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livingontheland - [Livingontheland] Humus: Still a Mystery

Subject: Healthy soil and sustainable growing

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  • From: "TradingPostPaul" <>
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  • Subject: [Livingontheland] Humus: Still a Mystery
  • Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2006 09:09:01 -0600

Humus: Still a Mystery
Paul Sachs

Note: A glossary has been provided, at the end, to define the some of the
scientific terms used throughout this article.

Humus is like air in a sense. It is abundant, renewable and essential for
to exist on this planet. However, humus is so much more complex than air
even after hundreds of years of research, no one really knows exactly what

The term "Humus" doesn't really describe anything specific. Its like using
word "dog" to describe a German Short Haired Pointer. Humus is sometimes
as the end product from the decomposition of organic residues. But since
never remains in a static condition, it is hard to refer to it as an end

Furthermore, the composition of humus in one soil can be so structurally,
chemically and visibly different from humus in another soil that it is
to refer to them both as the same thing.

Over the years, a lot of information has been gathered about humus: Certain

components have been identified; the nature and properties are fairly well
and the factors that control its existence are pretty much accepted as
knowledge. However, to date, an indisputably accurate method of extracting
from soil has yet to be discovered which, in of itself, severely limits
study of this material.

Attempts to define humus date back to the time of the Romans, but it wasn't

until 1761 when it was first linked to the decomposition of organic matter
by J.
G. Wallerius. Back then it was thought that plants were able to derive
nutrients directly from humus but in 1840, Justus von Liebig discovered
plants can only assimilate soil nutrients in an inorganic form and that
food must be changed into mineral salts first. Liebig believed that this
occurred from chemical reactions in the soil. About 25 years later,
was called to the role of microorganisms in the mineralization of nutrients
humus. It was in the early 1900's that most of the significant research on

humus occurred. However, a lot of the information produced became somewhat
obsolete at the dawn of the chemo-agricultural age in the early 1940's.


The formation of humus begins when organic residues of plants and animals
in contact with microbial life in the soil. The carbon compounds contained
the residues, that were synthesized by the plant or animal when it was
are protein and energy for the various bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes
involved in the decay process.

Aerobic microorganisms are the most adept at decomposing organic matter.
need an environment where there is an adequate amount of free oxygen to
live and
be active. The degree to which free oxygen exists in soil plays a major
role in
regulating the favorable or unfavorable conditions under which humus is
The same is true for moisture, soil temperature and the carbon to nitrogen

ratio of the residues being decomposed.

Where no free oxygen exists (e.g. in water), decomposition of organic
occurs by anaerobic organisms. This process is much slower than that
by aerobic organisms but can, in the long run, produce a greater amount of
(e.g. muck or organic soil). Humus formed under water is slightly
than its aerobic counterpart due more to the nature of the residues from
the two
different environments than the process of aerobic vs. anaerobic
Most of the contributions of organic matter to organic soils are from
dwelling insects and microbes that have a higher percentage of protein than
plant residues found in forests, fields, or gardens. Other components come
organic residues transported by wind and water currents to a location where
can accumulate and settle. Much of this translocated material may already
humus. Higher percentages of humus are found in soils formed anaerobically
because conditions are more favorable for humus accumulation and less
for its destruction.

At the other extreme is an environment where there is too much oxygen. If
moisture and soil temperature are also at optimum levels, organic matter
can be
decomposed so quickly that no accumulation of humus will occur at all (e.g.
tropical environments where high temperatures and moisture levels occur in
predominantly sandy soils that naturally contain plenty of air).

Soil temperature is another important controlling factor in the formation
humus. As the temperature of a soil increases, there is a corresponding
in microbial activity. Soils that exist in warmer regions of the earth
tend to
have lower native levels of humus than soils in colder areas. Figure 1
that at a temperature of 88 degrees F, in well aerated soil, humus can no

Microbial Processing

During humification of organic matter, microbes dismantle most of the
starches, proteins, cellulose and other carbon compounds to utilize them
their own metabolism. The assimilation of these nutrients from the original

residues by microorganisms is the first stage in the process of creating
Some of the more easily dissolved components of the residues end up being
and re-used over and over, by many different varieties of organisms, and
never actually become humus. However, they provide energy and protein for
life cycles of the organisms involved in its synthesis. The more decay
components of the residues are not so much assimilated as they are altered
microbial processing into humic substances.

