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- From: Stefan Bodewig <bodewig AT>
- To: "TDS Development Group" <freetds AT>
- Subject: Re: Cannot scan servlet header in Apache
- Date: 10 May 2000 15:38:19 +0200
>>>>> "RZ" == Raul Zancan <spopa AT> writes:
RZ> About closing connections I open them in the init() method of my
RZ> servlets and I close them in the destroy() method
The JVM won't call destroy until the servlet really is destroyed - and
even then it is not guaranteed to do so.
If you are not using the SingleThreadModel (which is evil anyway) this
will mean, you open a connection the first time your servlet is called
(once for every alias if you happen to have the same servlet class
referenced under different "names") and it won't be closed before
JServ is stopped - JServ doesn't destroy servlets anytime else.
So you could be running out of resources if you use a larger number of
servlet aliases.
As has been suggested, check for your Statements and ResultSets,
too. It should always be something like
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
rs = stmt.executeQuery(...)
} finally {
if (rs != null) try {rs.close();} catch (SQLException e) {}
likewise for Statements.
BTW I don't think holding open connections for the full lifetime of
your servlet is that good a design. You should consider using a
connection pool and acquire/release connections every time you want to
use it.
Cannot scan servlet header in Apache,
Raul, 05/10/2000
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Cannot scan servlet header in Apache, Stefan Bodewig, 05/10/2000
- Re: Cannot scan servlet header in Apache, brlewis, 05/10/2000
- Re: Cannot scan servlet header in Apache, Raul Zancan, 05/10/2000
- Re: Cannot scan servlet header in Apache, Stefan Bodewig, 05/10/2000
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