fingerlakespermaculture AT
Subject: Fingerlakespermaculture mailing list
List archive
- From: Anna Castonguay Purpera <ajcastonguay92 AT>
- To: pan_westernmass_perm AT, pan-capital_district_ny_perm AT, northeasternpermaculture AT, fingerlakespermaculture AT
- Subject: Highlights of Why be Unlawnful? Webinar
- Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2023 13:34:06 -0500
Webinar 1: Why be Unlawnful?
Check out the highlights of PAN's first Unlawnful webinar!

This is a 12 minute compilation of the full 75 minute participatory webinar, and focuses on why to uncolonize and rewild lawns. This is the first webinar of our Unlawnful campaign.
Webinar 2: Unlawning Your Life: A How to Lesson

Don't forget to sign up here for our second webinar, Unlawning Your Life: A How To Guide! Registration closes at 12pm on Thursday January 26.
- Highlights of Why be Unlawnful? Webinar, Anna Castonguay Purpera, 01/19/2023
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