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  • From: Leslie <cayadopi AT>
  • To: homestead AT
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] Falling skies versus homestead serenity
  • Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 13:29:22 -0800 (PST)

Two jobs ago, I had to deal with and work with people like that..
Didn't take me long to "go on strike" against their nonsense; I quit.

Too bad I can't divulge some of the names...... LOL.  But here's a couple of

One lady, a foul-mouthed capital B---emale, the girlfriend of a billionaire
came in one day.  She had forgotten to pack socks and demanded a pair of
socks be given to her.  Bottom line - a hunt for socks revealed the only pair
around was a dirty stinky pair belonging to the VP.  She took them, and never
returned them.  Yet she could have walked 1000 feet and purchased a pair at a
nearby store, yet refused....

Another man of similar means demanded to have the personal shoes being worn
by one of the below min wage staffers.  The President of the company, to my
horror, ordered the employee to give the man his shoes.  I can't believe the
employee actually gave this wealthy individual his shoes.  He worked the rest
of the day in socks, and sounded off for quite a while.  The weathy man never
returned the shoes or compensated him in any way, and neither did the boss.

I can't tell you how many incidents like this I saw.  A steady stream of
people totally out of touch... And the petty things they obsessed about !! 
OMG.  I could tell stories...   One time, one of California's finest movie
stars called wanting the name of a certain type of psychiatrist or
psychologist (can't remember which).  Out came the rolodex, and I randomly
picked one of the Prez's lists.  The man went on about his obsession for a
while (picture me yawning and doing my nails), and asked me if I had ever
personally consulted with the doc.  Told him I hadn't and that I wasn't aware
of any shrinks who speciailized in secretarys - dead silence. 

I certainly won't have any compassion for those types if things get rough and
they can't get food.  But then, they would probably figure out a way to take
food out of other's mouths, just as they took shoes and socks off the feet of

Agree, the first episode was interesting.  I've caught 2 others by accident. 
The guys in the first one actually seemed touched (how long will that
last???),,,, the others seemed staged or phoney. 

Agree. Bailout to bailout is not the solution.  Government forced bailouts
and handouts just leads to corruption.  Wish I knew the solution, but I
don't, other than to let everyone that has a bankrupt mentality suffer from
their choices, instead of profit.

--- On Thu, 12/18/08, EarthNSky <erthnsky AT> wrote:
I have, although I must say that I am losing interest quickly. The
first episode was great. You are right though, I am amazed that there
are so many 'millionaires' who are really so out of touch with the rest
of us. I know that the program was in production before Obama's famous
words, but this is the kind of 'sharing the wealth' that should be
contagious, not going from bailout to bailout...

My two cents.

>From erthnsky AT Thu Dec 18 16:54:44 2008
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I am going to try to acquire some of this rice to grow. I have ordered
rice from other places, but this one looks like it could be a winning
variety for me. I was reading this page about the history and origin of
the grain and thought you all might be interested, too.
The true significance of Sacajawea's involvement in the Lewis & Clark
expedition is that it was the first documented trip in history where men
asked a woman for directions and followed them, allowing them to arrive
at their destination.

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