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freetds - Re: [freetds] NMakefile from RE: [Fwd: FreeTDS for MS VC++ 2010]

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  • From: jklowden AT
  • To: FreeTDS Development Group <freetds AT>
  • Subject: Re: [freetds] NMakefile from RE: [Fwd: FreeTDS for MS VC++ 2010]
  • Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2010 11:54:50 -0400

On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 03:21:47PM +0100, Neuhauser, Roman (GE Capital,
consultant) wrote:
> > > I think at one time types.h was in the include directory
> > > and later we decided to leave in the the tds directory.
> > > NMakefile assumes it will be in include. If you copy the
> > > file, you satisfy the dependency without needing Perl or
> > for me, NMAKE ends later with another error message:
> >
> > NMAKE : fatal error U1073: don't know how to make
> > 'src\tds\'
> > Stop.
> yes, you'd need to remove the rule that mentions this script, but you won't
> get far.
> see my other email when / if it makes through to the list.

My apologies to anyone trying to follow my advice to use the distributed
NMakefile. It works fine from CVS with Perl installed, but there were a few
problems with using it with the distribution tarball.

Attached is an NMakefile that works. I committed it to CVS HEAD and the
nightly snapshot should work out of the box tomorrow. Changes:

1. Requires FROM_TARBALL= to be defined on the command line, cf. comments at
the top of the file.
2. Skips building generated files if FROM_TARBALL is defined.
3. Includes getopt.c in src/replacements.

To use it right now, extract the attached file from this message, and
download any copy of src/replacements/getopt.c from CVS. (The file was not
being distributed. I'm surprised no one reported that before.)

I just built using the following command:

$ nmake -f Nmakefile -nologo PLATFORM=win32 CONFIGURATION=debug FROM_TARBALL=

It doesn't matter what FROM_TARBALL is defined as, as long as it's defined.
I don't see a way to "just define" it on the Nmake command line.

A more elegant solution would be to !INCLUDE a file to make the generated
files. In CVS, that file would invoke Perl, but the distributed version
would be empty. Patches welcome.

Your humble maintainer,

# $Id: Nmakefile,v 1.6 2010/10/12 15:36:24 jklowden Exp $
# Build FreeTDS and assorted utilities for Win32/Win64 without an IDE.
# Makefiles, unlike Visual Studio project files, are stable over time.
# Contributed to the public domain by James K. Lowden, February 2009

# Define in the environment or on the command line:
# 1. CONFIGURATION = debug/release
# 2. PLATFORM = win32/x64
# These will determine what is built and where outputs are placed.
# Example invocation:
# nmake.exe -f Nmakefile -nologo PLATFORM=win32 CONFIGURATION=debug
# If using with tarball distribution (not CVS):
# nmake.exe -f Nmakefile PLATFORM=win32 CONFIGURATION=debug

MV = move /Y

DBLIB_DIR = src\dblib
REPLACEMENTS_DIR = src\replacements
TDS_DIR = src\tds
APPS_DIR = src\apps


DBLIB_SRC = $(DBLIB_DIR)\bcp.c \
$(DBLIB_DIR)\dblib.c \
$(DBLIB_DIR)\dbopen.c \
$(DBLIB_DIR)\dbutil.c \
$(DBLIB_DIR)\rpc.c \

DBLIB_OBJ = $(DBLIB_OUT)\bcp.obj \
$(DBLIB_OUT)\dblib.obj \
$(DBLIB_OUT)\dbopen.obj \
$(DBLIB_OUT)\dbutil.obj \
$(DBLIB_OUT)\rpc.obj \

$(REPLACEMENTS_DIR)\basename.c \
$(REPLACEMENTS_DIR)\fakepoll.c \
$(REPLACEMENTS_DIR)\gettimeofday.c \
$(REPLACEMENTS_DIR)\getopt.c \
$(REPLACEMENTS_DIR)\readpassphrase.c \
$(REPLACEMENTS_DIR)\strlcat.c \
$(REPLACEMENTS_DIR)\strlcpy.c \
$(REPLACEMENTS_DIR)\strtok_r.c \