Much of the nutrient and energy assimilated into the bodies of microbes is
re-used by other microbes when they die. Some is mineralized back into
food and some is changed into biologically resistant compounds that
as components of humus. As more and more members of the biomass club
in the festivities of eating, dying and being eaten, the cycles of soil
are implemented. Plants create organic matter which feeds soil organisms
transform the nutrients from the residues back into plant food, nutrients
other organisms and humus.

The digestion of organic matter in the soil is analogous to the digestive
in animals. Nutrients derived from food ingested by an animal are diffused
its body where they are utilized for energy and production of new cells.
By-products, such as urea, water, carbon dioxide and other simple compounds
given off. The undigested portion of the food is excreted as feces.

In the soil, organic matter is dissolved and absorbed by microorganisms
utilizing the nutrients and energy for their own metabolism. Their
convert most of the organically bound nutrients back into a mineral form
is usable by plants and other microbes. The undigested portion of the
accumulate as humus. However, humus is not completely immune to
Microbes will eventually recycle all the elements in humus back to where
initially came from, even if it takes a millennium to do it.

Decay Resistance

Some of the components in organic residues are much more resistant to decay
others. Carbohydrates such as sugars and starches will decompose faster
other carbohydrates such as cellulose and hemicellulose. Fats, waxes and
are the most resistant to decay of all the organic components. Proteins
vary in
decay resistance but are generally more resistant than sugars and starches
more easily decomposed than all the other components.

Although many of these components exist in humus (in an altered form) (see
figure 2), the degree to which they exist in the organic residues plays a
in the quantitative accumulation of humus. Materials that contain a high
percentage of easily decomposed components such as sugars, starches and
are, for the most part, assimilated back into the living biomass. Although
energy and protein provided by these residues help in the creation of
humus, the
ratio of the mass and weight of the residues to the measure of humus
is relatively high (i.e. only a small amount of humus can be created).

Materials that contain a large percentage of lignins, cellulose or other
biologically resistant components have less to offer plants in the way of
recyclable nutrients but contribute significantly more to the formation of

Different plants inherently have different ratios of these organic
but variance also appears in the same plants at different stages of their
Green leaves from deciduous trees, for example, have a very different
of proteins vs other components than their dry, fallen counterparts. Figure
shows the changes that occur in rye plants from early growth to maturity.
At the
young, succulent stage, organic matter from this source would not
very much substance for the accumulation of humus but would benefit more
immediate needs of microorganisms and plants. Whereas, near the end of its
the rye plants would add little to the nutrient needs of plants and soil
but provide more raw materials needed for the formation of humus.

During humification not only are the organic components altered by
processing but the ratio that existed in the original residues is changed.
Figure 4 illustrates how the balance of components in straw changes from
decomposition. The increase of some components and decrease of others is
magical. The nutrient needs of microbes involved in the decomposition
are taken from any available sources in the soil and reflected in the
change from raw material to compost. As the compost humifies further the
become even more pronounced (see figure 2).

Biologically resistant components such as lignins, fats and waxes are
structurally and chemically changed by microbial processing. Other
resistant carbon compounds are created by microorganisms as by-products of
decay activities. These decay resistant compounds are what humus is made
This is not to say that humus is immune from further decay, but its
to decomposition is at a level that enables it to exist for decades if not
centuries as a soil conditioner, a habitat for microbial life and a vast
reservoir of plant and microbial nutrient.


Humus is essentially a massive storage battery containing energy that was
originally derived from the sun. Researchers in England discovered that an
(furrow slice) of soil with 4 percent organic matter contains as much
energy as
20-25 tons of anthracite coal. Another researcher in Maine equated the
energy in
that amount of organic matter to 4000 gallons of #2 fuel oil. This organic

energy, which is stored as carbon compounds, was originally derived from
the sun
by autotrophic organisms such as plants that can extract carbon from
atmospheric carbon dioxide. About one percent of the energy from the sun
reaches plant leaves is used to photosynthesize carbon compounds. During
plants' life much of the energy that is absorbed from the sun is utilized
growth, foliage production, flowering, seed production and other functions.

About 10 percent of the absorbed energy, initially from the sun, is left
available to a consumer, e.g. an animal that eats and digests the plant.
the plant, the animal uses most of the energy it consumes for functions
such as
growth and sustenance but can offer about 10 percent of the energy it
from plants to the next consumer in the food chain.

