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corpus-paul - Re: Gal 4:3,9 (Rom. 2:14-16)

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  • From: "maertens" <maertens AT>
  • To: "Corpus-paul" <corpus-paul AT>
  • Subject: Re: Gal 4:3,9 (Rom. 2:14-16)
  • Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2000 16:28:31 +0200


All my excuses for the gender-identity crisis...

It seems to me that the judgment is a kind of evaluation. The result can be
positif or negatif. The consequence is punishment, be it temporarily or
eternal. But I don't know if it is correct to see "to perish" and "to be
judged" as expressing the same idea. One can be seen as the consequence of
an evaluation, while the second does not state the consequence explicitely.
Those who will be judged under the law, shall they all perish or not? In
some circles in judaism, the fate of the Gentiles was destruction, while the
Jews were to be submitted to a judgment. Some would perish, but most would
be submitted to a temporary punishment before having their share in the
world to come. This sounds to me as the idea Paul picks up.

I agree that Gentiles are bound to a minimum of Torah standards. But to
equate these standards with Noahide commandments is perhaps committing an
anachronism. If I remember well, the term dates from the Talmudic period.
The discussion of the Noahide commandments in the tractate Sanhedrin seems
to indicate that even then the concept was rather floating. It was not
defined yet. But that the idea existed in the first century seems
reasonnable to me.

Best regards,


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