$(REPLACEMENTS_OUT)\basename.obj \
$(REPLACEMENTS_OUT)\fakepoll.obj \
$(REPLACEMENTS_OUT)\gettimeofday.obj \
$(REPLACEMENTS_OUT)\getopt.obj \
$(REPLACEMENTS_OUT)\iconv.obj \
$(REPLACEMENTS_OUT)\readpassphrase.obj \
$(REPLACEMENTS_OUT)\strlcat.obj \
$(REPLACEMENTS_OUT)\strlcpy.obj \
$(REPLACEMENTS_OUT)\strtok_r.obj \

TDS_SRC = $(TDS_DIR)\bulk.c \
$(TDS_DIR)\challenge.c \
$(TDS_DIR)\config.c \
$(TDS_DIR)\convert.c \
$(TDS_DIR)\data.c \
$(TDS_DIR)\des.c \
$(TDS_DIR)\getmac.c \
$(TDS_DIR)\gssapi.c \
$(TDS_DIR)\hmac_md5.c \
$(TDS_DIR)\iconv.c \
$(TDS_DIR)\locale.c \
$(TDS_DIR)\log.c \
$(TDS_DIR)\login.c \
$(TDS_DIR)\md4.c \
$(TDS_DIR)\md5.c \
$(TDS_DIR)\mem.c \
$(TDS_DIR)\net.c \
$(TDS_DIR)\numeric.c \
$(TDS_DIR)\query.c \
$(TDS_DIR)\read.c \
$(TDS_DIR)\sspi.c \
$(TDS_DIR)\tds_checks.c \
$(TDS_DIR)\tdsstring.c \
$(TDS_DIR)\threadsafe.c \
$(TDS_DIR)\token.c \
$(TDS_DIR)\util.c \
$(TDS_DIR)\vstrbuild.c \
$(TDS_DIR)\win_mutex.c \

TDS_OBJ = $(TDS_OUT)\bulk.obj \
$(TDS_OUT)\challenge.obj \
$(TDS_OUT)\config.obj \
$(TDS_OUT)\convert.obj \
$(TDS_OUT)\data.obj \
$(TDS_OUT)\des.obj \
$(TDS_OUT)\getmac.obj \
$(TDS_OUT)\gssapi.obj \
$(TDS_OUT)\hmac_md5.obj \
$(TDS_OUT)\iconv.obj \
$(TDS_OUT)\locale.obj \
$(TDS_OUT)\log.obj \
$(TDS_OUT)\login.obj \
$(TDS_OUT)\md4.obj \
$(TDS_OUT)\md5.obj \
$(TDS_OUT)\mem.obj \
$(TDS_OUT)\net.obj \
$(TDS_OUT)\numeric.obj \
$(TDS_OUT)\query.obj \
$(TDS_OUT)\read.obj \
$(TDS_OUT)\sspi.obj \
$(TDS_OUT)\tds_checks.obj \
$(TDS_OUT)\tdsstring.obj \
$(TDS_OUT)\threadsafe.obj \
$(TDS_OUT)\token.obj \
$(TDS_OUT)\util.obj \
$(TDS_OUT)\vstrbuild.obj \
$(TDS_OUT)\win_mutex.obj \

# not yet: $(APPS_DIR)\bsqlodbc.c

APPS_SRC = $(APPS_DIR)\bsqldb.c \
$(APPS_DIR)\datacopy.c \
$(APPS_DIR)\defncopy.c \
$(APPS_DIR)\freebcp.c \

APPS_OBJ = $(APPS_OUT)\bsqldb.obj \
$(APPS_OUT)\datacopy.obj \
$(APPS_OUT)\defncopy.obj \
$(APPS_OUT)\freebcp.obj \

APPS_EXE = $(APPS_OUT)\bsqldb.exe \
$(APPS_OUT)\datacopy.exe \
$(APPS_OUT)\defncopy.exe \
$(APPS_OUT)\freebcp.exe \

db-lib: $(DBLIB_OUT)\db-lib.lib

apps: $(DBLIB_OUT)\db-lib.lib $(APPS_EXE)
tsql: $(APPS_OUT)\tsql.exe
bsqldb: $(APPS_OUT)\bsqldb.exe

