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freetds - RE: [freetds] errno and threads

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  • From: "Lowden, James K" <LowdenJK AT>
  • To: 'FreeTDS Development Group' <freetds AT>
  • Subject: RE: [freetds] errno and threads
  • Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2003 17:13:41 -0400

> From: Frediano Ziglio [mailto:freddyz77 AT]
> Sent: August 5, 2003 3:26 PM
> Il mar, 2003-08-05 alle 19:06, Lowden, James K ha scritto:
> >
> > Freddy, I think we might be working at cross purposes. I
> > don't see any
> > value in isolating iconv_t or the effects of iconv(). On
> > the contrary, I think we should embrace it.
> Well:
> - win32 don't have iconv
> - Mac OS X don't have iconv
> - older unix do not have iconv
> so why embrace iconv ??

Because it's a good abstraction.

For ISO-8859-1, replacements/iconv.c.

For real conversion, GNU installs on any Unix.

For Mac, M$, and VMS, I think it will be easier to write iconv based on the
OS's native functions than to adapt FreeTDS to each of them. Mark Lilback,
for one, certainly agrees.

> > I see value in tds_iconv() primarily to localize the
> selection of iconv_t
> > handles, and as a place to generate client-side messages.
> >
> > One way to deal with character set conversions is the "old" way:
> >
> > 1. Determine if conversion is necessary.
> > 2. Determine if conversion is possible (HAVE_ICONV).
> > 3. Branch accordingly.
> However you cannot include tdsiconv.h in tds.h cause tdsiconv.h need
> HAVE_ICONV that need config.h. It's very bad including
> config.h

I agree entirely that too much information is exposed though our headers. I
understand your point about including (directly or indirectly) config.h and
tdsiconv.h in applications. I would like to go further: tds.h should not be
included in sybdb.h, for instance.

Application shouldn't care what the structure of DBPROCESS is. They never
dereference the pointer, so simplest would be to call it a void* in sybdb.h.
If we proceeded similarly with the handles in ct-lib and ODBC, we would
drastically reduce the number of typedefs needed by applications. That
would be a good step, but it's tedious work.

> (or have
> to add -DHAVE_ICONV to all programs compiled with FreeTDS),
> so it's bad
> to include tdsiconv.h in tds.h (cause libraries need to
> install tds.h).

We don't refer to HAVE_ICONV very often:

$ grep -l HAVE_ICONV include/*.h src/*/*.c

because if it's not there, we use our replacement.

> > This sprinkles "if unicode" and "if have iconv" all over the code.
> >
> > My way, the "new" way (so far):
> >
> > 1. Convert everything.
> > 2. (Let the converter determine what's feasible/necessary.)
> ?? I don't follow you ...

if (TDS7_PLUS(tds)) {
# else
strip/add high byte
# endif

Now tds_iconv() makes all the decisions.

> > > (I found also an old mail with same hints...)
> > > Mainly we need some functions
> > > - initialization
> > > - free
> > > - getting a conversion (should return just a undefined pointer)
> > > how to retrieve/cache server/default conversions ??
> > > - convert (using previous pointer)
> >
> > We have all this.
> Yes, but initialization free is spread between iconv.c and
> mem.c.

I don't see how that's especially bad. It could probably be done better.

> Using an abstract layer we can use
> #ifdef HAVE_ICONV in a single file (iconv.c).

You have to determine whether or not to include the replacement, whether or
not to define iconv_t and EILSEQ. To succeed in confining HAVE_ICONV to a
single file, you'll have to export something instead of iconv_t, and you
won't have gained anything.

> We have also 2 convert function (one for buffer and one for
> file) and function that need to convert a long buffer are
> very hard (you can see from all fix we wrote).

And you propose to simplify them by adding another layer of abstraction and
callback functions? I think the complexity is irreducible, and you're just
moving it around.

One of the tricky parts is coping with the partial characters at the end of
a "chunk" (e.g. UTF-8). Your abstract function is going to have to do that,

> > Are you sure you want to do this?
> Well. TDSREAD and TDSWRITE are abstract. I take the idea from C++
> iostream implementation.

I understand. It would be good if we had sockets+streams+iconv all in C++,
as long as we had a manipulator to turn iconv conversion on & off:

socket << iconv << "hello" << noiconv << 103 << endl;

Do that and we can toss out a lot of ugly C code!

> TDSWRITE can be a writer for packet so instead
> of converting to a buffer and then copy to packet buffer and send to
> network you can copy directly to packet buffer and flush. TDSWRITE can
> be a static buffer so TDSWRITE::write do nothing or it can be
> a dynamic
> buffer so TDSWRITE::write can extend buffer (still a FIXME in
> tds_get_data...). Same for TDSREAD...

read.c::read_and_convert() works very much that way. It provides its local
buffer to tds_get_n(), which fills it, and passes that buffer to
tds_iconv(), passing it the caller's output buffer. I think that's the
minimum number of copies. write.c::tds_put_string() does much the same: it
hands its input buffer to tds_iconv(), providing a local buffer for iconv's
output, then passes that buffer to tds_put_n(). One copy, unavoidable. I
don't really understand the memcpy() in tds_put_n(), but that's a different

> In future version (0.63 ??) I think to do a large use of such data
> (TDSREAD and TDSWRITE), mainly to remove memory problems converting
> data...

I understand the motivation. I accept that we sometimes copy things more
than we need to. I just don't think the functions I cited will benefit from
the treatment you propose. I think the remedy lies elsewhere.

I assert you can't make read_and_convert() substantially more efficient,
certainly not via the abstraction you've described. Perhaps you can show me
I'm wrong about that, or pick something else that would benefit more?

> > Most calls to tds_iconv do/will use small
> > fix-length buffers and so won't require a loop.
> We use also a lot of dynamic strings (sql statement, text,
> xvarchar)...

They almost always go through tds_put_string() or tds_get_string(). That's
why I consider the problem mostly solved.

A lot of the buffer-to-buffer conversions happen in login.c, and those are
small predictable strings.


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