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- From: "Adam C. Michaelides" <acm1 AT>
- To: "fingerlakespermaculture AT" <fingerlakespermaculture AT>
- Subject: Compost Fair and 4H Duck Race on 4/26
- Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2015 20:10:43 +0000
Because a rind is a terrible thing to waste!
Come join the Master Composters of Tompkins County from noon-4pm on Sunday, April 26th at Cornell Cooperative Extension on Willow Avenue for a day of fun, learning, and rubber ducks! Whether you've been composting for years, want to learn
the basics, or would just like to have some fun with your community on a beautiful spring day, you won't want to miss this. Master Composters will offer activities and information for adults and kids of all ages as well as live performances by Compost Theatre,
Rot N' Roll and The Mockingbeards. Also, join in on the excitement to watch hundreds of rubber ducks compete for the championship in the 4H Duck Race.
For more info, please visit

Compost Fair and 4H Duck Race on 4/26,
Adam C. Michaelides, 04/15/2015
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