##(APPS_OUT)\bsqldb.exe: $(APPS_DIR)\bsqldb.exe $(DBLIB_OUT)\db-lib.lib
# Don't know how to create this dependency without explicitly defining every

# Sadly the environment settings for building for different architectures
# is undocumented. Microsoft's directions are to run the requisite
# batch file without explaining what it does. While it's possible to
# read the file -- and it's not complicated -- it's impossible to
# know the purpose of setting PATH/INCLUDE/LIB just so. Worse, the
# settings are per-machine, and if the file is lost, the only way to
# recreate it is to reinstall the compiler.
# The "solution" is to follow their advice. Run vcvarsall.bat with the
# appropriate argument to set up the environment, and go from there.
# As of this writing, the variables are:
# x86 Native: Vcvarsall "x86"
# x64 Native: Vcvarsall "amd64"
# x64 Cross: Vcvarsall "x86_amd64"

all: build-win32d build-win32r build-win64d build-win64r

$(MAKE) -fNmakefile -nologo apps PLATFORM=win32 CONFIGURATION=debug
$(MAKE) -fNmakefile -nologo apps PLATFORM=win32 CONFIGURATION=release
$(MAKE) -fNmakefile -nologo apps PLATFORM=win64 CONFIGURATION=debug
$(MAKE) -fNmakefile -nologo apps PLATFORM=win64 CONFIGURATION=release

@if "" equ "$(PLATFORM)" PLATFORM not defined, see comments in
Nmakefile >&2 && exit 1
@if "" equ "$(CONFIGURATION)" CONFIGURATION not defined, see
comments in Nmakefile >&2 && exit 1
if exist $(DBLIB_OUT) del /q $(DBLIB_OUT)\*.obj
if exist $(REPLACEMENTS_OUT) del /q $(REPLACEMENTS_OUT)\*.obj
if exist $(TDS_OUT) del /q $(TDS_OUT)\*.obj
if exist $(APPS_OUT) del /q $(APPS_OUT)\*.obj

@if "" equ "$(PLATFORM)" PLATFORM not defined, see comments in
Nmakefile >&2 && exit 1
@if "" equ "$(CONFIGURATION)" CONFIGURATION not defined, see
comments in Nmakefile >&2 && exit 1
if exist $(APPS_OUT) del /q $(APPS_OUT)\*.obj

# Create output directories
@echo creating output directory for configuration:
@if "" equ "$(PLATFORM)" PLATFORM not defined, see comments in
Nmakefile >&2 && exit 1
@if "" equ "$(CONFIGURATION)" CONFIGURATION not defined, see
comments in Nmakefile >&2 && exit 1
$(MKDIR) $@

# Generate distributed header files
perl -e"@a=localtime; printf qq(#undef TDS_VERSION_NO\n#define
TDS_VERSION_NO \"freetds\"\n), 1900+$$a[5], 1+$$a[-1],
$$a[3]" \
> $@.err
move /Y $@.err $@

perl src\tds\ misc\types.txt > $@.err
move /Y $@.err $@

src\tds\tds_willconvert.h: src\tds\
perl src\tds\ > $@.tmp
$(MV) $@.tmp $@

src\tds\encodings.h: src\tds\ src\tds\alternative_character_sets.h
perl src\tds\ src\tds > $@.tmp 2> NUL:
$(MV) $@.tmp $@

src\tds\num_limits.h: src\tds\
perl src\tds\ > $@.tmp
$(MV) $@.tmp $@

GENERATED_FILES = include\tdsver.h src\tds\types.h \
src\tds\tds_willconvert.h src\tds\encodings.h src\tds\num_limits.h

$(REPLACEMENTS_OUT)\replacements.lib $(TDS_OUT)\tds.lib
@echo building $@ >&2
lib -nologo -out:"$@" $(DBLIB_OBJ) \
$(REPLACEMENTS_OUT)\replacements.lib \
lib -nologo -out:"$@" $(REPLACEMENTS_OBJ)
$(TDS_OUT)\tds.lib: $(TDS_OUT) $(TDS_OBJ)
lib -nologo -out:"$@" $(TDS_OBJ)

