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Subject: Corpus-Paul
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- From: "Sheila E. McGinn, Ph.D." <smcginn AT>
- To: Corpus-paul <corpus-paul AT>
- Subject: Neumann review
- Date: Mon, 03 May 1999 09:52:09 -0400
Here is the review of Neumann as promised. SEM
Sheila E. McGinn, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Biblical Studies & Early Christianity
John Carroll University
Cleveland, Ohio 44118
smcginn AT
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the STEPDISC program selected the six most statistically
significanûÿ 2 4 Ô t T
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ÔÑ# Âd pðø @ >pQ Waô@# ÑSheila E. McGinn©Moorer, Ph.D.
Ô t T È ÔCritical Review of Bauckham, ¸hh( ÂÃÃThe Authority of
the Pauline Epistles in the
Ô t T ÔLight of Stylostatistical AnalysisÄÄÆ(#hÆ
ÕÐ => ÐÑ# Âd pðø @ >pQ Waô@# ÑÁàì ÁSheila E.
McGinn©Moorer, Ph.D.
Áànì ÁJohn Carroll University
Áàþì# Á2 February 1993
Ô t T ° ÔNeumann °` ` ÂÁ Ánn, Kenneth J. ÃÃThe
Authenticity of the Pauline Epistles in the Light of
Ô t T x ÔStylostatistical Analysis. SBLDSÄÄ 120. Atlanta, GA:
Press. 1990.Æ(#` Æ
Stylistic issues have not been adequately explored in the debate concerning
the authenticity of the disputed letters of Paul. The present scholarly
consensus is that the authentic Pauline corpus certainly includes the seven
letters Rom, 1 & 2 Cor, Gal, 1 Thess, Phil, and Phlm, while it certainly
excludes the Pastoral Epistles (1 & 2 Tim, Tit). Concerning the three letters
Eph, Col, and 2 Thess, scholars are more divided. Nor is there consensus
concerning inauthentic portions within the authentic letters, and vice versa.
Neumann views this as a source of "embarrassment" to NT scholars, and hopes
"that sufficient new evidence will be obtained on Ephesians and the other two
disputed letters that will assist scholars to come to a geniune `clear
conviction' [regarding their authenticity/pseudonymity]." (2)
Andrew Queen Morton pioneered the field of computer©assisted study of Paul,
concluding (in 1963) from statistical analysis that Paul wrote only five
Ô t T à Ôletters: the four ÃÃHauptbriefeÄÄ and Philemon. While no
contemporary scholar
has accepted Morton's conclusions, neither has anyone attempted extensive
research on the question. To fill this gap, "[t]he present study will
describe and evaluate briefly many of Morton's studies putting his work in
proper perspective with the other numerous statistical analyses in biblical
and non©biblical areas and will correct or supplement all of them with
additional new procedures and data." (4)
Á ÁSince theology, literary dependency, and historical background have
considered in other studies of these letters, this investigation will focus on
the two elements of the vocabulary and style of the letters. "By `language'
is meant the particular vocabulary employed in a given writing. `Lexical'
studies are synonymous. The frequencies of each dictionary form and of
Ô t T @ Ôvarious groups of vocabulary items, e.g., ÃÃhapax
legomenaÄÄ and compound words,
are included." (5) "Style," a word far more difficult to define, refers to
"the grammar, syntax, and construction of sentences" (6) ©© including
considerations of the deviation from those norms "for language, genre, topic,
media, region, and family" which impinge upon the author. (7) In sum, style
is `the totality of all quantitatively tangible data concerning the formal
structure of a text'." (8) Previous discussions of style have been based
largely on subjective judgments; this dissertation will develop an objective
method for judging stylistic differences and evaluating their statistical
Á ÁRobert Wachal has proposed an "authorship model" to approach the
Ô t T Ø' Ôquestion of authenticity, and lists three kinds of models:
the ÃÃconsistencyÔ Ø' >