Subject: Ontario Fruit Explorers
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- From: "Thomas Olenio" <>
- To: "'Ontario Fruit Explorers'" <>
- Subject: Re: [OFEX] Fig Afficiados
- Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 14:58:07 -0400
Hi Bert, Question… When do LSU green
and It is getting cool and mine are as green
as grass. Grapes are pitiful this year. Small,
tasteless, tart, nearly all seeds and skin. Tomatoes are very late. We did not
begin eating Early Girl until September. Crummy year for fruit. We were even able to keep up with three
zucchini plants! So I guess global warming is self limiting. More
water vapor, more clouds, less heat gets through. I guess the heat cycle
and cool cycle are self regulating just like the magnetic field. Imagine
that. Who would have thunk a planet that has been taking care of itself
for over 4 billion years would keep on regulating itself. (smile) People never learn. No bunky
mankind is not the center of the universe. LOL Later, Tom “Sometimes
a concept is baffling not because it is profound
but because it's wrong." Stephen J. Crothers From:
[] On Behalf Of Burt Dunn Is anyone growing Panachee (acute accent on first e), aka
Panache, Tiger, Variegato? Producing green chimera fruit with yellow stripes &
strawberry coloured pulp. Leaf not varigated I have two similar except the fruits are yellow with
dark red/brown stripes . The first is from They both have leaves like The Can anyone assist me with the correct name? Or are
they Panachee??
Thanks Bert Bert Dunn |
[OFEX] Fig Afficiados,
Burt Dunn, 09/10/2008
Re: [OFEX] Fig Afficiados,
Thomas Olenio, 09/10/2008
Re: [OFEX] Fig Afficiados,
Burt Dunn, 09/16/2008
- Re: [OFEX] Fig Afficiados, Thomas Olenio, 09/16/2008
Re: [OFEX] Fig Afficiados,
Burt Dunn, 09/16/2008
- Re: [OFEX] Fig Afficiados, Joe Boles, 09/10/2008
Re: [OFEX] Fig Afficiados,
Thomas Olenio, 09/10/2008
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