Subsequent digestions through the food chain continue the rapid depletion
available energy from one trophic level to the next. The final consumers of
energy reside in the soil. In figure 5 an arbitrary quantity of energy has
used as an example to show its flow and use. In this case, the 1 million
calories of energy offered by the sun is reduced to 1 calorie of available
energy by the time it flows through the food chain to soil saprophytes.
during the season when plants are active about 20% of the carbon that they

absorb from the atmosphere is exuded through the roots as photosynthesized
carbon compounds and utilized by organisms living on, near or within the
surface. This phenomena provides a direct and constant flow of plant
energy for many soil microorganisms.
Obviously, the level of energy available from plant residues is higher than
can be offered by the remains of herbivores which is higher that what is
available from the residues of carnivores. The various energy levels of
different residues stimulate populations of different soil organisms that
perform different functions in the soil. Their populations are controlled
by the
amount and type of residues introduced into the soil and the production of

humus is controlled by these organisms.

Carbon Cycle

Throughout this digestion and assimilation process, from the consumption of
sun's energy by the plant to the decomposition of all residues in the
carbon is released back into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. The
evolution of
carbon dioxide from organic matter is an integral part of the life cycle.
If CO2
did not evolve, atmospheric carbon would not be available, the earth would
buried in humus and life could not exist. Figure 6 examines the cycle of
from the atmosphere, through the food chain and back into the atmosphere.
and other autotrophic organisms (producers) need carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere to live. Without it, no heterotrophic organisms (consumers),
depend on the producers for energy, could exist either.
Over a one year period and under average conditions, about 60% to 70% of
carbon in organic residues is recycled back to the atmosphere as carbon
Five to ten percent is assimilated into the biomass and the rest resides
in new

Colloidal Properties

Colloidal refers to the attraction certain soil particles have for cations
are positively charged ions of soil nutrients. Whether organic (humus) or
mineral (clay), the colloid is very small and carries a negative
electro-magnetic charge that can hold cation nutrients in a manner that
plant roots access to them. This phenomena is called cation exchange.

When decomposed organic matter reaches a certain level of "maturity" and
can be
referred to as humus it gains colloidal properties which react, in terms of

cation exchange, almost identically to mineral colloids. However, humus can
a far greater capacity to adsorb cations than clay, especially in a soil
with a
near neutral pH.

In the soil scientists' quest to isolate and define humus, many terms such
humic acid, fulvic acid, humates, humins and ulmins were developed to help
literalize their findings. Some of these terms have relatively complicated
definitions and are used to identify the different compounds produced by
chemical extraction methods. Most are too general and ill-defined for the
complexities of humus. However, it is helpful to be familiar with two of
terms, i.e. humates and humic acid, to understand the colloidal properties

When humus particles called micelles are formed the chemical composition is

predominantly carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen (see figure 7). The
ions that reside in compounds on the surface of the micelle can be
displaced by
other cations such as calcium, magnesium, potassium or sodium (see figure
By chemical definition, any compound that contains displaceable hydrogen is
acid...hence humic acid.

If the hydrogen ions are displaced with base cations such as potassium,
or magnesium the new compound is considered chemically to be the salt of
acid or humate.

By weight, hydrogen accounts for only a small percentage of humic acid but
because the atoms of this element are the smallest and lightest of all
its numbers are overwhelmingly higher than any other. Each location of a
hydrogen ion on the surface of the micelle can potentially become an
site for a base cation. The tremendous amount of surface area of humic
coupled with the high number of exchangeable H+ ions can significantly
the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of any given soil.

In soil conditions where hydrogen ion activity is high (i.e. low pH), humus

becomes saturated with adsorbed hydrogen ions and is called humic acid
(HA). HAs
have the ability to react with mineral particles in the soil liberating
ions such as potassium, magnesium and calcium. As more and more bases are
released and are adsorbed to the humic colloid, replacing H+, HA is
changed into humates.

Humates, are essentially organic colloids that are saturated with base
A rich soil with a near neutral pH would contain a high level of humates.
Whereas the same soil with a low pH would be replete with humic acids.
Unfortunately, many humic substances can dissolve and leach to lower soil
horizons in a low pH environment such as in a New England forest.

Soil Conditioning

Humus is an amazing soil conditioner. Only 5% humus will transform lifeless
dust into rich loam. It has abilities to both bind sand and granulate

In sandy soils, plant and microbial mucilages from humus clog up the porous

environment, increasing the moisture holding capacities and slowing down
percolation of soil water, with all the dissolved nutrients it contains. As
moisture content increases, more plants and microbes can inhabit the
environment, accelerating the creation of more humus. Under ideal
the advancement of humus in sand eventually will develop the most preferred
of loam for plant production. Unfortunately, conditions for the
development of
humus in sand are not always ideal. In tropical environments, for example,
moisture and temperature are optimum for populations of decomposition
organic matter is quickly assimilated back into the biomass. Coupled with
abundance of oxygen in a porous sand, it is difficult if not impossible for

humus to accumulate.

