisms.
Throughout these interactions nutrients are released into the environment.
Each soil profile will have its own unique soil food web, which is based on
general concepts portrayed in the basic soil food web diagram. For a full
understanding of the complexities of the soil food web, read the Soil
Biology Primer, which is written in a very accessible format with numerous
fascinating pictures and graphs.

>From Soil Foodweb, Inc.

Around the U.S. there are now a diversity of biological laboratories,
including Soil Foodweb, Inc. run by Dr. Ingham, which will measure
different organisms in your soil. By analyzing a properly prepared soil
sample from your farm, they will be able to tell you the amount of bacteria
and fungi and the percent of those that are actively metabolizing- in
essence the "quality" of soil microorganisms found in your soil. Most
biological soil labs can test for other types of organisms, and will also
test compost, compost teas and leaves and do tests for organic matter
content and other parameters of value to organic farmers. (For more
information get the publication "Alternative Soil Testing Laboratories"
from ATTRA at or by calling to
request a copy, 800-346-9140) These tests take soil analysis to a whole new
level. Those seriously interested in managing their soil biology should
consider having a soil biology test done.

Different kinds of soils will have different balances of microorganisms.
Row crops and grass system soils will be populated with a majority of
bacterial microorganisms. Bacteria choose to feed on green, succulent,
fresh organic matter. A forest, orchard or vineyard will have soils
dominated by fungal species. Fungi prefer woody, starchy food. This simple
fact can help you in managing your farm. Have you ever spent long days
planting bulk tree seedlings into a grassland, only to have limited
survival success? We know that competition for resources, such as moisture
and sunlight, will cause the tree problems, but the basic unbalance of
microorganisms in the soil creates additional stress. This can be
alleviated by surrounding the seedling with wood chip mulch, which will
help encourage fungal growth and move the soil organism balance to the
fungal dominance in which trees more readily thrive.

The role of soil organisms
The Soil Biology Primer has some good basic information on the different
functions of soil organisms, which we won't cover in great detail here. As
a broad overview, the various tasks of soil organisms fall into several
" they capture energy through photosynthesis (plants, algae, bacteria),
" they decompose things and break down residue (bacteria, fungi)
" they enhance plant growth through mutual activities such as symbiosis and
mycorrhizal relationships (bacteria, fungi),
" some promote disease or are parasites,
" some, such as a few nematodes, eat roots, others eat bacteria or fungi.
" Others break down residue and enhance soil structure through shredding,
" and the higher-level predators perform the role of regulating populations
and improving soil structure by passing soil through their guts.

Steve Diver summarizes some of the key organism functions "Think about the
bacteria and fungi as the fertilizer bags, and the protozoa and grazers as
the fertilizer spreaders."
Diver notes that protozoa will eat over 10,000 bacteria per day, and that
this activity is what releases nutrients onto organic farms.

Nematodes in particular have quite a reputation in farming systems, and
most of them aren't popular. Diver tells us that nematodes are not
inherently bad and that "nematodes are the most important regulator of the
nitrogen cycle in Midwest farming systems." Diver says that 3 out of every
4 nematodes are beneficial. When you hear about nematode problems, it is an
indicator that there is not enough food for the complexity of the
particular soil food web that is present.

Role of other parts of the soil
Let's spend a little time talking about the substrate that these organisms
are working on. Organic Matter is made up of about equal parts humus and
active organic matter. Active organic matter is what is available for use
by soil organisms. This includes all the living biomass, any dead plant or
animal material, any decompositional elements, and compounds secreted from
roots (such as soluble sugars and amino acids). Humus is made of complex
organic compounds that remain after the soil organisms have transformed the
base material. Steve Diver states that "humus is to organic matter as flour
is to bread."

The fertility of a soil rests upon its clay-humus complex. Soil nutrients
and water are retained by a complex of humus and clay particles, and linked
by calcium (Ca) and iron (Fe) based compounds. "The most significant
aspects of humus in soil is its interaction with clay constituents, which
give rise to clay humus." Diver states. He calls clay humus "the seat of
soil fertility." He continues "organo-clay complexes have a strong
influence on soil availability. Permeability, porosity, water moisture
retention, adsorption, cation exchange, nutrient exchange capacity are all
tied up in the clay-humus structure." Diver points out that the soil-clay
humus crumb in the soil looks "like a head of cauliflower" and that
microbes "have lots to do there". "There is a large surface area, which
creates a lot of opportunity for microbe activity and nutrient

Diver maintains that if we manage the humus, the soil organisms will then
do the work for us of making that humus available for plant growth. Humus
provides soil food, housing, and habitat for soil creatures. The creatures
organize themselves into a soil food web, with abundance and diversity.

Although minerals such as NPK are important to the functioning of plant
life, bio-organisms are the key to making mineral nutrients available to
those plants. See the accompanying article to get a introduction on a few
ways to stimulate the biological life of the soil.

Managing Soil Biology

Given the importance of soil biology, how can it be increased or managed?
Steve Diver presented several ways to affect the complexity and abundance
of soil organisms.

