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freetds - Re: Last digit truncation of NUMERIC

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Subject: FreeTDS Development Group

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  • From: Brian Bruns <camber AT>
  • To: TDS Development Group <freetds AT>
  • Subject: Re: Last digit truncation of NUMERIC
  • Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 22:39:24 -0500 (EST)

This code was in there for a very specific reason which escapes me at the
moment. :-) But, from what I remember, Perl used CS_FMT_UNUSED and PHP
used CS_FMT_NULLTERM...or it was the other way around. Anyway, one way
includes the null in the size count and one does not.

Point is we will want to tread carefully here...this apparently only
affects conversion of numeric types to strings. String types (source
types that is) will need to retain this behaviour.

If I get a chance this week I will create a unittest to run against
OpenClient for all the different datatypes -> sybchar/varchar using the
different formatting styles to make sure we are handling all cases.
(Unless somebody wants to do it...I wouldn't complain).



On Fri, 9 Mar 2001, Eric Deutsch wrote:

> Regarding the problem of NUMERIC values getting truncated, about
> which I posted a few days ago:
> After hunting around in the FreeTDS code for a good bit, I think
> I have located the source of my problem, although I don't
> understand why. I'm hoping someone can help clarify.
> To recap, I created a table like this:
> CREATE TABLE dbo.dbaccesstests (
> test_id int identity,
> intfield int,
> charfield varchar(50),
> numfield numeric(10,0),
> floatfield float,
> datefield datetime
> )
> I inserted a few rows, and then SELECTed them back out:
> 1 | 20 | butter | 12 | 3.1415 | Jan 25 2000 06:00P
> 2 | 25 | milk | 456 | 2.17 | Jan 22 2001 12:00A
> 3 | 30 | swamp gas | 8901 | 1.23456789012346 | May 10 1998 10:11P
> 4 | 35 | pillow | 123456789 | 1.23456789012346 | Mar 09 2001 09:38A
> I noticed that in the numeric columns, the last digit was always
> missing. Later, I noticed that the same was true for the datetime
> strings (the "M" is missing from AM and PM).
> I've found the piece of code that it apparently responsible for
> this:
> ct.c: (line ~490)
> if (desttype==SYBCHAR) {
> len--;
> }
> break;
> If I add a line: len++; reversing the subtraction here, then the
> resulting query returns the correct results:
> 1 | 20 | butter | 123 | 3.1415 | Jan 25 2000 06:00PM
> 2 | 25 | milk | 4567 | 2.17 | Jan 22 2001 12:00AM
> 3 | 30 | swamp gas | 89012 | 1.23456789012346 | May 10 1998 10:11PM
> 4 | 35 | pillow | 1234567890 | 1.23456789012346 | Mar 09 2001 09:40AM
> This appears to solve my problem, but I worry that this breaks
> something else. It seems that for the varchar(50) column, the len
> variable is indeed one larger than necessary, and this len-- is
> beneficial in that reduces len to the correct value. However,
> since the string has a trailing NULL, this larger len doesn't
> seem to matter, anyway.
> Does anyone know what the original purpose of that len-- was, or
> otherwise understand the implications of this issue better??
> Maybe the right thing to do is make a change like the following:
> if (desttype==SYBCHAR
> && (srctype==SYBCHAR || srctype==SYBVARCHAR)) {
> len--;
> }
> /* fprintf(stderr,"** debug: dest='%s', len=%d\n",dest,len); */
> break;
> This appears to work correctly for all the cases I've tried.
> Comments? Does this problem affect anyone else?
> thanks,
> Eric

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