In clay soils, humus forms an alliance with clay particles. Both particles
colloidal; i.e. they have an electro-negative charge capable of attracting
holding cation nutrients. Complexes are formed in the soil between the two
particles which not only increases the soil's overall CEC but also
mitigates the
cohesive nature of clay, causing granulation.

The accumulation of humus is naturally easier in clay soil than in sand
the environmental conditions for decay bacteria are often not as ideal.
levels in clay soils often reach the saturation point leaving little room
oxygen needed by aerobic life. Soil water also acts as a buffer for
changes keeping the much needed heat level for microbial activity at a
In addition, the evaporation of moisture from the surface actually has a
effect on the soil (just as evaporation of perspiration from the skin
cools the

Clay can also assist in the stabilization of humus. The clay-humus
formed in the soil can further inhibit bacterial decomposition and can
the lifespan of humus to over a thousand years. Soil scientists calculate
in Allophanic soils (a volcanic clay soil) the mean residence time of humus

ranges from 2000 to 5000 years.

Over time and under the best of conditions, humus can eventually change
clays and sandy soils into media that are visible similar.


In an uncultivated, natural environment, humus accumulates in accordance
the favorable or unfavorable conditions of the region. Unless global or
conditions change, the level of humus accumulation reaches an equilibrium
the factors that destroy it and it becomes a relatively fixed component of

In cultivated environments, humus is an important asset which, like most
assets, is easier to maintain than it is to replace. Unfortunately, the
value of
humus is, oftentimes, not fully realized until it is severely depleted and
benefits are no longer available.

Old, stable humus is biologically resistant. Depending on the environmental

conditions under which it exists humus can sit in the soil for centuries,
millenniums, with only a minimal amount of decomposition occurring. However

slight, decay still occurs and eventually even old humus will cycle back
where it came. The formation of new humus is critical to maintaining a
presence of this asset in the soil.

Current agricultural and horticultural practices have little effect on old,

stable humus. However, many of those methods of cultivation can destroy new

humus in the formative stages when it is more vulnerable to decay than its

Figure 9 shows a typical response of organic matter introduced into the
soil. It
is important to note that even under the best of conditions, a relatively
amount of humus is created in comparison to the level of organic matter
initially introduced.

If conditions exist that further accelerate the decomposition of organic
even less humus will eventually be created. In extremes such as tropical
environments where moisture, heat and soil oxygen are abundant, a lot of
dioxide is evolved but not much in the way of humus.

Aeration from the plow or rototiller is probably the most significant
factor in
the depletion of native humus levels of cultivated topsoil. That, coupled
mono-cultural practices and the absence of organic carbon in fertilizer
materials has cause a greater than 50 percent decline in native humus
over the years on many of the farms throughout the U.S. This represents a
that probably, will never be recovered. Even old humus complexes that are
normally very resistant to decay can be fractured by cultivation and made
vulnerable to biological processes.

Excessive applications of lime can significantly accelerate the
process of humus. The low pH in acid soils inhibit the activities of
As the pH is raised by applications of lime, bacteria populations grow and
relative increase in decomposition occurs. Experiments done back in 1920
show a
marked increase in CO2 evolution (a measure of organic matter
decomposition) as
varying amounts of lime were added to soil. (See fig. 10) A small amount of

calcium can stimulate plant growth to the point where the increased amount
residues added to the soil balance the loss from greater microbial
However, excessive lime applications can hasten the destruction of humus at
pace greater than the plant residues can accumulate it.

Excess nitrogen applied to crops is another culprit. The effect of adding
much nitrogen to the soil is very similar to what happens when it is added
to a
pile of slowly composting carbonaceous organic matter such as dry leaves or
dust. The temperature of the pile is raised immediately, large volumes of
dioxide are released and the whole process of decomposition is accelerated

exponentially. The reaction occurs regardless of the type of nitrogen added

(i.e. organic or inorganic).

Humus in the soil has more real value than money, real estate, stocks or
Its value doesn't fluctuate; it doesn't become scarce in a recession; it's
can't be depleted by inflation and it can't be stolen. It is the direct or

indirect source of sustenance for all life on earth. It can sometimes be
lost by
environmental changes but more often, its demise is from either the apathy
the inadvertent errors of the steward who tends it.

Humus is a renewable resource. Its presence in the soil can be maintained
indefinitely. Unfortunately, many agricultural and horticultural practices
essentially mining humus. Like other mined products, such as coal, minerals
oil, the natural resource can eventually be exhausted.