Compost is a term that describes a managed process of organic matter
decomposition and recomposition. For those who are certified organic, it is
also a very closely regulated process. Those in organic production may only
produce and use compost that has been made following the National Organic
Program Rule (find details at )
Compost is generally made from animal manure and vegetable matter or some
other carbon source. To make compost you must manage the carbon to nitrogen
ration, monitor the temperature so that pathogen reduction is ensured and
mix or aerate so that the decomposition process is aerobic rather than
anaerobic. In the composting process raw organic material is attacked by
microorganisms and broken down into the building blocks of simple sugars
and amino acids, which are more readily available for plants and organisms
to use. High quality compost will contain 25-30,000 species of bacteria and
5-8,000 species of fungi. Application of active compost is an excellent way
to increase the complexity and diversity of your soil food web.

Worm compost, or vermi-compost is very high in fungal components. A
vermi-compost system is made up of worms that are fed some form of waste-
kitchen scraps or vegetable waste etc. The worms don't eat the waste- they
in their own way "farm" it, in that they encourage fungi and fuzzy things
to grow on the waste, and then eat the fungi and micro organisms that are
growing. The "farmed" microbes actually eat the waste, not the worms.
Vermi-compost can be used to make compost tea or used as a direct compost,
and brings thousands of beneficial bacterial and fungal components into the
soil food web.

Compost tea
Compost tea is an on-farm method of preparing microbial cultures. Local
biomass sources (such as compost, vermi-compost or peat-humus material) are
used to prepare the tea, which can be used to enhance fertility, for pest
control and to enhance a farms ecosystem health. Compost teas are a very
"hot" topic, and worthy of their own article (if not several books.) A
great resource for more information is the ATTRA publication by Steve Diver
"Notes on Compost Teas" which can be downloaded at (or a hard copy can
be obtained by calling ATTRA at 1-800-346-9140). Compost teas can be made
with or without aeration, and with or without additives (such as molasses
or kelp) and are made during a specific extraction period.

Compost teas have been found to be a very good source of soluble nutrients
(acting as an organic liquid fertilizer), as a source of bio-active
substances, some of which are growth promoting, some are plant protective.
Compost teas are also a good source of beneficial microorganisms, and some
actually provide a microbially enhanced nutrient delivery. They can be
applied to the soil, or directly to plant leaves and have been proven to
have significant effects on plant health, with positive effects of
suppression of specific diseases. For more information on compost teas, see
the Soil Foodweb, Inc. website at

Because they can be made from compost, which is generally made from manure,
compost teas have created a furor with organic certification. A "compost
tea" sub committee composed of farmers and researchers has made
recommendations to the National Organic Standards Board and expects a final
ruling soon on how the NOP recommend using compost teas.

Effective Microorganisms
Farmers in Japan have been "growing" and harvesting the benefits of
microorganisms for many years. Under the umbrella of the "Nature Farming"
movement, which parallels the organic farming movement in western
countries, EM is a very well established mechanism for promoting plant
growth and developing microbial activity. Early developers experimented
with a diversity of microbial cultures, but have narrowed in on a basic
"mother" containing 3 elements: 1. Lactic acid bacteria. 2. Various
photosynthetic bacteria and 3. yeast. The "mother" is added to plant
material to culture, and it has been found that other organisms will "join"
the original culture to eventually form a very complex microbial stew,
which can then be used for many purposes. The process of culturing is often
anaerobic, and much like a pickling process. The resultant stew can be used
in creating compost, vermi-compost, as a livestock probiotic, in food waste
treatment, waste water treatment and to control flies and livestock odors
and many other uses. There are hundreds of EM recipes, and hundreds of
research papers documenting EM effects. It is used in many countries around
the world for a multitude of purposes. Proper use of EM utilizes a
low-dose, multiple application, slow and accumulative effect. There are
only a few sources of EM mother culture in the U.S. at this time. An
internet search on "Effective Microorganisms" will bring up several sources
of mother cultures in the U.S. and research on EM use for hundreds of

EM is widely used in India, where one popular culture is made with Neem
leaves, 14 other plants and sugar cane. It is said that this ferment is
excellent for pest control, and will control 54 insect and disease problems
on farms.

IMO is similar to EM in Japan, but is a Korean tradition that has just been
gaining acclaim in the English speaking world in the last few years.
Unfortunately, there are very few written resources on IMO written in
English. IMO is not based on any purchased product. A mother culture is
created that is unique to a particular farm or area by putting a patty of
boiled rice out into the forest and covering it with forest duff. The patty
is protected from rodents and disturbance, and left for a week. Local fungi
and bacteria will invade and feed on the rice. After the first week, the
rice is brought in and 1/3 volume of molasses is added. The culture is
moved to a crock pot, where it is left to sit for another week. Then
molasses is again added, at a 1:1 ratio. This becomes the IMO stock
solution. Diluted with 20 parts of water this becomes a microbial inoculant
for compost, soil or plants.

This is only one recipe for IMO- there are hundreds of others, using
fermented fruit juice, fish, plant juice, amino acids, brown rice syrup
etc. as the base. In Japan and Korea there are large neighborhood
fermentation vats, which people can bring their cooking and yard wastes to,
to go into the ferment. The ferment reduces problematic smells and pests,
allowing kitchen waste to accumulate until it is convenient to move it to a
composting facility.

  • [Livingontheland] Soil Biology and Humus Farming, TradingPostPaul, 08/10/2006

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