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freetds - Re: Odd problem round 2.

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Subject: FreeTDS Development Group

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  • From: James Cameron <cameron AT>
  • To: TDS Development Group <freetds AT>
  • Subject: Re: Odd problem round 2.
  • Date: Wed, 03 Jan 2001 13:58:45 +1100

Brian! Do we do bit fields properly?

Tim Uckun wrote:
> OK I tried it with each field by itself and it segfaults on the "done]
> [bit] NULL" field.

This is terribly significant.

> All other fields pull in fine. I tried with a couple of other tables
> and the same story. If the select statement returns a bit field AND
> any of the bit fields contains a 1 or 0 then it segfaults.

Well, bit fields tend to only contain 1 or 0.

> It returns a 104 error message for each row in the query which
> contains a bit field that is not null.

I think this is just FreeTDS not implementing bit fields. But I haven't
checked. Perhaps those with intimate knowledge of the code could

Tim: I suggest you CONVERT the bit fields to something else.

James Cameron (james.cameron AT (or)

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