The popular scientific definition of humus is "A more or less biologically
stable, dark, amorphous material formed by the microbial decomposition of
and animal residues". It is difficult to visibly differentiate humus from
organic matter in other stages of decay. Compost, well rotted manures and
are not necessarily humus. However, at some hard-to-define point, all of
organic materials will contribute immeasurably to the humus content in the

It is not realistic to think that one can quantify or qualify humus
from contributions of organic matter to soil. There are too many factors
control its formation and existence in the soil environment. One can only
that cultural practices that both minimize the depletion and contribute to
formation of humus will maintain the best possible level of soil humus for
individual environment.


Actinomycetes - Decay microorganisms that have a fungus-like appearance
like bacteria, do not contain a well defined nucleus.
Adsorption - The adherence of one material to the surface of another via
electro-magnetic forces, e.g. dust to a television screen.
Aerobic - Needing oxygen to live.
Anaerobic - Needing an environment with little or no oxygen to live.
Assimilation - Digestion and diffusion of nutrients by an organism for
and/or sustenance.
Autotrophs - organisms that can synthesize carbon compounds from
carbon dioxide utilizing energy from light or chemical reactions.
Base cation - A positively charged ion, historically belonging to the earth

metal family e.g. potassium, magnesium, calcium, etc.
Biomass - The accumulative mass of all living things in a given
Carbon : Nitrogen ratio - a ratio measured by weight of the number of parts
carbon to each part nitrogen e.g. 10:1, 50:1, etc.
Carnivores - Organisms that consume animals or insects for sustenance.
Cation - An ion of an element or compound with a positive electro-magnetic
Cation exchange capacity - The total amount of exchangeable cations that a
given soil can adsorb.
Colloids - Very small soil particles with a negative electro-magnetic
capable of attracting, holding and exchanging cations.
Faunal - Pertaining to microscopic or visible animals.
Floral - Pertaining to plants or bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes, etc.
Free oxygen - Gaseous oxygen not bound to other elements as in oxides,
hydroxides or water for example.
Furrow slice - Plow depth of approximately 6 - 7 inches.
Hemicellulose - A carbohydrate resembling cellulose but more soluble; found
the cell walls of plants.
Herbivores - Organisms that consume plants for sustenance.
Heterotrophs - Organisms capable of deriving nutrient for growth and
from organic compounds but incapable of synthesizing carbon compounds from
atmospheric carbon dioxide.
Humification - The biological process of converting organic matter into
Humology - The study of humus.
Lignin - A biologically resistant fibrous compound deposited in the cell
of cellulose whose purpose is for strength and support of stems, branches,
roots, etc.
Micelle - (Micro-cell) A negatively charged (colloidal) soil particle most
commonly found in either a mineral form (i.e. clay) or organic form (i.e.
Mineralized - The biological process of transforming organic compounds into

non-organic compounds (minerals) e.g. mineralization of protein into
Monoculture - The cultural practice of growing only one variety of crop in
specific area every season without variance.
Mucilage - compounds synthesized by plants and microbes that swell in
taking on a gelatinous consistency, that function to maintain a moist
Saprophyte - an organism that can absorb nutrient from dead organic matter.
Taxonomy - Science of classification.
Trophic levels - Levels of consumers within a food chain in relation to
producers of organic nutrient such as plants e.g. producers - primary
- secondary consumers - tertiary consumers - decay organisms.


Albrecht, W.A. 1938, Loss of Organic Matter and its Restoration. U.S.
of Agriculture Yearbook 1938, pp 347-376.
ASA# 47. 1979, Microbial - Plant Interactions. American Society of
Madison, WI
Bear, F.E. 1924, Soils and Fertilizers. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York,
Brady, N.C. 1974, The Nature and Properties of soils. MacMillan Publishing
Inc. New York, NY
Huang, P.M. and M. Schnitzer 1986, Interactions of Soil Minerals with
Organics and Microbes. Soil Science Society of America, Inc. Madison, WI
Makarov, I.B. 1986, Seasonal Dynamics of Soil Humus Content. Moscow
Soil Science Bulletin, v41 #3 pp 19-26.
Parnes, R. 1986, Organic & Inorganic Fertilizers. Woods End Agricultural
Institute. Mt. Vernon, ME
SSSA 1987, Soil Fertility and Organic Matter as Critical Components of
Production Systems. Soil Science Society of America, Inc. Madison, WI
Waksman, S.A. 1936, Humus. Williams and Wilkins, Inc. Baltimore, MD

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