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fingerlakespermaculture - Connected Minds, Resilient Communities April Programming

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  • From: Jeff Piestrak <jmp36 AT>
  • To: NWAEG-L <NWAEG-L AT>, SUSTAINABLE_TOMPKINS-L <SUSTAINABLE_TOMPKINS-L AT>, "flprogressives AT" <flprogressives AT>, "fingerlakespermaculture AT" <fingerlakespermaculture AT>
  • Subject: Connected Minds, Resilient Communities April Programming
  • Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2012 15:23:43 +0000

Greetings Friends,
Spring is here and its a time to look outward, reconnect and think about new growth. Mann Library has been busy working with campus and community partners to help facilitate these connections, and I'd like to share some exciting programming we have lined up for April. Following up on the inspiring fermentation fomentation collaborative events last week, we'll expand things outward, moving from microbial symbiosis to knowledge networks as "resilience assets".

As part of our ongoing Connected Minds, Resilient Communities programming, this series will explore some of the ways we can think, design and act more holistically, engaging across divisions and communities as co-creators of a better future. Take a look at what we and our partners have planned here All events are free and open to the public. If you like what you see, please let others know as well. Comments, questions, contributions always welcomed.

Events planned for next week include:
  • Mon. April 16th from 1:30 - 3pm, Clark Hall 700 Bestselling author, internet philosopher and senior Harvard researcher David Weinberger will be here to discuss his book, “Too Big to Know”. An engaging speaker known for his humor and clarity, he'll help us look at ways in which knowledge is taking on some of the properties of the Internet -including being unsettled and perpetually at odds with itself -and at "knowledge networks" that offer clues about how the public can become smarter by learning in public, and help us to understand that which is foreign to us. Learn more at: 
  • Tues. April 17th 2012, 5:30pm, Mann Library Room 160 Screening of the movie Green Fire: Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for our Time. Aldo Leopold, author, scientist and environmentalist, had a profound effect on the development of environmental ethics and the conservation movement. In his book A Sand County Almanac, Leopold first coined the term "Thinking like a mountain" to describe a thought process based on a holistic view of the entire ecosystem. Green Fire provocatively examines Leopold’s thinking, renewing his idea of a land ethic for a population facing 21st century ecological challenges. The film draws on Leopold’s life and experiences to provide context and validity, challenging viewers to contemplate their own relationship with the land community.
Hope you can join us!

Cheers, Jeff

Jeffrey Piestrak
Community Engagement Specialist
Albert R. Mann Library
260 Tower Road
Cornell University
Ithaca, N.Y. 14853
jmp36 AT

  • Connected Minds, Resilient Communities April Programming, Jeff Piestrak, 04/10/2012

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