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freetds - RE: [freetds] ODBC RPC

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  • From: "Rogers, Tom" < AT>
  • To: 'FreeTDS Development Group' <freetds AT>
  • Subject: RE: [freetds] ODBC RPC
  • Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 17:16:31 -0400

A couple of other things:

The test app that I wrote used UnixODBC, calling:


and then


I am assuming this should work and use of SQLExecDirect is not required.

Thomas Rogers
System Engineer
Concurrent Computer Corporation
phone: 215.712.7422 x7261
mailto:tomr AT

-----Original Message-----
From: Rogers, Tom [ AT]
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 1:52 PM
To: 'FreeTDS Development Group'
Subject: RE: [freetds] ODBC RPC

Sorry, I did very limited debugging.

It called a simple Stored Procedure. It had a single input/output
parameter, and set a return code. I set the single input/out parameter
(an int) to 1, bound a return param (initialized to 0) and the input
outpuit params, and called the SP using the {? = call mysp(?)} syntax. The
SP ran properly. The SP simply set the output param to 45 (I like that
number) and the return code to 1.

Upon inspection of the return code and output param I saw the values of 0
and 1, respectively, when 1 and 45 were expected.

No errors, just no output params or return code.

Thomas Rogers
System Engineer
Concurrent Computer Corporation
phone: 215.712.7422 x7261
mailto:tomr AT

-----Original Message-----
From: Lowden, James K [mailto:LowdenJK AT]
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 1:30 PM
To: 'FreeTDS Development Group'
Subject: RE: [freetds] ODBC RPC

> From: Rogers, Tom [ AT]
> Sent: July 16, 2003 1:14 PM
> Yesterday I tried the nightly build and output params via
> ODBC and Stored Procs did not work.
> Frediano, you noted that the version in CVS should work.
> What about the nightly builds (20030714)?

The nightly snapshot is taken straight from CVS. It's the very same source
code; it's only purpose is to relieve you of the need to install and
understand the GNU autotools.

I know Frediano is very interested in getting this feature to work. If
you'd like to help the process along, please submit a unit test. That will
make explicit the definition of "did not work" and give us a baseline to
work from.

The underlying TDS work is all done (famous last words, I know). I think
it's a short distance to resolving whatever problems remain.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Frediano Ziglio [mailto:freddyz77 AT]
> Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2003 3:31 PM
> This feature should work in CVS (input and output). Tests are welcome.
> Just use syntax {?=call name(?,?)}, bind parameters and test.
> I expanded
> funccall unitests.
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