Susan Hunnicutt wrote on Monday, October 28, 2002 6:08 AM
Dear Mr. Weeden, other members of the
group: Your piece on sleeping/ the disciples apostacy is not at the
crosstalk site anymore, or yahoo cannot find crosstalk this morning. I'm
not sure which. I would like to read it.
Jeffrey Gibson has indicated, as I assume you
are now aware, that my essay can be found in the XTalk archives.
I would like to ask you and other
members of the group, is Dr. Kelber's position, dating Mark after the fall of
Jerusalem not even discussed?
I share
Werner Kelber's position, along with many others, that Mark was written
after the war. I am of the persuasion that Mark was written at Caesarea
Philippi, at least after the horrific spectacle of Titus- - -
who returned from his destruction of Jerusalem with Jerusalemite
prisoners to stay the late summer and early fall in Caesarea Philippi---
forcing his Jerusalemite prisoners into combat with each other, as well as
feeding them to wild beasts, a continuing spectacle which was brought to
a crescendo with Titus' own version of an "*Oktoberfest*," namely his
celebration of his brother's birthday, on October 24, 70 CE, a
celebration which included the massaccre of 2,500 of the Jerusalemite
prisoners, according to Josephus (_The JewishWar_, 7.37-8). I
have already presented an essay, "Guidelines for Locating the Markan
Community," which I posted to XTalk and Kata Markon on February 29, 2000, and
I am preparing a further development of my thesis in an XTalk post in the near
received a post from you, subject:" Fwd: Alward's View of Mark 14:38," with an
attachment, but McAfee would not allow me to open the attachment because it
was "unsafe."