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homestead - Re: [Homestead] Eggs

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  • From: EarthNSky <erthnsky AT>
  • To: homestead AT
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] Eggs
  • Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 22:27:12 -0500

Robert Walton wrote:

Your hens are doing good. Glad you found the culprit. I got 7 eggs today, put a light on the hens a couple of weeks ago. I was down to just a couple a day. I've got to do a count, but I doubt I'm getting 50% lay with 7 eggs. Some of my hens are in the longest molt I've
seen them in, though. Those won't be laying anytime soon.

My turken went through a molt that made her almost bald,,,,,I was
worried, but that was before Thanksgiving, she looks better now than she
has in her two years<g>.
I've never had a light on my birds to increase laying. I've always
carried enough hens so that even one or two eggs a day is enough. For
me, I was really affected by seeing how battery chickens are stressed,
so I kind of vowed to myself that I would not feed meds, hormones, have
extra lights, small spaces, etc. Turning on a light for a few weeks a
year isn't that big of a deal, but I've just never found it necessary.
Of course, you live further north than I do, and that makes a difference
in the amount of light a bird gets.

I butchered all the red hens last summer. They were RIR and over two years old. I needed to lower numbers and decided just to keep the younger hens. The old RIR hens layed better in winter. I've got a few
Marans, White Rocks, Buff Orpingtons and a few daughters coming in. I'm finally down to one rooster, a Marans.

Marans, a breed I've never had. Obviously you like them? I have heard
good things about them-seem to recall they are good winter layers...

I was thinking about switching to Delawares in the spring to see how the young roos dress out. If they grow nicely, I'll keep a couple of roos and some hens. I just butchered some of the MaransX roosters and
they dressed out nicely at about 4 months.

Did you feed your roosters any differently than your pullets?
This is something I am debating, whether or not to feed the meat birds
more protein.


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hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Yoda

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