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Re: [freetds] ODBC, MSSQL, FreeTDS inner join not returning data from second table
- From: Andrew Rousseau <andrew AT>
- To: freetds AT
- Subject: Re: [freetds] ODBC, MSSQL, FreeTDS inner join not returning data from second table
- Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 22:31:26 -0400
So it turns out there are issues with odbc. I am now successfully using
dblib instead.
Here is the full recipe for anyone that wants to know what I did to get
this fully working on Ubuntu 14.04:
These were the original directions I followed
1. Install the packages freetds-bin, freetds-common, tdsodbc, odbcinst,
php5-odbc and unixodbc. This provides the libraries you need.
2. Copy the contents of /usr/share/doc/freetds-common/examples/odbcinst.ini
into /etc/odbcinst.ini. This registers the FreeTDS driver with the ODBC
3. Restart your webserver to load the ODBC module into PHP.
Then connected with:
$db = new PDO('odbc:Driver=FreeTDS; Server=hostname_or_ip; Port=port;
Database=database_name; UID=username; PWD=password;');
catch(PDOException $exception)
die("Unable to open database.<br />Error message:<br /><br
echo '<h1>Successfully connected!</h1>';
$query = 'SELECT * FROM table_name';
$statement = $db->prepare($query);
$result = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
To correct the issue I was having with inner joins on returning data from
secondary tables I installed:
php5-sybase (ie sudo apt-get install php5-sybase)
Then connected as such:
try {
$hostname = "myhost";
$port = 10060;
$dbname = "tempdb";
$username = "dbuser";
$pw = "password";
$db = new PDO
catch(PDOException $exception)
die("Unable to open database.<br />Error message:<br /><br
echo '<h1>Successfully connected!</h1>';
$query = 'SELECT * FROM table_name';
$statement = $db->prepare($query);
$result = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
Andrew Rousseau
Technical Director
bluehouse*group*.com <>
65 Millet Street, Suite 101
Richmond, VT 05477
Phone: 802.434.7488
Fax: 802.434.7490
On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 3:07 PM, Andrew Rousseau <andrew AT>
> I have FreeTDS installed on an Ubuntu 14.04 server. I am connecting to the
> MSSQL database as follows:
> $db = new PDO('odbc:Driver=FreeTDS; Server=<IP Address>; Port=1433;
> Database=db_name; UID=user; PWD=password;');
> I am running the following query:
> SELECT c.*, ct.*
> FROM Committee AS c
> INNER JOIN CommitteeType as ct on c.CommitteeTypeID=ct.CommitteeTypeID
> WHERE CommitteeID=$committee_id
> Then I am running:
> $statement = $db->prepare($query);
> $statement->execute();
> $result = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NAMED);
> The resulting array is very much what would be expected except that the
> values from the CommitteeType table are all empty. When I run the exact
> same query in Navicat on the database I get values for everything from the
> second table.
> Is there something buggy about this driver?
> I have tried many variations on the query syntax without any difference in
> output. It appears that I can never get values from an inner joined table
> regardless of which tables I am querying.
> Anyone see anything I am missing or have experienced anything similar?
[freetds] ODBC, MSSQL, FreeTDS inner join not returning data from second table,
Andrew Rousseau, 09/16/2014
Re: [freetds] ODBC, MSSQL, FreeTDS inner join not returning data from second table,
Andrew Rousseau, 09/16/2014
- Re: [freetds] ODBC, MSSQL, FreeTDS inner join not returning data from second table, Frediano Ziglio, 09/19/2014
Re: [freetds] ODBC, MSSQL, FreeTDS inner join not returning data from second table,
Andrew Rousseau, 09/16/2014
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