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freetds - Can't read long varchars or long text, please help

freetds AT

Subject: FreeTDS Development Group

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  • From: "Chris Waidele" <chris AT>
  • To: freetds AT
  • Subject: Can't read long varchars or long text, please help
  • Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 14:11:03 -0500

I submitted the message below about long varchars, but got no response and
didn't worry about it since I was able to change the varchar column to a
text type. Now I find that I can only read the first 4095 bytes of the
text column. This happens in both 4.2 and 7.0 mode. I haven't found any
reference to this problem and I'm wondering whether it's something I've
done locally or whether it's a bug of 5.3.

Your help is most heartily welcome,

Chris Waidele

>I setup freetds 5.1, with php4 and linux 7.1 (connecting to mssql 7) on a
>test machine where I was able to get long varchars (over 255 bytes) to be
>read properly by configuring interfaces to use tds4.2, but there was a
>long query (using embedded selects)that would give me incorrect values
>unless I ran it under tds4.2.

>So, I installed 5.3 on another machine and now I'm able to get the right
>result on the query but I can't get long varchars to work under 4.2 or

>I know I can change the varchar to text, but I'd like to know if there's
>another solution or if I've done something wrong.

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