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corpus-paul - Re: Did Paul know Peter's travel locations?

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  • From: tmcos AT
  • To: corpus-paul AT
  • Subject: Re: Did Paul know Peter's travel locations?
  • Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 13:41:25 -0700 (PDT)


You raise a very interesting point here. Never saw it
this way. I think I would agree with you that Peter may
have reached Rome before Paul did. Paul's mention of
Peter in 1 Cor 1,3,15 and elsewhere seems to suggest
that Peter may have been at Corinth, or it could be
that his influence and/or fame had reached there since
some Christians in the Corinthian community took pride
in being "of Peter".Obviously, Peter was a prominent
figure in the early Christian community. Certainly an
interesting and thought provoking point you raise here.
I think your analysis of Rom 15:20 is quite sound. Best,

Tony Costa
University of Toronto

On Mon, 24 June 2002, "David Inglis" wrote

> I used to believe that Rom 15:20 "And in this way I
desire to preach where
> Christ has not been named, so as not to build on
another person's
> foundation" indicated that, so far as Paul knew,
no-one had previously
> evangelized in Rome. However, I now realise that Rom
15:19-24 taken
> together indicate exactly the opposite.
> I had previously read 15:20 as indicating that Paul
didn't want to tread
> on someone else's toes. However, 15:20-21 together
can be read to suggest
> that he would have been doing exactly that if he had
gone to Rome any
> earlier, because someone else was there before him.
15:23 suggests that
> his work in other areas is done, and it is now OK for
him to simply visit
> on his way to Spain.
> Given that various church fathers place Peter in Rome
prior to Paul going
> there, I believe that Rom 15:20-21 indicate that Paul
knew either that
> Peter was in Rome, or at least had previously been to
Rome. This ties in
> with the remarks in 1 Cor 1:12, 3:22, and 9:5, all of
which provide clear
> evidence that Peter had travelled at least as far as
Corinth, and that
> Paul knew this.
> I further believe that the list of places in 1 Pet
1:1 " (in Pontus,
> Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia)" give us the
clue to
> understanding Acts 16:6-7 "They went through the
region of Phrygia and
> Galatia, having been prevented by the Holy Spirit
from speaking the
> message in Asia. When they came to Mysia, they
attempted to go into
> Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus did not allow them
> Depending on how you read this, either Paul knew that
Peter had already
> been here before him (and didn't want to interfere
with his ministry), or
> the Holy Spirit guided Paul away from these areas for
the same reason.
> Note that Peter and Paul could have evangelized in
different parts of
> Galatia, so I don't see that having Galatia mentioned
in both lists of
> places as being a problem.
> Anyone care to comment on whether they think that
Paul did know where
> Peter had been, and that this is the reason that Paul
'missed' some
> otherwise inexplicable places?
> Dave Inglis
> david AT
> 3538 O'Connor Drive
> Lafayette, CA, USA
> ---
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