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freetds - Re: [freetds] release protocol

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  • From: Brian Bruns <camber AT>
  • To: TDS Development Group <freetds AT>
  • Subject: Re: [freetds] release protocol
  • Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 05:35:23 -0500 (EST)

Jim, if you feel 0.61 is ready or practically ready then move directly to
an rc1, the pre's were always feature incomplete "sync points" for those
who wanted between release code in pseudo-stable form.

I generally gave rc candidates about a week to turn with problems and
figured if nothing showed up, then nothing was wrong or no one care. But,
let everyone know how long they have to report bugs before final.

I'd say branch the candidate, then check out the tagged version in a clean
dir do a make dist and then move tags forward for any bug fixes (shouldn't
be any right ;-)

I always marked rc candidates with the final version because I didn't want
to make *any* changes going from rc(max(x)) to final, but that's a matter
of taste I think.

On Tue, 14 Jan 2003, James K. Lowden wrote:

> I want to solicit advice for how to release 0.61. We've been saying it's
> about time, and currently there's only one TODO:
> Broken:
> . tds_connect free tds structure on failure. This cause in some condition
> a pointer to garbage in some library
> I don't know if this is correct, or whether we want to fix it before
> releasing.
> But that's not the real question. The real question is, what should be
> the steps to prepare for a release. Questions:
> 1. How widely should .pre and .rc candidates be distributed?
> 2. How widely should they be announced?
> 3. How do we know when to call an rc 0.61?
> 4. How should the .pre/.rc status be reflected in AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE?
> 5. How to deal with CVS? Branch now, applying tags for each pre/rc? Or
> tag now, and branch only when we reach a pretty good rc, or something
> else? (Branch now seems simple, but might mean more pull ups?)
> I'm prepared to copy almost any nightly snapshot and call it pre1.
> I'd also welcome other suggestion and such. I'm not an experienced
> release engineer. Well, not *much* experienced, at any rate.
> --jkl
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