# set compiler flags
INC = -I "include" -I "win32" -I "include\x64"
FLG = -nologo -W3 -Wp64 -EHsc -TC -Gm -errorReport:prompt
DEF = -D "_MBCS" -D "_LIB" -D "WIN32" \
DBG = -MTd -Od -D "_DEBUG" -ZI -RTC1
REL = -MT -O2 -D "_NDEBUG" -Zi

MSLIBS = Ws2_32.lib shell32.lib

CC = cl $(CFLAGS) $(FLG) $(DEF) $(INC)
CC32 = $(CC)
CC64 = $(CC)

## Rules ##

# dblib
$(CC32) -c $(DBG) -Fo"$(DBLIB_OUT)\\" \
-Fd"$(DBLIB_OUT)\vc80.pdb" \

$(CC32) -c $(REL) -Fo"$(DBLIB_OUT)\\" \
-Fd"$(DBLIB_OUT)\vc80.pdb" \

$(CC64) -c $(DBG) -Fo"$(DBLIB_OUT)\\" \
-Fd"$(DBLIB_OUT)\vc80.pdb" \

$(CC64) -c $(REL) -Fo"$(DBLIB_OUT)\\" \
-Fd"$(DBLIB_OUT)\vc80.pdb" \

# replacements
$(CC32) -c $(DBG) -Fo"$(REPLACEMENTS_OUT)\\" \
-Fd"$(REPLACEMENTS_OUT)\vc80.pdb" \

$(CC32) -c $(REL) -Fo"$(REPLACEMENTS_OUT)\\" \
-Fd"$(REPLACEMENTS_OUT)\vc80.pdb" \

$(CC64) -c $(DBG) -Fo"$(REPLACEMENTS_OUT)\\" \
-Fd"$(REPLACEMENTS_OUT)\vc80.pdb" \

$(CC64) -c $(REL) -Fo"$(REPLACEMENTS_OUT)\\" \
-Fd"$(REPLACEMENTS_OUT)\vc80.pdb" \

# tds
$(CC32) -c $(DBG) -Fo"$(TDS_OUT)\\" \
-Fd"$(TDS_OUT)\vc80.pdb" \

$(CC32) -c $(REL) -Fo"$(TDS_OUT)\\" \
-Fd"$(TDS_OUT)\vc80.pdb" \

$(CC64) -c $(DBG) -Fo"$(TDS_OUT)\\" \
-Fd"$(TDS_OUT)\vc80.pdb" \

$(CC64) -c $(REL) -Fo"$(TDS_OUT)\\" \
-Fd"$(TDS_OUT)\vc80.pdb" \

# Utilities
$(APPS_EXE): $(DBLIB_OUT)\db-lib.lib

@if not exist $(APPS_OUT) $(MKDIR) $(APPS_OUT)
$(CC32) $(DBG) -Fd"$(APPS_OUT)\vc80.pdb" -Fe$@ \
$< -link -LIBPATH:$(DBLIB_OUT) db-lib.lib $(MSLIBS)

@if not exist $(APPS_OUT) $(MKDIR) $(APPS_OUT)
$(CC32) $(REL) -Fe$@ -Fd"$(APPS_OUT)\vc80.pdb" \
$< -link -LIBPATH:$(DBLIB_OUT) db-lib.lib $(MSLIBS)

@if not exist $(APPS_OUT) $(MKDIR) $(APPS_OUT)
$(CC64) $(DBG) -Fe$@ -Fd"$(APPS_OUT)\vc80.pdb" \
$< -link -LIBPATH:$(DBLIB_OUT) db-lib.lib $(MSLIBS)

@if not exist $(APPS_OUT) $(MKDIR) $(APPS_OUT)
$(CC64) $(REL) -Fe$@ -Fd"$(APPS_OUT)\vc80.pdb" \
$< -link -LIBPATH:$(DBLIB_OUT) db-lib.lib $(MSLIBS)

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