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  • From: "Jeffrey B. Gibson" <jgibson000 AT>
  • To: Corpus Paulinum <corpus-paul AT>
  • Subject: [Fwd: Re: Acceptable Pseudonymity?]
  • Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 18:00:34 -0500

So that it gets to the List speedily, I am taking the liberty of
forwarding on to C-P a post from Edgar Krentz that somehow mysteriously
made its way not to the List but to B-Greek. Items with asterisks are (I
take it) those Edgar considers to be the most significant contributions
to the discussion of Pseudonymity.


Jeffrey Gibson

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Acceptable Pseudonymity?
Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 16:45:06 -0500
From: "Edgar M. Krentz" <ekrentz AT>
Reply-To: "Edgar M. Krentz" <ekrentz AT>
To: Biblical Greek <b-greek AT>

>At 11:06 AM 5/10/99 -0400, you wrote:
>>It seems to me that one of the facets of our discussion(s) of pseudonymity
>>and the canonical Pauline corpus deserves to be unpacked further. To wit:
>>what evidence is there that pseudonymity was an accepted device in the
>>developing church in the first century? (And yes, I'm assuming the
>>existence of a generally "orthodox", homogenous body of Christianity from
>>the earliest days.)
>Many years ago Kurt Aland wrote a very seminal article on this subject. I
>dont remember the exact title- but perhaps Edgar will recall it. It was
>something like "The NT and Pseudonymity". In this essay Aland discusses all
>the relevant issues. Those interested really should get a copy and look at
>it. I think it was published in JBL or NT Studies or some other well known
>and fairly accesible journal.

Pseudepigraphy Bibliography

This is a rather comprehensive English bibliography of modern works on
pseudepigraphy. The topic is important for reconstructing early
origins and dating early Christian literature.

* Aland, Kurt. "The Problem of Pseudonymity in Christian Literature of
First Four Centuries," JTS 12 (1961) 39-49; rep. as pp. 1-13 in The
Authorship and Integrity of the New Testament. _Theological Collections_
London: SPCK, 1965.

Bauckman, R. E. "Pseudo-Apostolic Letters," JBL 107 (1988) 469-494.

Bauer, Walter. _Rechtgläbigkeit und Ketzerei im ältesten Christentum_.
Aufl., ed. Georg Strecker. BHTh 10. Tübingen: Mohr, 1964: 15-16; 22-26;
169; 184-186. English translation: _Orthodoxy and Heresy_.

Beckwith, Roger. "The Ancient Attitude to Pseudonymity, pp. 346-358 in
Old Testament Canon of the New Testament Church: and Its Background in
Early Judaism_. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1985.

Brockington, L. H. "The Problem of Pseudonymity, JTS 4 (1953) 15-22.
of OT Pseudonymity.

Brown, R. E. "Enduring Problems in Canonicity," _Jerome Biblical
Commentary_, 531-534.

Campenhausen, Hans Freiherr von. _Ecclesiastical Authority and Spiritual
Power in the Church of the First Three Centuries_. Tr. J. A. Baker.
Stanford: Stanford Un. Pr., 1969: 76-123; 149-177.

Candlish, James S. "On the Moral Character of Pseudonymous Books," Exp
Series, 4 (1891) 91-107; 262-279.

Charlesworth, James H. "Definition of Pseudepigraphy," pp. xxiv-xxvii in
_The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha I: Apocalyptic Literature and
Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1983.

Collins, Raymond. "Ancient Writers," pp. 57-87 in _Letters That Paul Did
Write_. Good News Studies 28. Wilmington: Michael Glazier, 1988.

Dalton, W. J. "Pseudepigraphy in the New Testament," Catholic
Review 5 (1983) 29-35.

* Dunn, James D. G. "The Problem of Pseudonymity," pp. 65-85 in _The
Word_. London: SCM, 1987.

Fenton, J. "Pseudonymity in the New Testament," Th 58 (1955) 51-66.

Goodspeed, Edgar John. "Psdeudonymity and Pseudepigraphy in Early
Literature," _New Chapters in New Testament Study_. New York: Macmillan,
1937: 169-188.

* Guthrie, D. "The Development of the Idea of Canonical Pseudepigrapha
New Testament Criticism," Vox Evangelica 1 (1962) 43-59; rep as pp.
in _The Authorship and Integrity of the New Testament_. Theological
Collections 4. London: SPCK, 1965.

Haefner, Alfred E. "A Unique Source for the Study of Ancient
ATR 16 (1934) 8-15. A tr. of and commentary on Salvian's defense of his
circulating a treatise under Timothy's name, ca. 440 A.D.

Kalin, Everett. "The Inspiration of Tradition," CTM

Kiley, M. _Colossians as Pseudepigraphy_. Sheffield: JSOT, 1986.

Koch, K. "Pseudonymous Writing," IDBSup 712-714.

Lampe, G. W. H. "Inspiration and Revelation," IDB 2: 713-718.

Longenecker, Richard N. "Ancient Amanuenses and the Pauline Epistles,"
281-297 in _New Dimensions in New Testament Study_, ed. R. N.
Longenecker and
M. C. Tenney. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1974.

McArthur, H. "Computer Criticism," ExpT 76 (1965) 367-70.

Meade, D. G. _Pseudonymity and Canon_. WUNT 39. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr,
[reprint, Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1987]. Extensive bibliography.

* Metzger, Bruce M. "Literary Forgeries and Canonical Pseudepigrapha,"
91 (1972) 3-24.

Palmer, Leonard R. "Forgeries, Literary," OCD 367.

* _Pseudepigraphie in der heidnische und jüdisch-christlichen Antike_.
Ed. N.
Brox. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1977.

Rist, M. "Pseudepigraphic Refutations of Marcionism," JR 22 (1942)
Pastorals a defense against heresy. Same pattern as non-canonical

--------. "Pseudepigraphy and the Early Christians," pp. 75-91 in
in New Testament and Early Christian Literature_, ed. D. E. Aune. NTSupp
33. Leiden: Brill, 1972.

Schneemelcher, Wilhelm. "Acts of Paul," _New Testament Apocrypha_. Ed.
Hennecke and Wilhelm Schneemelcher. Tr. R. M. Wilson. Philadelphia:
Westminster, 1965. 2: 322-351. See pp. 323 and 351 for Tertullian's
of pseudonymous writers.

--------. "General Introduction," 1: 19-68.

-------- and Knut Schäferdiek. "Second and Third Century Acts of
Introduction," 2: 167-188.

Stowers, Stanley K. _Letter-Writing in Greco-Roman Antiquity_.
Westminster, 1986.

Vielhauer, Philipp. "Apocalypses and Related Subjects: Introduction,"
2: 581-607. See on prophecy from 200 B.C. to 200 A.D., pp. 601ff.

--------. "Apocalyptic in Early Christianity," NTA 2:608-642. Early
Christian prophets produced statement of Exalted Lord; 2:609-611.

White, John L. "Paul and the Apostolic Letter Tradition," CBQ 45 (1983)

-------- _Light from Ancient Letters_. Foundations and Facets.
Fortress, 1986.

  • [Fwd: Re: Acceptable Pseudonymity?], Jeffrey B. Gibson, 05/13/1999

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